Scoop didi woop. Pood si scoop de woop
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He better not have gotten the quirk. He did nothing to show his heroic side. This would be the author shoe horning in some bs because writing coherent plot is too brain hurting
No, you don’t just excuse a “brother” who talks smack about his brother getting killed (almost) & being left alone with a man who fights dangerous criminals every day
Salty like sea water. Now your turn
Then suk it 😂😭
Kekek Kill the six eyes. He means survive it. Because one of them is a lazy ahh.
I tried to search by copy pasting the entire first chapter in chat gpt & perplexity. I still can’t find it.
I don’t know how Charls suddenly turned into this pushover. I feel like he is bending over to give into general & the aristocrats. And feeling the need to fit into the military role. He could threaten them with delaying supplies and non contribution. I would understand if he was planning the role to gain military prestige to take down all the other aristocracy’s & industrialists. But it doesn’t look like he has a long game plan since he got drafted.
True I was expecting the same. I honestly don’t think this will be anything other than political & economic novel. But. I thought having your country be one of the cultural centres is also a political move. Hollywood has the power to shape the world’s culture. Alt-russia just being a big country with good enough production isn’t enough to make it a superpower. My opinion was Russia doesn’t have the culture of movies. But they have books. They could become the place where true authors & scientists go to get the “real recognition”. Like Pulitzer Prize & Nobel… Even if it mean he doesn’t takes the technology route. Just having that cultural weight without the technology is an interesting idea
Ye. Make a list all the spots & slice of life anime, cartoons, comics, manga.. movies etc…( ofc that includes Baki, angel densetsu, that another street fighting anime, one outs, eye shield, dia no ace. & learning about the history of captain subasa, higashi? No jo(the boxer..) , DNHB, Detroit metal city, Cromarty high… And try not to reduce their spectacle like shokugeki turning into a cooking club. Ps. If you are taking fan requests. I’d request seeing sakamoto. At some point.