I really want to give this a higher review but i can't, simply because aside from the system everything the mc has was copied from other anime. Hence those guy's deserve that credit not our author. Now dont get me wrong i really enjoyed reading this book sadly i really recommend the author to start a real original book, why you might ask. Simple copyright infringement, you can't or ever will be able to publish this work unless you can secure permission from all those anime. Mr. Author you have a lot of potential so allow me to help you out. Read the following works of the author David Eddings: Belgariad Series Mallorean Series Belgarath the sorcerer Polgara the sorcerers The Rivan Codex Read those and it'll help you make a real original novel one you can publish and make some money on. I wish you luck bro but seriously make a real original you have skill don't waste it.
Liked by 33 people
LIKEHey, although your intentions do for a matter of fact seem to to be in the right place, although the origin of such and powers may come from other places . What really matters is how they are put to use, it could be seen as building a house(vaguely) although the tools may be borrowed, as long as it can contribute to a new mythos then it all works out in the end. As for turning this into a novel and breaking into the original ‘original’ scene, that can be left for later on when they’re more experienced.
Ehmm...he types like it is a really bad novel, but i only see the 'copy infringement' bullsheet in what he is typing about.
It actually is. Maybe not in China though.. where copyrights are treated like dirt. But still it is a reason. Since a rating is just a gathering of opinion.. you can't is just like saying.. you don't have a right to your opinion. It's his criteria not yours that's important for his vote.
i said that considering there are novels which have pretty high rating who copy stuff from already existing works using such a reason to give an original work from an author who is trying his talent at writing is not a good reason after all if you are just trying to get a feel of writing your imagination and what not will be influenced by the works you have witnessed! be it cultivation novels,games,movies or what not.
I disagree. In China it's not a good enough reason but I. Europe or America it would be. Anywhere with serious issues about copyrights. It's something to do with taste. Taste can be the image but also the flavour something leaves. Commenter attacked the image. That's a good reason in Western areas.
His words as an expression of his opinion are obviously his own. However, the rating itself, is guided based on specific criteria. If you're playing by the rules, you rate the novels based on the criteria specified, not on one's views on plagiarism vs fair-use.
Actually, it could be counted as a negative in the world building criteria.
Not true. There are different categories, he posted in general. So there is only one rule: your opinion why or why didn't you like it. It's OPINION, not specific criteria.
I guess plagarism is pure opinion now huh 😂 good one kid. Glad your parents didn't wasted their money sending you to school hahahahaha
I don't recall saying anything about plagiarism being pure opinion, you are inferring something that is not there. Plagiarism is a problem but borrowing ideas is not.
i live in america and i have no problem with this novel even though i don't like it much, your just being the hero !!
Just wanted to say that yes the author wasn't being creative when it came to creating his own "skills" in his WN but essentially, every Novels in this type of genre from professionals or new authors, they copy off from one another. Martial Arts Skills, Sword Type skill set, elemental type skill set, being reborn/reincarnated, being able to use Qi / Ki / Magic, etc etc. What this author did was pretty much created a MC that lived in our current modern age and was transported to another world and since the MC pretty much lived in our current type of world where Anime existed, the MC created skills using what he remembers from anime. This isn't plagiarism or anything like that as the author didn't write it like it was his own idea. The MC pretty states that he was creating skills from anime in his previous world. The author used existing stuff to his own originality.
Again semantics 😂 plagarism no matter how you spin it around is at the end of the day is plagarism. Try to get this published 😂 😆😉
I was assuming the author and anyone else writing original novels on this website wasn't doing it to get published. If the author is looking to get published then yes, I agree with you about the plagiarism but if the author is writing stuff and posting them here for fun to showcase a story they wanted to write for all to read, the author is doing a great job.
You do know they get paid right 😂 that in essence alone already makes what they are doing a felony charge hehehe. Soon as money was added that " FOR FUN" went out the window 😂