Just a dude who likes reading chinese books for fun
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The Greeks allowed for polygamy. Philip of Macedonia, father to Alexander the Great had 7 wives. Alexander himself had 3 wives.
If I remember correctly, the author said rinnegan madara(what he achieved in his 1st life) to be his peak he could achieve with the system. Not Six Paths Madara. Madara most likely had all chakra natures at this point in the series.
I want to preface that this fanfic is better than 95% of fanfics out there, it is an enjoyable read. I shall now nit pick on all the annoying things I found in this novel 1. Madara with only chunin and jonin level chakra, was spamming the shadow clone technique. Like at one point he had 60 clones I believe. This is impossible. Shadow clones split your chakra evenly between you and your clones. Jonin would never go over 5, and even Kage wouldn't spam 60 clones. It only made sense for naruto to do so because he had near infinite chakra. 2. 2 and 3 tomoe sharingan does not allow the user to read minds at a glance. This is crazy ability you randomly gave to the MC and he uses it frequently. And even if he could read minds, how does a normal 3 tomoe sharingan scan 100 years of memories in a second, against a kage level ninja to. 3. Mind control is another ability that shouldn't be available to non Mangekyo Madara, and the way its implemented in the story, its not even a genjutsu. Madara just has complete mind control instantly, and can even straight up talk out of other peoples bodies. 4. Madara is a talker, he isn't a silent uchiha like the rest. We saw him as a kid and adult. The author is clearly trying to make the MC very similar to Madara but he's not, he's more like a typical Uchiha than madara in terms of personality. 5. Speaking of this, a lot of fight scenes the MC emphasizes fighting like a “ninja”. He sets a lot of traps and uses clones and transformation a lot to confuse and trick his enemy. This is nothing like Madara. Maybe against a stronger enemy or a battle he has to win he would employ trickery, but Madara’s whole schtick is overwhelming his opponents with his superiority. 6. I've been waiting so long for the MC to fight like Madara and its just not happening. Its so upsetting seeing him spam shadow clone and using kunai as his main method to attack. Where is the Gunbai and Scyth! Also why does Madara have storm release? This was only gained by six paths madara so this shouldn't be in the system. 7. Also, after being in the forest for a few months training by himself, he was able to match the skill level of a master swordsman without the use of his sharingan. This never made sense, the author should have at least made the MC copy sword styles from great swordsman for a few years to reach his level. Even Sasuke wasn't that impressive with a sword after years of training with it. In fact none of the MC fighting techniques are copied or come from the system. He just trained for a few months in the forest and reached peak that technical skill in various forms of combat. All in all, great fanfic 👍
Wow instantly become the strongest person alive.
Does the author mean sorcerer here? Sorcerers gain magic through their bloodline, warlocks gain magic through pacts with magical beings.
I think its fine the Emma got with Robb but she was clearly lying to the MC. She just rejected the MC for Robb and doesn't mind damaging or destroying their friendship. Their relationship for a bit now had a romantic undertone, she was even staying at his house, and then she immediately got with Robb after rejecting the MC. Her feelings for the MC cooled quick and now doesn't give af. She was even surprised he was cool with everything and decided to tell him about her new relationship with PDA. MC is just taking so many Ls
It’s hard to scale dragon scales and Tsunade at this current moment. But War arc Sakura around Island level(some even say country level) and is clearly stronger than anything a sequence 6 is normally able to output. If Tsunade is attacks are anything near this tier than I don’t see this as a crazy statement even with potential jonin or Kage amps that would supposedly buff the ability.
Your right, I did click on the wrong paragraph, though the section I was referring to is literally the next sentence so even if someone initially didn’t understand they would after a couple seconds of further reading. Also, Maybe English isn’t your first language but my original comment does not read how you claim unless for some reason you believed I worded it incorrectly. But even if you argue that my question sounded the way you claim and the current paragraph supported your argument. I don’t believe the other commenter interpreted it that way. If he did, he would have said “Fire Lord”, as there are no kings in fire nation. You’d have to think my question was worded incorrectly and it wasn’t about the novel for the answer “king” to make sense in the way you intend. I simply don’t see this as a rational train of thought so disagree with your comment.