So stupid The protagonist gathers every woman he sees How to develop relationships is not well narrated one question? Why was Kanae absorbed by MC as soon as he was revived? Or why Kei decided to become Ryuu's wife and why Nezuko or the other kids show no reaction
Liked by 28 people
LIKEbetter than a person like you , liking their own comments and commenting about genre rather than content... i mean if you don't like it, then don't read stories "tagged" as HÃRÊM it's as simple as that though it needs a bit of common sense
The Harem tag sometimes have gold among trash, such as "A Nacent Kaleidoscope" or "Sloth's Rise" You see, all a Harem needs to do in order to be good is have an actual story and interesting main character. Brainless Hòrny dogs aren't fun to read. I get that you're a hormonal teen and all, but come on. This MC's mindset is annoying, Basicly "Hehe, woman I need" it's quite obvious from first glance that the MC is the Author's self insert. But I'm willing to bet that the Author is actually too afraid to ask a waitresses for extra ketchup, let alone talk with a woman.
i haven't read this story so I can't say much but i have read nacent kaledioscope , i think it's pretty good too though i like the Skyrim arc Better than fate arc... if you are looking for better hãrém story then i would recommend "wholly undead" it's a Lovecraft inspired story that's well written my other favourite stories are" bloody luck" and "cursed star " and also " yandere disciple" first two are on other websites.. and well stories like hãrêm and such are more like guilty pleasure escapism for me rather than hørny 😂..idk if you can tell or not but i am self aware narcissistic bãstard ,i don't have any problems getting some action now and then though my relationships don't last much but to me i see these stories as comedy as in like a cheesy B movie ... apologies if it's too long , I'm high and drunk 😞
People of this days are rude😐 -It good that you want to complain and all, but please don't insult the hard work that the author have put in his work. Some says that it unnatural for girls to fall for him that first world is obvious as Damn,Nezuko is young its not strange for her to fall for mc as he Handsome and cool, people of that time aren't complicated as now the most important thing is if he can provide shelter and food look is just a + , kei didn't fall for instantly buy step by step he found his place in her heart A woman as her need a man to shoulder The work and stress that she's in, raising 4 or 5 children isn't easy especially at their times. -so please people who hate HAREM please look carefully in tags and those how want high quality harem where when a character have to spend 200 ch For just a woman to fall for him be my guest there's google for that. I personally hate the kind of Harem that focuses in picking up heroine and women as Pokémon and all where author makes their mc heaven defying handsom (like with just WITH A look the women is wet down there) there's zero creativity in this but still we need TO respect there passion, I say I don't like it but doesn't mean I will insult the author for his wild imagination. *Last but of course not least thanks to the author for your hard work, I hope you continue until the end of fanfic, it's great and am sure many think the same. "From you your little Huge FAN 🔥🔥😊"
They are not rude is just criticism and their opinion. Sure the author spent a lot of effort making the chapters. But their criticism could also help improve his work. Being rube is giving them 1 star without an explanation.
The fact you just said that they fell in love because of the era they are in as a justification shows how little you know. Demon slayer is set in the Edo period of japan (1603-1867) and in this time woman were taught to be extremely loyal to their husbands in and after life (if they die). now obviously not all were like that but these were political marriages when the wife betrayed their trust yada yada and we all know that Kei is not like that and Nezuko would be taught mannerisms and tradition from a very young age like any other girl of that period. Not wow he so cool i give him all of me because he so cool wow... please don't comment on history when you know nothing, i'm not claiming to know everything but what i just said was the very basics of Japanese marital culture in that time.
Fair enough U did your homework🤔 Just don't mix reality's history with fiction one. And please don't give the bullsh** of me knowing, everything I said was just a conclusion of what I read not from Wikipedia.
No homework done. Thats very well known knowledge of woman's history, and although i would normally agree with you here, demon slayers and realities Edo period in terms of culture and tradition are the exact same minus the demons obviously.
Expect a bunch of demons that can't easily be killed and people that can do supernatural feets with just breathing in a unusual way. Well... let just Agree on disagree 👌
Ohh you really did, that's surprising🙄, I thought you're too realistic to think about it, and nahh reading your C is to troublesome I skipped the later half jejejejeje😜, anyway we made the comment section like chatting app so I will acknowledge my lack of knowledge, but not the rest 🔥🔥