

2021-08-25 JoinedUnited Kingdom

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  • KforD
    KforD2 years ago

    Really nice change from typical stories on the site, with more of a story focus rather the what the protagonist is doing every waking moment.(even if the story is the development of the main character) Which allows the pacing to be much better done as the author can use other character to further the plot without it just becoming the protagonist monologuing and explaining everything. It also helps that the protagonist doesn’t have to be always doing something for chapters to come out allowing for less filler as other characters will be written about meaning better world development as we see thing outside of that the protagonist directly interacts with now in in the future. (good world building)

  • KforD
    KforD3 years ago
    Replied to Samina_Nazir

    Thinking like this is how authoritarian states are made and why any idiot can’t become world or state leaders doing this would make the whole country surround which may be good if you’re a power crazy phycopath but if you’re actually trying to make a strong country it needs to be able to survive with a pillar missing allowing decentralisation allows for more innovation on the ideas which has been brought to the table as more minds think on them and ways to improve. Also supporting state businesses is almost always a drain in the long run because as more counties catch up which they will (there’s plenty of smart people in a world, and likely many more smart than the MC if you discount plot armour and the protagonist of making the best in the world) these industries will become redundant as many other counties start producing and will probably overtake the MC’s country’s production efficiency as more innovation will take place than just one persons.

  • KforD
    KforD3 years ago
    Replied to DemonizedDemon

    Lmao and you’re a key example of someone who slowly coaxed, by all this shit you read that’ll it’ll all be fine and dandy and we should just exept it. And even if it becomes possible in a decade it will likely take a few more to become even viable for purchase outside of test labs and a few more after that become commercially available on a low scale. Not to mention every country in the western world will not use this to try and dominate the population, and keep them under control forcefully as it destroys the image they’ve had for the past century of being a free country where you are only limited by yourself. This is bec ause, as you can notice the less stable countries are the ones which try to keep the population under control with violence and harsh methods, compared the the thinly veiled tyrants there are in the western world as they realised it’s better to keep a pretence or maintain some freedoms for you country rather than breathing down their necks all the time while holding a proverbial knife to their throat is they steps out of line, it is easier to control those who think their free and don’t have to be on guard than those who are. Over with that little rant, now imagine if suppressed people started getting genetically enhanced they would want freedom, and why would they stay somewhere they have no chance of getting anywhere without pandering and being a mindless sycophant to someone higher in politics, or having to push some message an have what you say publicly controlled greatly. Or just stay as some menial worker as a cog in a machine. No they would want something better with these new enhancements and feel like they could do greater somewhere more free, less harshly controlled. There is now way enhanced genetics will bring anything good to anyone below the 0.01% wealth threshold as you won’t be receiving it until they are sure they will keep themselves on top, this would most likely happen everywhere in every developed country. Even when those in charge decided that it wouldn’t mess things up they would release the lowest changes someone can make stuff that is unlikely to make a great difference to the masses with better stuff available to those with more money. You said that the would make is available to the masses for better worker, maybe in a perfect world but not one like this because those will great power aren’t looking for the advancement of the human race they would rather let the ship stay on course and likely sink than strap rocket boosters on the ship and let it fly, to stay as the ones behind the wheel. This is because most of them got to where they are because of greed not some great motivation to better the human race. Also if it works via the way of capitalism which is likely will because it’s unlikely for every country to switch to some other system in the next hundred years let alone a few decades and so those with more money will have access to better enhancements and they can reign supreme with better intelect, money, physical ability, until they end up so genetically different we end up as some weak subspecies where it would be like chimps trying to outcomepete humans and solving integrals and we will likely end up as some slave labour species taken from planet to planet once they’re tired of it or they need meat to act as fodder for the mines or battle fields because meat is cheap compared to metal. In conclusion such genetic engineering will only end up as some war hammer alternate universe from what I see of humans today and it unlikely for people to get genetically modified to up the kindness trait. Bit of a rant got me kind of think on what kind of hellscape an AI and genetically modified future would look like.

  • KforD
    KforD3 years ago
    Replied to SpicyDaoist

    What’s the pairing or are you keeping it under wraps?

  • KforD
    KforD3 years ago
    Replied to AnthonyCerbic

    Each volume is its own story disconnected from each though still in the Same-ish location I doubt you supposed to be spoon fed the conclusion and it’ more likely for each reader formulate their own conclusions, as story don’t have to give the reader a definitive answer. Though in my opinion the ‘what happened’ is quite obvious even if I haven’ read it all. Although I doubt you’ll care since this review you wrote is a year old

  • KforD
    KforD3 years ago

    Come on man you wrote like half an A4 page and stuck spaces in between oine then posted it Bit good chap

  • KforD
    KforD3 years ago

    Hmm he shouldve stayed loyal, he now loses the reson why he gained his powers in the first place. It kinda feels a bit underserved, i mean he murdered millions of people for her but couldnt stay loyal for 4 years without her, and as soon as her last remnent in the the world is gone he just instantly moves on. You would think he would have a bit more commitment than that since he manged to unlock extra power through her death wouldnt he at least appreciate that without her dying he would pnt even have the power. Dissapointed In this decion i hope the author makes him have a stonger character in future and not bend his character to just have a female lead and romance added into the novel. :( p.s if you dont agree with me realise that this my opinion

  • KforD
    KforD3 years ago

    I really like this its wonderful, the protagonist is is wonderfully done in that instead of being a fool after his parents die and becomeing overly blooththirsty or become extremely light orientated he basically becomes indifferent and it works well. The fact that he still can become atached, and in a unhealthy way, is seems quite acurate because anyone being raised the way he has obviously isnt going to be the best in relationships. Also the fact that just because he became the MC thing didnt just start working out for him. The ending although anticlimatic is good and interesting. The way he effects the story is quite good as aswell as it has actual effects like the battle happening earlier that usual unlike most where that basic stuff always falls in line woth the books and only happens when it helps or hinder the MC.

  • KforD
    KforD3 years ago

    Havent actually read it but may want to correct, in the synopsis you used dies as a plural of die which is a singular of dice so you could either taKe of the ‘s’ or switch to dice Ams since i havent read ill just vote 5 stars as to not effect for score

  • KforD
    KforD3 years ago

    The co-sign graph reference got me chuckling although it was quite out there and seperate from the actual point of topic