
Morning in the library

Lina opened the library door bright and early the next morning at eight with a cup of strong coffee. She had "slept" in her studio last night after putting in two hours on her latest class assignment, a pastel tone painting of a toddler dress in yellow running in a meadow. It was beautiful.

She thought back to the man and the vision she had had of him. She couldn't stop her self and had begun to paint it last night, to remember him. She often painted her visions, but his was the most difficult so far. She had completed a charcoal sketch, but the coiled violence, the sexual power the thing seemed to ooze from every pore were amazing, he didn't seem like a human but more like a dragon instead. It wasn't odd that she painted how she thought he looks as dragon until morning.

She had found a large paint splattered hoody left in her studio to change into this morning and had just worn everything else from the day before--underwear, bra, baggy jeans, and sliders. She had pulled her hair up into a high ponytail.

She walked over to the librarian, Mrs. Chen, to sign in.

"Hello. Glad to see you all happy and ready to meet the world. Just sign this paper here and study away, my dear." She laughed.

She held back a grimace. Mrs. Chen had always been annoyingly happy in the morning.

"Thank you." She signed the paper with her full name and handed it back to her with a tired smile.

She plopped down at a table to read over her assignments for the year. It wasn't much. Other than painting she didn't have much. No family, no friend, and no lover. The handsome man from last would have been perfect for her. But he was also creepy, his stare made her uncomfortable.