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You did not exaggerate it just a 'little bit'. At this point, a mentally challenged child is smarter than your characters. Which is a huge problem. But the dude under this comment (Mercurio) already portrayed the situation exceptionally well. I'd recommend reading his comment and think about it. The boss's nephew situation he wrote about fits very well in this situation. You have these two schmucks treat MC like dirt and threaten to beat him up, even alluding that they did beat him up in the past. Like, what do they think would happen when Hephaestus finds out? As I said, they are dumber than mentally challenged kids at this point, which makes the entire scene kind of pointless. My suspension of disbelief is not kicking in because this is too dumb to trigger it. Ignoring MC and avoiding him? Yeah, that would have been okay. Showing anger that somebody that useless is getting preferential treatment? Still fine and even understandable. Grumbling? Yeah, I could see that happening. But this level of hostility? Just flat out 'WTF?'. I don't believe anybody would be this stupid. Imagine working somewhere and bullying your boss's kid, who is your incompetent coworker. Would you be so utterly dumb to do that? Knowing that your boss has the influence to ruin you and ensure that you ain't going to get any job in the chosen field anymore if you make him mad?
The author kinda cucked himself/herself. The premise is overly complicated, and the way they 'explain' what happened to the MC is just unnecessarily convoluted and obnoxious. It would have been better to just drop him in that situation, say he regained the memories of his past life, and be done with it rather than flailing around with this 'the previous owner of this body was not me' BS that just makes people angry and frustrated. It's a spectacular example of bad decision-making before putting things 'on paper'. I kinda get what the author is trying to go for with it but the execution just falls flat as f-. It's still a good story and just having Hephy's love and support despite him being useless in blacksmithing is worthy of Legendary Background. That's a cheat in itself. But the situation really didn't need to be this convoluted.
Andrew Tate Chinese Edition.
Oh, boy, we probably don't wanna know how he would treat somebody who is not his preference. The Dao of Young Master is strong in this one.
The author delusional much?
Holy sheet, this Chinaman logic is intense. ' It was a fair fight because they were defending themselves from being beaten up. ' Lol.
I'd say it's the reverse. Despite how much Ajuka was revered as some sort of super scientist, I got the impression that devils are highly uncreative creatures. I think that humans created phones, Ajuka just made them better and slapped devil in front of it. Humans created the internet, Ajuka just copied the idea and made it better, introducing it to the supernatural world. Hell, even his evil pieces are not original. The og Lucifer did something similar first. Ajuka just copied the idea and made it better, more usable on a large scale. With him focusing on progressing the science, being super-duper smart, having imagination-based magic, and centuries of time? Ajuka should have been conquering galaxies/dimensions far, far away by now. Yet, he isn't. He is making Devil Phones. Duh. Wonder why. ... This is why I believe that devils are a great warrior race but they lack the creativity. The fact that their imagination-based magic is not really portrayed as very strong and devils instead focus on their bloodlines make it obvious that there is some sort of problem with their imagination/creativity. Because that sh*t should be busted, yet, it isn't really. Devils aren't shown using it very effectively. At least, that's how I see this.
Hey. It's a feature, not a bug. I don't freaking believe that Ajuka could not find a way how to patch that up in several centuries. And funny how that serves to keep the low to mid-class reincarnated devils (who usually get stuck at low to mid class level for life) in line, huh? Must be totally a coincidence, right?
This is not how the peerage system works, though. And yes, your fic, your rules. You do you, even if it is stupid and makes no sense. I am just going to rant. Don't mind me. It is my coping mechanism. Becoming a High Class Devil does not mean you 'leave' the peerage. You are still your master's servant. You just get the ability to recruit your own peerage and are strong enough to be taken seriously while getting higher position in the devil society. In their society, with strength comes respect, too. But you are STILL A SERVANT. Look at Tannin. He is probably stronger than Mephisto but he is still Mephisto's servant. And sure, Mephisto is respectful because of Tannin's strength, but that does not change the fact that Tannin is still part of his peerage and therefore his servant and Mephisto can give him orders and Tannin will have to follow them. I dunno why people don't understand something simple like this. So many id*ots think 'Oh, I'll just get promoted, tehee~' but getting promoted to High Class Devil changes nothing on the fact that you have an Evil Piece in you. You don't get to 'leave peerage'. Ever. I call BS on this whole 'I'll get my brother to free you and refund my piece' thing. It... could happen if they roped Ajuka into helping. I'll give the author that. But, eh, I just don't f- ing believe it. No way that would be a thing. They would have riots on their hands if it ever came out because of how many reincarnated devils probably desire to not be a servant of the f- er who forcefully reincarnated them. I call BS.
I will say one thing about this. People REALLY don't pay attention to this issue. The autonomy. The ability to choose what to do. Look at Sona's peerage. Do you think these suckers WANT TO spend their days working for the council? Buried in paperwork? Having barely any time? Having to be there even during weekends? Half of them probably hate it. But it is Sona's dream so they just have to suck it up as her servants. It's the same thing with Rias. Her entire peerage came to Kuoh with her. They can not just decide to go to a school in Britain. They HAVE TO stay with their King. Because they are her servants. People always make their main character join peerages, but they don't think about the fact that, realistically, the main character had just lost his autonomy in most things. Props to the author for actually mentioning it. Everybody has their head in the clouds (or up their rear) and don't consider things like this.