I have currently read up to chapter 565. This review will contain spoilers but I recommend people to keep reading because the entire story pretty much gets destroyed around chapter 500; and I wouldn't want someone to waste his time reading up to that point. Up until around chapter 500 this story was one of my favorite books on this site; the characters were interesting and the concept of having 2 main characters was extremely unique and entertaining. Unfortunately, for some reason the author decided to do the worst possible mistake he could have done, kill off 90% of the characters and story-lines. After introducing and developing many characters and storylines into the book, the author has decided to cut them all of all together by literally destroying the planet on which the story took place. To me it seemed like the author didn't like what he built up to that point and thus decided to completely restart the entire plot line, leaving behind many unfinished side plots, and characters who were introduced but not properly developed. To make things worse, after this "plot twist" took place, the main characters of the story who remained alive didn't show any signs of grief that should have taken place considering almost everyone they ever loved had died. Considering I had a truly loved this book before the major "plot twist" took place, I implore the author to please explain why he decided to make such a unreasonable change to the story. Thank you for reading this review, and sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes that might have been in it as English isn't my first language.
Liked by 61 people
LIKEso did you already changed the plot? or did you push through killing everyone?
Even tho I had faults wit the story I still found it enjoyable, but the way u went about writing how the characters would act after literally seeing everyone they love just get blown up is mildly speaking terrible. It could have been done way better I literally had to reread the chapter because the part where the mcs’ actually care is like a couple sentences. And then on top of that for like the next 7 chapters nobody is phased mala is still on jokes, qia and calina don’t care, and rean the one who’s all about life doesn’t either. like u could have tried to introduce a heavier tone to the story pull some against the gods stuff but no full factory reset. I just read to the planet stuff and was like oh now this is gonna be a revenge story no more play time and nope still everybody having a jolly time 7 chaps after
Kinda curious why did u write the twins and their gangs response to everyone dying like that. Like was it for the plot? Did u forget? Or do u address the situation in later chapters
after the destruction of the planet, I continued to read. and I'm not disappointed, and there are explanations. not all people on this planet are "totally" dead. it's a shame to stop reading for if can. there are however many novel / manga which have destroyed planets with a huge massacre etc... its remains of the good novels. it's my opinion.