in comparison to the Harry potter crossover it's not good. 1 not clear if they truly merged or not 2 may as well have had it that it's another orphan to create more conflict etc 3 MC got an elf way to fast makes things to easy 4 understandable why you would have MC check heratige but to me it's weak writing 5 not clear when set 6 could have made Tom riddle/ Voldemort a member of hydra or something
Liked by 92 people
LIKEFor me, it is the choice of relationship. I stopped around chapter 54? As I felt the writing drop. Like he just started torchering his friends perants out of nowhere. I mean they were decent enough parents but were worried because their daughter was hiding something from them and they deemed it extreme enough to use the truth serum. Like yes, it is bad but you have to remember that she could be doing something dark af so they had the right to be worried. Even gave her a choice to just tell them... But yeah wasn't sure if this was just a little drop so I just came back now cause there were loads of chapters released and it still had a high rating. However, for me the relationship has ruined this story. Any fanfiction who makes the mc have an oc wife destroyed the story. Just my personal preference but if you are writing fanfiction who tf cares about some oc character? I get that it is needed to fill in the roles but they should always be minor characters compared to the rest of the story. I just hate it tbh there are tons of girls in marvel or even hp you can have as the mc's girl but you chose some oc character... nah mate. So yeah... can see why I dropped this before now
I do not mean that all oc characters are useless I meant in the essence as the same level as important as the mc's woman
You do know that the main charcter is an oc right
1 I left review 2 years ago 2 it's been liked 88times 3 I gave clear reasons 4 you clearly haven't read anything decent if you think this is in any way good and 4b you have given 0reasons as to why this is a decent fanfiction or why my review is bad
🤣 i really don't know your thought process. You judge others based on your own opinion. You add 1. 2. 3. As if you are making logical facts 🤣. You say you have 88 likes, the only reason it got likes is there's no dislike button here. And read the replies. You will know what i am talking about 🤣
you are a dim witted person go back to jerking off to Emma Watson in your mother's basement
How old are you? I'm guessing around 11-13? You're gonna come back to this later and die of embarrassment
thanks for the compliment 😄 an i wish my age was 13 🙂 it would be fun. but regrettably i am old enough to know that your review is totally illogical. you shouldn't judge a story without understanding it completely. so shut the F up and if you don't like something say it in simple terms. stop acting smart 🤓
I wonder who is acting smart? "You judge others based on your opinion." Whose opinion does he need to judge others with, then? Donald Trump?