Favours logicality. Values details. Abhors ‘romance’. Dislikes inconsistency. A cynical consequentialist and a nihilistic, agnostic misanthropist. And as disgusting as it is, still a human.
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That’s the goal. One can only wish. After all, true death is the erasure or absence of lingering information. An incomplete death is no way to go.
A valuable lesson that’s the most painful to learn. No child should ever have to learn it from their parents, but such ideals don’t hold up in reality. At least he learned plenty by negative example. That’s some consolation.
No sense of space, you say? A sense of sight? Hmmm. Interesting that such things were clarified. Would it be more like cognitive impairment of spatial perception or more along the lines of a symbolic vision, where symbols are perceived instead of the actual things they mean/embody? Hm. But seeing as how he saw his own body, symbolic vision doesn’t seem to be e truth here. At least not the whole truth. If it is something along the lines of selective cognitive impairment, why were some senses impaired and others preserved? Is the mechanism of operation a natural result of his state of existence or willful interference? If the latter, does that entail manipulation of the surrounding space or that of the soul? Both? Very interesting implications.
Wouldn’t a significant number of people not be able to even understand the information? Even assuming a more globalized future, I doubt everyone speaks English. Even if they did, a significant portion would either not know the context or not care about U.S. politics. Since nothing was said about it, I also don’t think the evidence was translated. A global ping just doesn’t seem worth it. Both for in-world considerations and from a meta-narrative perspective.
Interesting that you say that for the only comment I have made so far that wasn’t a form of criticism. It was just referencing another Webnovel’s frequent use of the word ‘lampoon’. Besides, if the errors exist, someone will eventually comment on it. It doesn’t matter if it is the first chapter or the hundredth. Even if they don’t, they are still there. No amount of denial or procrastination will change that. I’m not going to turn a blind eye just because the novel has just started or because details are ‘unnecessary’. World-building is almost entirely comprised of details. If authors made such distinctions between necessary and unnecessary details, there would be nothing to write but a plot summary. Putting even that aside, it is an author’s job to make details relevant and meaningful, such that no word goes to waste. Admitting that a detail is unnecessary simply works to weaken your own argument.
Hm. I’m not surprised there is a plot hole. I’m more surprised that it revealed itself so soon and so overtly.
Wow. Such an honor to be thought by the main family. So does the main family just retroactively bring Adrianne into existence after seeing them perform well in some other timeline? That’s a lot of power for a family. It is even more unnerving how it seems to be such public knowledge. Either that or the main family is so revered that being thought of by them is seen as such a great honor. Very…interesting social dynamics either way. Either they have godly abilities or they are thought to have them. Or both. Or you know, it could be typo. But that’s no fun, is it?
I see. Aether is being subdivided here. Nothing new, but at least the nomenclature is somewhat justified.
Huh. Interesting that the name of (a non-existent) medium of light is suddenly an energy source. I could understand it being some form of informationally-unstable compound that decays to different quantum states upon observation, but an energy source? Ultimately, I don’t really care what it is called, I just think it is an interesting choice not to utilise existing preconceptions of mana, especially considering that nothing particularly unique is being done with the concept as far as I can tell.