It's well written, but the MC is an idiot (Mother is lying on the sofa with heavy dark circles under her eyes, sweating with a tired appearance two red snakebite marks on her neck... Thought of MC: "She's tired but okay, I won't bother her."), asking stupid questions of the system (What is a meditation room for?), making stupid mistakes (Without any strength wanting to travel the world through a portal where beasts, monsters and demons live, for the same reasons, leaving the house at night to investigate a figure he saw and going carelessly towards 2 suspicious people arguing in the dark, to make worse 2 powerful people.) and showing a brave and confident front to the point of hitting anyone who offends his store, but then he shakes in fear, freezes and gets beaten by someone who is weaker than him (the fat one had 5 stars, he had 5 fire plus 2 or 3 other elements), the system explains the most obvious things possible, which I would think normal if he explained everything or almost everything, but there are many things that are not explained as to why or how, and the MC just does it as if he already knows but doesn't know why (like the price of the store's servicesor how they work, how the system doesn't take anything from the money that customers pay "it all goes to the MC", but when one of his family uses it, he loses money).
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