Here I am, waiting for the next release, and writing this review in the meantime. I’ve decided to be succinct, so here it goes. In terms of writing quality, it is not bad. Mediocre or even slightly above average. Compared to other novels I read on this site, prior to the creation of my account, it fares quite well, but not so well that it stands out. There are sentence structuring errors here and there and incorrect spellings for certain words/terms which slightly draws away from the experience. Not by much, but for a neophyte grammar critique, such as myself, the effects are significant. In terms of consistency in updating, I can’t really comment much since I have been binge-reading up until this point, but over the past few days, I don’t think there have been any changes, although you are free to correct me if I am wrong. I have also not found any indication of the author’s update schedule or anything similar to estimate how many updates they are planning to make per week, which is fine, since some authors don’t operate on a strict schedule, but for me, I don’t find it particularly reassuring to not know how many chapters I should expect. The story development and characters are by far the key elements here. They outshine the majority of the decent novels I’ve read in the past few months, even encouraging me to create this account for the sole purpose of reading it. Both the plot and characters are unique and intriguing, the latter even more so. The experimentation of the dual-protagonist system is, in my eyes, a significant success on quite a few levels. The inter-personal dynamics were also highly well done. Especially in regards to the key characters and the main duo themselves. Their decisions throughout the story are logical and more or less realistic, or at least in relation to a majority of other novels (I won’t mention any names) that allow their characters to go on multiple nonsensical jumps in logic to arrive at a certain outcome. Some might argue that there are too many time-skips in the beginning chapters and I will have to say that I partially agree. While I find it reasonable to skip over their infancy, the segment regarding the separation from the protagonists’ home town, for example, was done way too abruptly and glossed over in a few sentences. The separation felt far too abrupt, even for me, considering the presence of Rean and his ‘filial’ sentiments. That connects to the topic of the narrative’s world building. I can’t say the world building is average, per se, but it certainly isn’t top-grade, in my opinion. Of course, it is still leaps and bounds ahead of most other cultivation-type novels, but I feel that even taking into account the ignorance of the twins and their non-existent information network, the world seems a pinch too shallow in my eyes. Also, I feel the need to applaud the author for not developing any form of romance. Thank you for that. Really, I mean it. Though, as soon as any semblance of romance shows it’s disgusting face, I will be forced to drop this series, unfortunately. I am sick and tired of romance. It’s like a drug. You get a fleeting high when you start to use it, but then with continued exposure to it, not only do you become immune to it, it starts to become a poison for your mind and body. At least, that’s what I have found out. Overall, it is a great novel, but for whatever reason, it seems to be overshadowed by the authors more prominent work ‘Is that a Wisp?’, which I have not yet read, unfortunately. The pacing is great, and the balance between high-tension scenes and more casual scenes are very well done. The author has managed to find success where many promising others have found naught but failure. In any case, I do hope for updates sooner rather than later. Those two are very interesting to observe.
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LIKEThis is the kind of review I love to receive. The main page of the book has a part that shows the release schedule. Still, I make one chapter/day. Sometimes I do mass releases on Sundays. About world building. I've always been an author that doesn't like to talk too much about the world around. You will notice there I rarely make big descriptions of buildings or things like that. This is because, when I'm reading other novels, I also don't like to read those parts. It's more of a personal choice. Still, it was a valuable feedback. Romance: So far in my 155 chapters, there has been no romance. There were a few smut joke and situations here and there, but those are just isolated cases more focused on the comedy of the moment than anything else. It's also good to mention that this will not be a Harem Novel, so when I decide a romantic partner for any of the twins, it will have to be a real good one. Well, at least at the moment, I have no intention of bringing one out.
Thank you for the quick reply. It is both commendable and convenient for both parties involved. I have to admit that I couldn’t manage to find that release schedule on that ‘main page’ you mentioned. However, seeing as you already gave me the information I wanted, I don’t feel that there is any particular need to address this in any more detail. To address the response in regards to the world building, I feel as though you are on (what I believe to be) a good path. Although world-building is important to a certain degree, I can understand where you are coming from. Oftentimes it becomes too tedious to read in-depth, verbose descriptions. Additionally, too much world-building would detract from essentially all of the other aspects of the narrative. Ironically enough, the theme of balance used for the overarching plot, applies consistently throughout the story’s writing elements, as well, more noticeably in this case. Either way, I can understand the lack of world-building and on most levels do agree with your decision, however much my approval would actually matter to you. As I’ve mentioned previously in that brief, preemptive analysis review, I really do see the absence of romance as a really praise-worthy segment of the entire plot. It is not easy at all to find a novel of such quality, in-depth, non-sentimental characters and stable plot line that features no romance whatsoever. It would be an understatement to call it a rarity. In fact, if it weren’t for the distinct lack of romance or the similarly rare ‘NOT HAREM’ tag, there is very little chance that I would read enough if the novel to review it in the first place. To make another comparison, it is like how a victory won without ambushes is often seen more impressive than one with it. When you take away the filler obfuscation (in this case a romantic sub-plot), you have to focus more on things that really matter. Which, you have done a satisfying job doing with the characters and their inter-personal interactions. In other inferior works covering similar situations, the protagonist’s romantic relationships would start to ‘bloom’ in their teens, while conveniently glossing over their age differences and other big details, such as the protagonist’s lack of interest in woman or romance (Roan), or the existence of their twin dynamic which is the thing which makes the story appealing. Then the two would be irritatingly teased by family and friends for their romantic pursuits (like the nosey infants they tend to be) and get embroiled in some conflicts of interest with some love rival or influential group that dissents their relationship. Then an ongoing back-and fourth of nonsense would ensue, ensuring that any and all in-depth characters are reduced to a pathetic sap or illogical stock character. That is what I have seen from other distinctly inferior works, however from what I can see (and hope), this story will be different. I would personally appreciate ZERO romance, but this isn’t my book. It’s not my place to demand anything. I look forward to the future of this world split in two. May your mind be clear and ideas firm, I can understand how hard wring can be. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I appreciate your efforts.
I feel like a tear ran down from my eyes. Jokes aside, Romance shouldn't be introduced anytime soon. I think that they already have a lot on their minds as things are at the moment. After all, it's not everyday you have to save an universe, right? Last but not least, you English looks so much better than mine that I even feel jealous. =X
That’s true. Though throughout the years, I’ve learnt that you can underestimate existence, you can underestimate humanity, but you can never underestimate human foolishness. There’s no telling how, when or why plans could change or decisions be overruled. In their case, it might not be that philosophical. They’re approaching their teens, so for all we know, they might decide to prioritise any one thing or person over an entire universe, simply due to hormonal urges. Through confirmation from the author certainly doesn’t hurt. ;D In any case, it has been a pleasant conversation. Certainly an interesting story at least, even though the chapters mowed through 500 coins, ( soul!) some part of me feels like it was worth it.
Tell it to my monthly 86 dollars just to read a single book earlier chapters. xD