I was actually very excited to read this book but as soon as I started reading it, I realized that maybe I was too overexcited. For a person who likes reading decent Grammar in a story, I was frustrated by just reading the first three chapters!! It makes me wonder whether English is truly been forsake because there's just too many novels here that lack of it's proper, Grammatical, way of writing.
Liked by 26 people
LIKEIt's really frustrating to put your mind to learning a new language you know.. more so if that language is EngRish, that language is useless overall, for lazy ppl, and for me, it would be better to just learn Latin.. not a useful as Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, German, French, or even Sign language, those would be infinite times better than the trash that is EngRish language.
You are not a very smart child are you? Calling the most widely spoken language in the world useless.
ghustV:It's really frustrating to put your mind to learning a new language you know.. more so if that language is EngRish, that language is useless overall, for lazy ppl, and for me, it would be better to just learn Latin.. not a useful as Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, German, French, or even Sign language, those would be infinite times better than the trash that is EngRish language.
?? "You are as your name says'' Yes, I'm a lazy reader, what of it? "fok uff, du yo revspaker egRish muthafkar!?" ? Why are you asking if i speak English? I don't understand what you are trying to convey with your comment.
ghustV:you are as your name says... fok uff, du yo revspaker egRish muthafkar!?
EngRish is a new language of ppl who excuses: "English is my 2nd (3rd or wharever) lenguage" have a lot of stupid grammatical mistakes and never ever correct mistakes. Commonly seen is senstences that do not make sense, lack of words, commas, and punctuation. Wrong subjects, as him/he becomes her/she. Slang terms such "u", "jk", " plz", "thx", "k" written in sentences -not in conversations obviously. Overall engRish is an excuse for a language that ppl should be ashamed of reading or even spreading on the internet.
ALazyReader:?? "You are as your name says'' Yes, I'm a lazy reader, what of it? "fok uff, du yo revspaker egRish muthafkar!?" ? Why are you asking if i speak English? I don't understand what you are trying to convey with your comment.image
Aw man, what a shame. But we don't care. Why don't you go and take your rant and do it in a place that people might care, like in a KKK gathering or somesh*t. Those people are pretty ret*rded, so I'm sure they won't mind listening to you.
ghustV:EngRish is a new language of ppl who excuses: "English is my 2nd (3rd or wharever) lenguage" have a lot of stupid grammatical mistakes and never ever correct mistakes. Commonly seen is senstences that do not make sense, lack of words, commas, and punctuation. Wrong subjects, as him/he becomes her/she. Slang terms such "u", "jk", " plz", "thx", "k" written in sentences -not in conversations obviously. Overall engRish is an excuse for a language that ppl should be ashamed of reading or even spreading on the internet.
I know you are trolling, but god is it infuriating to read.
ghustV:EngRish is a new language of ppl who excuses: "English is my 2nd (3rd or wharever) lenguage" have a lot of stupid grammatical mistakes and never ever correct mistakes. Commonly seen is senstences that do not make sense, lack of words, commas, and punctuation. Wrong subjects, as him/he becomes her/she. Slang terms such "u", "jk", " plz", "thx", "k" written in sentences -not in conversations obviously. Overall engRish is an excuse for a language that ppl should be ashamed of reading or even spreading on the internet.