
Review Detail of shv_luffy98 in The Great Genetic Era

Review detail


shitty nationalism in play again.. disappointing.. it's sad to see soo many readable novels become trash and soo hard to read just cuz they want to praise their country by insulting other countries

The Great Genetic Era

Pig Sanbu

Liked by 24 people




Lmao and you’re a key example of someone who slowly coaxed, by all this shit you read that’ll it’ll all be fine and dandy and we should just exept it. And even if it becomes possible in a decade it will likely take a few more to become even viable for purchase outside of test labs and a few more after that become commercially available on a low scale. Not to mention every country in the western world will not use this to try and dominate the population, and keep them under control forcefully as it destroys the image they’ve had for the past century of being a free country where you are only limited by yourself. This is bec ause, as you can notice the less stable countries are the ones which try to keep the population under control with violence and harsh methods, compared the the thinly veiled tyrants there are in the western world as they realised it’s better to keep a pretence or maintain some freedoms for you country rather than breathing down their necks all the time while holding a proverbial knife to their throat is they steps out of line, it is easier to control those who think their free and don’t have to be on guard than those who are. Over with that little rant, now imagine if suppressed people started getting genetically enhanced they would want freedom, and why would they stay somewhere they have no chance of getting anywhere without pandering and being a mindless sycophant to someone higher in politics, or having to push some message an have what you say publicly controlled greatly. Or just stay as some menial worker as a cog in a machine. No they would want something better with these new enhancements and feel like they could do greater somewhere more free, less harshly controlled. There is now way enhanced genetics will bring anything good to anyone below the 0.01% wealth threshold as you won’t be receiving it until they are sure they will keep themselves on top, this would most likely happen everywhere in every developed country. Even when those in charge decided that it wouldn’t mess things up they would release the lowest changes someone can make stuff that is unlikely to make a great difference to the masses with better stuff available to those with more money. You said that the would make is available to the masses for better worker, maybe in a perfect world but not one like this because those will great power aren’t looking for the advancement of the human race they would rather let the ship stay on course and likely sink than strap rocket boosters on the ship and let it fly, to stay as the ones behind the wheel. This is because most of them got to where they are because of greed not some great motivation to better the human race. Also if it works via the way of capitalism which is likely will because it’s unlikely for every country to switch to some other system in the next hundred years let alone a few decades and so those with more money will have access to better enhancements and they can reign supreme with better intelect, money, physical ability, until they end up so genetically different we end up as some weak subspecies where it would be like chimps trying to outcomepete humans and solving integrals and we will likely end up as some slave labour species taken from planet to planet once they’re tired of it or they need meat to act as fodder for the mines or battle fields because meat is cheap compared to metal. In conclusion such genetic engineering will only end up as some war hammer alternate universe from what I see of humans today and it unlikely for people to get genetically modified to up the kindness trait. Bit of a rant got me kind of think on what kind of hellscape an AI and genetically modified future would look like.

DemonizedDemon:For the first matter of enhanced people, it is what it is unfortunately. The people who are enhanced will better survive and those who are not, will not. After all you can't fault people for wanting to be enhanced and you can't fault people for choosing a better choice of workforce. On the matter of enhancing, it is unlikely for people to keep it from the masses since it would lead to better human workforce overall, which means more profit. On the matter of brainwashing from media, well, nothing can be kept silent forever. Maybe for a few centuries or so, but someone will definitely stop that practice. It already happened in America, whats to say about other countries. The last matter of people working together with the government will make the top much richer than what it benefits the common people using the manipulation of media, this is what happens in cooperation. I never said it had to be voluntary. This is an example of manipulated cooperation, something we see in our everyday lives, the selling of goods, employers and employees, the lack of knowledge will always be there and the ignorant person will always be taken advantage of. The example in Russia is a much more extreme case whereas mine is very shallow.

I have seen plenty worse, tbh. But you're not wrong.


It's getting harder and harder to find chinese novels that do not promote Social Credit System, gene modification, DNA modification, chip, system, Face Scanning System, total invigilation etc. These things are coming to USA and EU so by promoting such novels to western audience they're taming you to accept these when they hit your lives. I mean, which kid wouldn't want to be a GMO-human with modified mRNA, DNA, artifical heart, artifical eyes, getting taken care of by communist government etc.


But this is going to be inevitable in the future. Everyone wants better security and health. For security, machines can do so many things humans cannot: instantly recognizing a criminal's face, easily detecting dangerous objects, faster communication to local authorities when an emergency happens, etc. For health, who doesn't want to live a longer life? Who doesn't want to be free of diseases? Who doesn't want to become stronger and smarter? You can last longer too, if you know what I mean. To do all of that, the best way would be genetic modification and natural evolution, which were both mentioned in the story. All in all, this isn't really a problem with the ideas propagated in Chinese light novels, it's the future direction humans would most likely take.

GrandpaPeng:It's getting harder and harder to find chinese novels that do not promote Social Credit System, gene modification, DNA modification, chip, system, Face Scanning System, total invigilation etc. These things are coming to USA and EU so by promoting such novels to western audience they're taming you to accept these when they hit your lives. I mean, which kid wouldn't want to be a GMO-human with modified mRNA, DNA, artifical heart, artifical eyes, getting taken care of by communist government etc.

You miss the point behind it though. It is meant to control the people. If you can modify genes so drastically and easily, how easy would it be to control people? "If theres a set of genes that make someone live longer, then removing it makes you die quicker, so you better not disobey the government!" It is an inevitable future, but if they can modify your genes with something, who is stopping the government from doing something else during the surgery/treatment? And the modification would absolutely be government run. No sane government would let that be uncontrolled.

DemonizedDemon:But this is going to be inevitable in the future. Everyone wants better security and health. For security, machines can do so many things humans cannot: instantly recognizing a criminal's face, easily detecting dangerous objects, faster communication to local authorities when an emergency happens, etc. For health, who doesn't want to live a longer life? Who doesn't want to be free of diseases? Who doesn't want to become stronger and smarter? You can last longer too, if you know what I mean. To do all of that, the best way would be genetic modification and natural evolution, which were both mentioned in the story. All in all, this isn't really a problem with the ideas propagated in Chinese light novels, it's the future direction humans would most likely take.

I'm assuming you're young because you're making a completely nonsensical argument. The way for governments to control people is to influence their thought. Threats may be used for individuals but are not effective, at least in the long term, when used broadly because when they can't completely control a citizen's thought, it leads to dissension. The government threatening its citizens using some genetic treatment in a democratic country is unbelievably stupid because if enough people don't like it, they can vote out the people in power. Now in Dictatorships or governments where all the power is concentrated in the hands of the few, maybe they'll implement this. However, it's still highly inefficient as there are better alternatives. Also, it's doubtful that gene modifications would be government-run in the short term. The covid vaccines, for example, although they don't really mess with your genes, were still halfway there with the use of mRNA. Independent companies are researching other gene treatments and cures. Some are even available to people now. Once the technology becomes more saturated, I'm sure there will be solid regulations but not government-run, at least in the west. There are definitely potential downsides. Unlike, for example, AI, there really isn't a necessity for this. We also may excessively use this technology prematurely, which could have disastrous long-term effects as we still don't know much about the human body. A species of designer humans may be a bad thing, and class differences could, for the first time in history, not just be political or economic but genetic. But even then, the benefits of genetic technologies far outway the cost. We could eliminate disease and congenital defects. Create a healthier, smarter, and stronger human race easily able to adapt to whatever environment they are in, whether it be space or another planet.

TurtleOfRainbow:You miss the point behind it though. It is meant to control the people. If you can modify genes so drastically and easily, how easy would it be to control people? "If theres a set of genes that make someone live longer, then removing it makes you die quicker, so you better not disobey the government!" It is an inevitable future, but if they can modify your genes with something, who is stopping the government from doing something else during the surgery/treatment? And the modification would absolutely be government run. No sane government would let that be uncontrolled.

That's reality. Everyone wants better technological, medical, and societal advancement. Of course there is going to be consequences, like everything else in the world. It's just the conflict of the distribution of benefits. People benefit more, government loses more, vice versa. In the event that both decides to work together, someone is going to take the rap and receive less benefits.

TurtleOfRainbow:You miss the point behind it though. It is meant to control the people. If you can modify genes so drastically and easily, how easy would it be to control people? "If theres a set of genes that make someone live longer, then removing it makes you die quicker, so you better not disobey the government!" It is an inevitable future, but if they can modify your genes with something, who is stopping the government from doing something else during the surgery/treatment? And the modification would absolutely be government run. No sane government would let that be uncontrolled.

Yes, but when enhanced people are the norm, who is going to say no to getting them? If person 1 has enhanced stamina recovery and efficient energy usage, but person 2 doesnt, then person 1 is more likely to be hired no matter what if they have similar backgrounds and resumes. It then becomes an economic issue with job fluectuation. Then the solution, getting the enhancement, is pushed. The use of suppression of negativity is already used in place like russia and china, how much easier would that be if people relied on the government for their lives? Not even just adding a tracking chip or something else. Just influencing them to be supportive of the government would be effective. Brainwashing and subliminal messaging is already a thing, so people practically giving themselves for it would make it even easier. It wouldnt be difficult for some politician to suddenly gain immense power because of such an idea. The only downside for the controller is money, which would be easy to earn back with so much support. I mean, look at the russian oligarchy. They are some of the richest, thanks to the ease of support from the masses, which are so easily swayed due to controlled media. They dont even have the technology to control the masses as easily as it would be, yet it has been showing its effectiveness for years.

AndrewHunt42:I'm assuming you're young because you're making a completely nonsensical argument. The way for governments to control people is to influence their thought. Threats may be used for individuals but are not effective, at least in the long term, when used broadly because when they can't completely control a citizen's thought, it leads to dissension. The government threatening its citizens using some genetic treatment in a democratic country is unbelievably stupid because if enough people don't like it, they can vote out the people in power. Now in Dictatorships or governments where all the power is concentrated in the hands of the few, maybe they'll implement this. However, it's still highly inefficient as there are better alternatives. Also, it's doubtful that gene modifications would be government-run in the short term. The covid vaccines, for example, although they don't really mess with your genes, were still halfway there with the use of mRNA. Independent companies are researching other gene treatments and cures. Some are even available to people now. Once the technology becomes more saturated, I'm sure there will be solid regulations but not government-run, at least in the west. There are definitely potential downsides. Unlike, for example, AI, there really isn't a necessity for this. We also may excessively use this technology prematurely, which could have disastrous long-term effects as we still don't know much about the human body. A species of designer humans may be a bad thing, and class differences could, for the first time in history, not just be political or economic but genetic. But even then, the benefits of genetic technologies far outway the cost. We could eliminate disease and congenital defects. Create a healthier, smarter, and stronger human race easily able to adapt to whatever environment they are in, whether it be space or another planet.

For the first matter of enhanced people, it is what it is unfortunately. The people who are enhanced will better survive and those who are not, will not. After all you can't fault people for wanting to be enhanced and you can't fault people for choosing a better choice of workforce. On the matter of enhancing, it is unlikely for people to keep it from the masses since it would lead to better human workforce overall, which means more profit. On the matter of brainwashing from media, well, nothing can be kept silent forever. Maybe for a few centuries or so, but someone will definitely stop that practice. It already happened in America, whats to say about other countries. The last matter of people working together with the government will make the top much richer than what it benefits the common people using the manipulation of media, this is what happens in cooperation. I never said it had to be voluntary. This is an example of manipulated cooperation, something we see in our everyday lives, the selling of goods, employers and employees, the lack of knowledge will always be there and the ignorant person will always be taken advantage of. The example in Russia is a much more extreme case whereas mine is very shallow.

TurtleOfRainbow:Yes, but when enhanced people are the norm, who is going to say no to getting them? If person 1 has enhanced stamina recovery and efficient energy usage, but person 2 doesnt, then person 1 is more likely to be hired no matter what if they have similar backgrounds and resumes. It then becomes an economic issue with job fluectuation. Then the solution, getting the enhancement, is pushed. The use of suppression of negativity is already used in place like russia and china, how much easier would that be if people relied on the government for their lives? Not even just adding a tracking chip or something else. Just influencing them to be supportive of the government would be effective. Brainwashing and subliminal messaging is already a thing, so people practically giving themselves for it would make it even easier. It wouldnt be difficult for some politician to suddenly gain immense power because of such an idea. The only downside for the controller is money, which would be easy to earn back with so much support. I mean, look at the russian oligarchy. They are some of the richest, thanks to the ease of support from the masses, which are so easily swayed due to controlled media. They dont even have the technology to control the masses as easily as it would be, yet it has been showing its effectiveness for years.

doesn't solo leveling do this tho?


It's only going to be inevitable if you thinm it's going to be inevitable. You surrendered even before pushing back to the consequences of such technologies.

DemonizedDemon:But this is going to be inevitable in the future. Everyone wants better security and health. For security, machines can do so many things humans cannot: instantly recognizing a criminal's face, easily detecting dangerous objects, faster communication to local authorities when an emergency happens, etc. For health, who doesn't want to live a longer life? Who doesn't want to be free of diseases? Who doesn't want to become stronger and smarter? You can last longer too, if you know what I mean. To do all of that, the best way would be genetic modification and natural evolution, which were both mentioned in the story. All in all, this isn't really a problem with the ideas propagated in Chinese light novels, it's the future direction humans would most likely take.