
Chapter 19

I woke up to the sound of beeping... again. This was becoming a habit. I opened my eyes and turned my head. I was expecting to see Bruce, but Wanda sat beside me.

"Hey," she said softly. "You're awake. Welcome back. We almost lost you there. It was very close."

I tried to talk but my throat was too dry. Wanda gave me a drink of water and I tried again. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't stronger, better. I'm sorry I broke."

"Sweetheart what do you mean? You have been so strong. Your world changed so much so quickly. Everyone and everything breaks sometimes. It's what you do after that matters. What sparked all that? It was very out of character for you."

I swallowed as it was part of the details I had left out when I first met them. 

"All my life, I've been reminded that my family died because of me. I was a mischievous child. No wonder I caught the attention of the God of Mischief himself." I gave a sardonic smile.

"How does being mischievous equal to you being responsible for their deaths?"

"I had snuck out that night. It was snowing and I wanted to see the snowflakes, but Mom had said it was time for bed. So, I snuck out the window. I was staring up at the sky watching them fall when I tripped. I landed in the snow but caught sight of a rabbit darting from a bush after I startled it. I followed it into the woods. I knew better than to stray from home, but I had wanted a pet bunny so bad. It's what was in my letter to Santa that Christmas. I went farther into the woods, too far, before I realized I couldn't see home anymore. I panicked and started to walk back the way I came. That's when I heard the wolf howl. I lost all sense and just ran for home, never realizing I was leading it right to them. I snuck back in and hid in my bed. I heard my parents talking and thought everything was going to be ok. Then I heard something large hit the door. Dad sent Mom into the bedroom with me and my sister. Her name was Alice. Like from Wonderland. It was her favorite book because she had the same name as the main character.

We heard the front door break-in and loud snarls from the Monster and screams coming from my Dad. There was this wet splashing noise and Dad stopped mid-scream. Then we heard it hit the bedroom door. Mom hid us behind her when the beast broke in. He took her down first and then my sister. Bit her arm off, leaving me clutching her hand. It looked at me as it came slowly towards me. I was frozen. I couldn't even run. That's when the Hunters came in and took it down. 

All during my training, I was reminded constantly that if I hadn't gone out and into the woods, the Werewolf would have passed us by. But the smell of a young girl lured it to my home. It was my fault. Since then, it just seemed the few people I cared about were hurt or died. And when I hurt Loki, I was reminded of how poisonous I was to everyone. How I was a monster."

Tears were dripping from my face. Wanda's face held sorrow and sympathy.

"Dear, NONE of that was your fault. I am going to assume they told you that to get you to train harder and do what they wanted, to have you Hunt. People being hurt and dying, well, as you said it was a dangerous life. And honey, you didn't hurt Loki. You took us all by surprise, but we forget how hair-triggered you are. If you had wanted to hurt him you would have. His neck was a little red, yes, but it was from where he had been rubbing his neck as he walked up to you."

"Really? I... I didn't hurt him?"

She smiled. "You really love him, don't you?"

"Yes. I don't know how it happened so fast. It's like it just fit." I looked at her. "He's my soulmate, isn't he?"

She nodded. "Yes, and he has realized it too. Steve and Bucky are a little bummed as they hoped it was them but are ok with it since they know they are special in your heart. Well Bucky will be once he actually talks to you. The whole situation was a shock. You running, Loki breaking down like that."

"Wanda... what happened after I left?"

"Do you really want to know? I'm not sure now is the best time. You're still weak and don't need to be upset."

"Yes. I need to know."

"Alright, but instead of telling you, I will show you." 

Her hand glowed red as she held it by my head. Suddenly I was back in the kitchen with my quick exit. Everyone was frozen for a few moments which was why I got such a head start on them. Then Nat said "She isn't wearing shoes" and it seemed to wake everyone up. Loki screamed my name and ran out after me with Bucky right behind him, but I had already made it off the compound. Loki looked panicked. It hurt my heart to see that look on his face. The others came out the door. He whirled around to face everyone.

"Thor, we have to find her! We have to! Please help me, Brother. I can't lose her."

The pleading in his eyes nearly broke my heart. It seemed everyone started moving at once. Tony took to the skies in his red metal suit. He spotted my bloody footprints and radioed everyone to follow. Then the memory sped up and it slowed at the bridge. Loki spotted me laying there and yelled my name. He looked panicked when I didn't answer. He ran to me and lifted me in his arms. He screamed for Bruce as he saw the blood around me. In the memory, I could see it was in a large pool under my feet. It seemed the cut around my ankle had hit a vein and I had been slowly bleeding out. The desperation on his face made my heart clench. I heard him calling me and trying to get me to open my eyes. I saw the few details I had known and watched as I fell unconscious again. Loki looked devastated as he thought I had died until Bruce pulled me away and worked to keep me alive. The memory skipped again and showed me laying in the hospital bed, hooked to all the monitors. Loki was by my side but not as I have ever seen him. He looked defeated and was slumped over at my bedside. Bruce came in to check on me.