I wanted to write a review after reading the book completely. I agree with the people who were not happy how the third book had ended and jow the story plot was constructed. One thing for sure though, first and second book was awesome, no so much Questions were un-answered but the third book was a mess I would say. Well when I started to read the first one, the begining was kind of awesome between Jedrek and Lilac, I liked there argument a lot and interection. I really loved there bickering, infact there was this attraction between them for a short moment. But than somehow Author completely shifted from Jedrek/Lilac’s story to Jedrek/Serefina story. For the begining though, When serefina first appeared in there life, it was okey because we thought Jedrek needs a closure. But I think and I really believe that Author consciously or subconsciously was biased to Serefina/Jedrek, and he put so much interection and detailed intimacy between them, that Lilac/Jedrek story didnt matter anymore. This third book answered all the questions between Jedrek and Serefina’s love life in detail and didnt leave any place to not ask about there love for each other! But when you read the later part after Serefina’s death, It was written in a way that author just decided to kill Serefina so that Jedrek can be with Lilac, because the story is about Jedrek/Lilac from the begining, but author somehow forgot it in the middle. The ending of this book was so premature that you would have this feeling that author didnt know how to untie all the unanswered questions and knots between Lilac & Jedrek, so it was left to be not written!! As a reader, It was really disappointing to have your favorite story to be destroyed just like that. It was really my favorite book until the later half of the third book. Author lost the charm at the end, i dont know why probably because he/she was too biased towards certain cahracter. Instead of being a creator of a beautiful story, Author actually let readers suffer at the end.
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