I will be honest (100%)... I hate the first 6 chapters. It's honestly a headache to understand what's going on. Let's talk about MC, an ugly and fat person, emo and depressive. He is missing his tongue (or so I managed to understand) and attends school to get his daily dose of beating, strangely everyone seems to ignore this fact, or the author didn't bother to think that if one person is killing another in the middle There are other people outside the school who can see what happened and call the authorities/police. In addition there is a clear lack of connection with the MC, the author gives more prominence to other scenes and other people irrelevant to the plot, also MC is rarely mentioned and speaks / writes in a cringe way, which I honestly can't stand. Everything is messy and confusing and there are countless errors and nonsense here that I couldn't ignore because of how grotesque they are. There are many other things that annoy me about this novel but I don't want to continue writing. # So I will say my personal rating: not recommended until complete rewrite where the author removes all the scenes and fights of people who are not MC and if the author cleans up his mess and create a normal or slightly supernatural world. He wanted to create a mega world with powers lvl universe but this is a disaster 😬😬😬 (Google translate)
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LIKEAlso MC is a lolicon, translated to real life: a ped0ph¡le. I personally find it disgusting. And apparently he has a passion for being a woman/transforming into a woman/cheating (like rimuru) reminds me of those disgusting old men from Japan who like to cosplay lolis (I don't know if that's wrong later on but I'm not going to continue reading this novel, so I don't care either)