

The world color change and filled her ears with its insistent buzzing, drowning out the rest of the world.

Why now?

No, no, no…

The campus blurred and faded until her vision was focused solely on the man holding her. The man was dress different as if from another time. He was calling her princess. In a sweet tone. They were looking out together at a beauty full blue orb in the sky.

Her heart was beating as he places a heart shape diamond ring on her finger. They were so in love. She was happy.

Lina blinked up at the stranger a few times as she came back to her senses. Thankfully he had stopped shaking her as soon as he realized she had come out of her vision.

The man had gotten very close again. He slowly took his hands away and she slowly backed up. The worry in his eyes was gone so thoroughly that she had to wonder if it had ever been there. Now they were hard black jewels, squinted slightly in thought. It was sort of odd but Lina thought it was the light playing games with her eyes. It happens often enough.

"I have to go now." Even she could hear the fear in her voice.

She turned abruptly and walked quickly towards the Creative Arts building just a few hundred feet away. She was almost disappointed when he didn't reach for her or call her back again. But that was stupid. He was a danger to society. A demon, as her vision had shown.

There was no other way to describe what happened. But she knew it was a past. One from a very long time ago. Their fates may have entwined then but it wasn't now.

She had been drawn to the man. She took a quick glance over her shoulder. He was still standing there. Staring at her. She looked quickly away and walked a little faster. That was creepy. But even if he was creepy and stalkerish and weird, she couldn't deny that he was hot as in hot.