
Chapter 20

"How is she?"

"Her vitals are stable, but she lost a lot of blood before we found her. On top of what she lost several days ago it made getting her stable harder. She's going to live though."

"But it's been days. Why doesn't she wake then? Can not your Midgardian medicines work?"

"Honestly Loki, I don't know. She will wake up when she's ready."

Those words seem to almost break him. I couldn't bear to see that much pain on his face. I saw Thor come in and literally drag Loki out to shower, change, and eat. The memory ended.

I looked at Wanda horrified by what I had caused. I couldn't run from it this time. If I was going to stop hurting the ones I loved, then I was going to have to stand up to this fear. I couldn't let fear keep me from the relationships I so desperately wanted. 

"I'm so sorry," I whispered to her.

"Oh, honey. It's ok. We all have fears and we all have our dark spots. Maybe you can get Bucky to tell you his sometime. But I need you to do something for me." She looked at me sternly. " I need you to know and accept that we all love you. Yes, even in that short a time you are a part of our family. And you deserve to be cared for. I need you to remember that."

I gave a small smile. "Ok. I can try to do that. Thank you, Wanda. For being there and being my friend. And not being afraid to show me the truth."

She leaned in and gave me a gentle hug. As she stood up, she cocked her head to the side. "Hmm sounds like someone special is coming back. I will just leave you two alone, shall I?"

She gave a smile and a wave and left. A few minutes later Loki entered the room. He looked so tired, and his hair was still wet from his shower. He wasn't even in his usual leather. My poor love. I really put him through the wringer, and it broke my heart.

"Hi Kokoro no Yokubo," I whispered softly as he walked closer to the bed, his head bowed, looking at his feet.

His head snapped up and his ocean blue eyes locked me in place.

"Ariane..." He breathed my name.

He walked to my side and sat on the bed. 

"You're awake. How are you feeling my darling?"

"Tired, sore, and very ashamed of myself. I put everyone through so much. But most of all you. I'm so sorry Kokoro no Yokubo."

He gave me a gentle smile and ran his fingers down my cheek with a hand that wasn't quite steady. I grabbed his hand with mine and held it close to my heart.

"What does that phrase mean, Ariane?"

"Never thought I'd say this, but I think I like it when you call me pet better." I gave a small smile and then looked into his eyes. "It's Japanese. It means Heart's Desire. Because that's what you are to me. The one thing that my heart truly desires. The light in my darkness. Ever since I met you, I have felt drawn to you. Like coming home. I almost didn't get a chance to tell you because I was scared but I'm not wasting this chance. I am not sure how or when it happened, but I'm in love with you Loki. Deeply and with everything that I am. In a way I've never loved or felt for another person. I am so sorry for my actions and all the pain it caused you and for everything I put you through. I can never take that back. But I will spend the rest of my life making sure you know that I love you and making up for that pain, if you'll have me."

He was still for a moment, just looking at me. I held his gaze, never once looking away. I laid my soul bare before him and waited to see what happened. His eyes started to sparkle, and that slow sexy grin crossed his ace. 

"Is this real or is it a dream? Perhaps an illusion that I spun for myself. To hear the words I most desired come from your lips."

I sat up, setting off a few monitors. I grabbed his shirt and gently pulled him closer. I looked at him for a moment and then I leaned in and kissed him. It was as sweet as the very first time. Suddenly I felt his arms come around me like a vise and hold me tight. His mouth started to devour mine and the monitors went off like crazy as my heart started to race. He pulled away and grabbed my face between his hands and leaned his forehead against mine. Our breathing was a little ragged. 

"So this isn't an illusion. Do you really love me, Ariane?"

I nodded. "I do."

He gave me another gentle kiss. "Good. Because I love you too. You are mine and no one else's. My soulmate. And I will not be letting you go any time soon or ever. But I warn you love, when you are better, you have several punishments coming your way."

"What kind of punishments?" I was a little worried.

"Oh, my pet, the most delicious kind. For example, bringing you almost to the point of climax over and over, but never letting you fall until you are begging me for release."

I swallowed hard. "You know, that's not much incentive for behaving, now is it?"

His laugh filled the room and my heart lightened to see the joy back in his face. I vowed to myself to NEVER put that dark look on his face again because of something I had done. I yawned. 

"You still need rest, my love."

"But I don't want you to leave me."

He smiled. "That is simple enough to remedy. Move over." With that, he laid down on the bed beside me, took me in his arms, and held me close. I could hear his heartbeat under my ear. I was finally home. I saw Bruce look through the door and nod. I smiled back at him. I closed my eyes and the beat of Loki's heart lulled me to sleep.