Decent concept, Interesting characters that are mostly fleshed out. It has some of the small issues of a boy with the mind of an old man not acting his age from time to time. However overall does an above average portrayal of this compared to most authors. However things very quickly go down hill because the author decides to do a massive time skip. Removing basically any chance the main character has to grow both in power and emotionally. I stuck with it to around chapter 500 because I genuinely enjoyed the beginning and was excited to see the growing phase. Unfortunately the author never really managed to capture my attention again after this. The writing is not very gripping or suspenseful. Like sure there is "supposedly" some sinister plan going on in the background. But there's no sense of urgency. The villains all fall flat, and the author doesn't really do a very good job at holding your interest. The whole novel reads closer to a slice of life with a harem of underage women than anything else. Overall I think boys aged 15 and under would find enjoyment in this story as it reads more like a harem of underage characters than anything deeper. Overall I'd say great characters and world building but terrible execution. Definitely a below average read.
Liked by 8 people
LIKEThank you for your review Just to clarify a few things, so you and others won't get the wrong idea. This is not a Harem Novel. I made this certain in my review and comments already. Secondly, I bet a lot of readers would argue concerning the gripping effects of the story and villains. There's also the Mac's personality, which is meant to create a comic effect, if nothing else. He eventually gets serious, as you can see. I can see that what got you upset the most was the timeskip, but it was necessary. It's not like you missed a lot, and the MC basically already explained all he did during that period He still has a lot of room to grow, and the story has not gotten to its finale yet. Still, I understand if you feel dissatisfied with the story even though you've come this far. Thank you for reading. Cheers.
It's not a harem novel in the sense that they never really 'seal the deal', but it reads as such in every other possible way. In hindsight my review was too harsh as the beginning was very enjoyable alone and that in itself warrants a higher review. But when you have something you're enjoying and it suddenly changes drastically you tend to focus on the negatives.
Thank you