Hmm, So . . at the end of synopsis The word "peak"** should be used instead of peek* . . . . PEAK : the point at which something is the highest, best, strongest, etc. PEEK : to take a quick glance eg. he peeked at the next chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Liked by 21 people
LIKEI won't actually write a review but I would also certainly give this 3 stars. Don't get me wrong, the story is good, the MC is good, but the plot. It is all so freaking Mary Sue... An example is Sirzechs and Grayfia's relationship. She secretly loved him, he secretly loved her... it all happened just too easy in this fanfiction. It is anti-climatic, there was no real drama or story behind it. Now... if it was just this, I could simply ignore it. The problem is, certain situations are just too 'ideal' in the fanfic. Satans are bad, true devils who transform into monsters (fly - Beelzebub, Snake - Leviathan) while anti-satans are charming and good and save everyone. Sirzechs joined the war because the village he liked in his territory was destroyed. Satans were so stupid to attack neutral lords, trying to 'threaten' them to support them by attacking them (like really?). The author is making the Satans the perfect picture of third-rate villains. MC armies win every fight without taking even one casualty. Honestly, the entire war is a huge joke. Satans are acting like brainless bullying children and it takes so much enjoyment out of the story. The only 'realistic' character is Falbium who simply wants to sleep. His reason for fighting is that if he didn't fight now and allowed a new Great War to erupt, he would lose a major part of his nap time. That is the most realistic reason for joining the anti-Satan faction out of all the future Satans. The most normal and believable one. Also, the war ended quickly. There were not even five fights described and it is almost already over. Like... this is not a war. I thought it would go on for a few years but it feels as if the conflict was finished in a matter of weeks. The story is good. The length of the chapters is commendable. The MC is interesting. But it is nothing exceptional. 3/5 simply because the villains are your everyday cliche mentally malnourished third-rate waste of spaces and things happen far too 'ideally', meaning, author's influence on the events is blatantly obvious. (Plot forcing for the win!)
Thx for open my eye
The story now progressed and I gotta say, I do like where it is going. I still stand by what I wrote earlier. The war was... too convenient, too Marry Sue. But the events that are unfolding now in the story are very well written and very interesting. Honestly, I think this is one of the best stories on this site despite all the shortcomings (in my opinion) I pointed out earlier. I do recommend reading it. And I would also change my personal rating from 3/5 to 4/5. I would feel bad if I didn't raise it considering how I enjoyed the current events in the story.
ah.. about gray and zech love.. it happen in the background.. and it happen way back.. zech and gray already about 100 yo in the start of the story if im not wrong.. and the way the fell in love with each other is full of drama.. read the original ln.. i think the author mention part of it in this fanfic.. hmm.. maybe im wrong.. well the thing is its not so sudden that they both fell in love.. it happen for the course more than a decade.. when mc transmigate all the even that lead both of them fell in love already happen.. so nothing much can be done at that time.. beside serafall is the best girl.. 😂🤣😂🤣 it wont be boring to spend the rest of your life with sera.. she is funny.. 😂🤣😂🤣