
Chapter 21

Weeks had passed and I was finally back to full strength. Bruce hadn't let me leave the hospital bay until I had fully recovered this time. Which meant that Loki had been spending the nights with me there. It was nice having someone to cuddle up with at night. It wasn't something I remember ever experiencing before. It made me feel safe and warm and... loved. I still was unsure of that word and what it all meant for both of us. I knew that I would risk anything, give anything, do anything for this man, including, as Wanda put it, burning the world down.

We were all sitting relaxing in the living room. Loki sat behind me on the big fluffy couch and wrapped his arms around me and just held me. I saw some sly smiles from several members of the team. It seems seeing Loki that relaxed was a novelty and one everyone was enjoying. I think he cared less about his image after almost losing me. I leaned my head against his chest and just listened to the conversations around me. It was the sound of a big family being all together. Loki was deep in conversation with Thor about something that happened in the past when they were kids in Asgard, but I wasn't paying too much attention.

I felt someone watching me. I looked over to see Bucky, ole' Mr. Metal Arm himself, staring at me. He met my eyes, and I cocked my head at him.

"What's up Bucky?"

He didn't speak for a few moments and just studied me. "We need to start your training. And I think it would be best if I was your teacher. The others will go easy on you. I won't. Easy won't help if it's life and death. I prefer to be hard on you and keep you alive and safe rather than easy and dead. And I feel you would agree."

I nodded. Huh... even this man knew me well enough to know I would want to train with someone not afraid to hurt me. I'm not sure the others could do the same. I felt him get a little closer to my heart because even though we had not spent any time together or really spoke, he had watched and understood what I would like.

"I agree. Let me know when we start."


Bucky threw a knife at me. Without thinking my arm snapped up and I caught it mid-air by the handle and threw it back at him. It clanged off his metal arm. I cocked an eye at him. He nodded, pleased with my reflexes. He even looked proud of me.

"Bucky what the hell?!" 

I grinned. "Language Capsicle."

Steve gave me a dirty look before going back to glaring at his best friend.

I felt a growl vibrate under my back. 

"Do something like that again Barnes and I will happily remove your other arm for you."

I reached behind me and patted Loki on the cheek. 

"Now now Kokoro no Yokubo. I was never in any danger which he knew. Bucky is going to be my new trainer and he was just testing reflexes. Besides, I can more than handle myself in a fight and I appreciate his belief in me to catch it. It's normal life that I seem to struggle with."

I felt Loki shift behind me. Everyone was just sitting and watching it all play out. 

"Wait. Why is he your new trainer? I thought I was your trainer." He looked at me and then at Bucky with a dark look like Bucky was going to try to steal me away.

"Don't get all broody wounded on me Loki-san. I'm sure everyone will agree that you stopped being my trainer once you fell in love with me. Can you really say that you would give it your best in a fight with me and not be worried about hurting me? Could you really try to kick my ass?"

He paused. I could see the struggle as he wanted to say he could but realizing he sure he woldd be able to. 

"I don't know."

I smiled. "I know Loki-san. You can be my teacher in other ways. Bucky will be my sparring partner as he is not going to hold back on me. And that is what I need. I am sorely out of shape and practice, and I need to get back to where I was. Because even if there are no Monsters here, there is still danger, correct? And you can't always be there to protect me. I need to be able to protect myself. And you need to know I can protect myself for your peace of mind."

I was pleased when he didn't fight the point anymore. He grumbled a bit to himself but settled back and put his arms around me again. I grinned, leaned back and to the side a bit, and freed one arm. I reached up and patted him on the head. "That's a good boy."

There was silence in the room as everyone stared open-mouthed at what I had done. Thor's eyes were huge, and he looked a little worried. Even Bucky looked stunned at what I had dared do. They knew what his dangerous side could do and didn't know how he would react to this. 

Loki looked down at me startled but then he quickly narrowed his eyes at me. 

"Oh, a good boy am I? Let me dissuade you of that notion, my pet." 

Oohh he looked dangerous and I felt a thrill. He had been too tame, and he needed riling up. I grinned at him. 

"Gotta catch me first!" I darted from his arms and ran around the room, evading his grasp by dodging and weaving around everyone as they sat laughing. I heard him growl as I evaded his touch yet again. I knew he would start to get grumpy if he lost for too long. I gave Loki a mischievous smile and darted behind Thor.

"Save me, Thor. He scares me!! I need someone big and strong to save me!" I pretend begged as I hid behind Thor's back. 

"Move Brother. She is only prolonging what is coming to her."

Thor was almost doubled over laughing. He twisted and I felt his arms come around me. I looked over his arm and stuck my tongue out at Loki. His eyes were blue fire, and I knew tonight I was going to be in trouble. But little did he know that I had a surprise in store for him. 

"Sorry Ariane. Here you are, Brother. I release her to your tender care."

"You traitor!" 

I was laughing as Thor handed me over. I looked at Loki as he grabbed me.

"Fine. Now you have me. So, whatever shall you do with me?" I batted my eyes at Loki.

I saw the mischief come into his expression and swallowed. Uh oh. That look did not look like this was going to be good for me.