This is a story with potential. I like the plot, I like the characters, and I like the world background. However, there is one thing that really leaves much to be desired: the writing quality. The words themselves are ok. They are not being spelled wrong. It's the awkward sentence structure you can frequently find, the missing words and the words not fitting the context that really lower the quality of this story. The sad thing is that these problems could be prevented easily. The author needs to do some editing, or get a beta to do it. That way this story could really be up there.
Liked by 10 people
LIKEWell, I am not a person with the patience to edit. I would like to ask, would you like to volunteer? I totally do not mind my readers to be helping out because only together can we make this story great. Without you guys, my work does not have any significance, so I would like to request if you do not mind being the beta for the book. Do contact me on discord, THE WORDSMITH#7490 Thank you.
Sorry to come here but i wasnt getting any responces in the chapter comments. Copied Comment: I didnt really think of this and just ignored it but what is the MCs power? Amelia can turn invishible, Atlas has some form of power, Sharpnel has his clone, tge Sniper had her weather manipulation. Im curious what the MC has as his power, if he even has one. If he doesnt why hasnt he unlocked a power?
his special ability is to sense things. it is explained in the initial chapters. it is a replacement for spirit sense
Oh i knew about the sensing thing already. I thought it was something he unlocked naturally and he would still awaken a power. A shame really, its usedul but its not really interesting power wise. Also i just got to Mythya. I have to ask, how about making the planet a source for Intelligent beast companions for the Elite Terrans. Similar to how cultivators could have beast companions. I would like the MC to have multiple beast companions if you could, also he needs a bew power. Sensing is pretty boring.
If you feel tired of searching the whole chapter to edit, how about use Ctrl + F to find the paragraph reader already edit out in the comment to replace instead ?, it will be faster and less hassle, beside you can use thing like 'LanguageTool' (at least the free version, it decent enough for new author) and use it to edit on the go as you writing.