2018-04-24 13:46

Oh my God....this is THE BEST naruto fanfic i have ever read...the characters are actually rational here hahaha... though i think that a bunch 11 yr old figured out almost everything is a bit dangerous for him. I wouldnt be suprised if akatsuki knows alot already especially tobi through zetsu.

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Hello, my name is Fulcon, and I'm the original author of this fanfiction. I first posted this story on Spacebattles on March 11, 2016. You can read it here. h t t p s : / / forums . spacebattles . com / threads / shinobi - the - rpg - naruto - si . 380860 / If the link doesn't work, simply search for it on the forum. I posted it on FFnet nearly a year later. URL is this: h t t p s : / / w w w . fanfiction . net / s / 12433631 / 1 / SHINOBI - The - RPG I have worked for over two years on this story. It is currently 62 chapters in the making, so if you are in a real hurry to see what's going on in this story, I recommend heading over there and getting much, much further in the story. The reason I'm telling you about this is because I am not Leylin_Farlier, and my permission to post this story on another site was never sought at all. At best, this is merely an attempt to give the story more coverage. At worst, this is plagiarism. Given that this person has never once named me or attempted to give me credit, I can only assume it's the latter. That simply will not do. Leylin, I've put SHINOBI: The RPG on Hiatus for a few weeks. You have until then to put in the following changes to this story to give me proper credit - or you can take it down. Either is fine with me. #1: You are to write, in bold letters 'Story Written by Fulcon' at the bottom of this cover picture. #2: Change the description of the story to include 'Story Written by Fulcon'. #3: Change the author's thoughts at the end of each chapter too 'The Previous was a Fanbased Work of Fiction, written by Fulcon. Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release.' Listen, Leylin. Uploading someone else's story to another site and claiming it as your own isn't cool. It's not funny, it's not going to get you any further in life, it's only going to end in public humiliation. At best. But if you make the changes that I requested, we can forget you attempted to steal anything and you can keep hosting my story. Because it is mine. And I'd appreciate it if you acknowledged that fact.

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