
Star Wars: Symbiosis

The Force is within everything and everything is part of The Force. It guides and flows, speaks and pushes, and it is up to those who can listen to decide if the wish to follow or push back. But one being ripped from its home reality, which witnessed ages passed and long forgotten conflicts and wonders, desired to return to the root of it all. To act on the principal that any truly symbiotic relationship requires both sides to give and take, shaping its views and eventually the universe with them.

Alexander_the_grey · Filmes
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14 Chs

Ch.6 - Nudging Through the Force

[44 BBY] - Outer Rim - Thanium Sector - Felucia

The Galaxy was slowly unraveling.

It was obvious to someone like Maar Kun, especially with how closely he had been working with Sanctuarate assets in the Republic over the last decade.

He was far from stupid and the reports from their Root operatives were damning in themselves, much less the unofficial whispers he could pick up on jobs, through his own people or directly from Vao when he was working a 'contract' for the Twi. That last one being rather often thanks to Clan Vornskr's reputation in the Private Security business, especially with the open secret regarding 'Mando Jedi' being available.

Everybody wants a Jedi that'll kill for you.

But it was a good cover to work with, something he learnt to appreciate ever since he took over as Clan Head from Divrus Ordo a few years ago, turning him into an advisor and educator for clan recruits.

The older man had been leading things in Republic space for over 40 years and had been ready to let someone younger take the reins, which happened to be Maar himself due to sheer competency and skill. Although, that didn't mean Ordo couldn't do it, he was only 94 and even a Vahla Hyrbid could live and stay strong in all aspects well into their 150s thanks to Sanctuarate capabilities, and that's with very weak Force Sensitivity, which Ordo certainly had enough of to stay fresh into his 200s. No, Divrus had felt it, just like Maar Kun had, that the Dathomirian hybrid was meant to lead the Clan and had simply done what he felt was right to prepare him for it.

The extra time certainly helped him get a better grip on the state of the Galaxy.

Civil Wars constantly flaring up, pirate activity increase across the board, Corporations getting more and more out of control as they expand their 'protective armies' and their rampages across the Outer Rim, the Senate sending Jedi out for every issue and their constant need to send out greater and greater numbers, all while the Senate did nothing but bicker or worsen matters by continuing with their Core Centric behavior.

Even this year alone there has been some serious issues, but none more indicative of the rampant problems in the Republic as the 'Stark Hyperspace War' as the Holonews called it.

A smuggler-turned-pirate became a hero to the people in the Outer Rim by attacking Trade Federation shipments and selling their products at prices which weren't downright extortion, then getting put down because the Federation cried home to mommy instead of anyone actually fixing the damn problem which allowed this to even happen, everyone in power just being happy they could exploit the Outer Rim again.

It was more complicated, especially with those slippery Sith being involved on both sides, almost making Iaco Stark, the man who sparked the entire conflict, go too far in his ambitions before Vao could get to him, but that was generally what happened.

As a result, the Republic allowed the Federation to further increase their armies to 'protect themselves' due to being the main targets while playing both sides, the Jedi actually lost one of their better Council Masters, a dead Tarkin, which was a good thing for Maar as that particular family seemed to lust for military power far too much, and now people were on edge with militarists on the rise and Finis Valorum obtaining far too much support for a man with so little…creativity.

That entire conflict had been a shit show, another with Sith fingerprints all over it as the Sanctuarate knew for a fact that they were deeply involved in the Trade Federation, Banking Clans and other major Corporations as well as the Senate. Playing the Galaxy from within its own systems as they set the board for their plays.

Vao was just happy with snatching Stark and shipping his ass to be properly trained and educated for whatever role she saw him fit to fill, but Maar could see why. They man had managed to gather smugglers, pirates, bounty hunters and mercs together into a rather significant force through charisma alone, so he was interested in seeing what he could achieve when not a Sith tool and with some proper training and guidance.

Putting down the reports on that, something he had been doing quite frequently after becoming Clan Head, Maar took the time to look back on his own progress.

His people were ready.

With the Civil War intensifying, it was almost time to unite Mandolorians anew.

Clan Vornskr would be ready for it, although he couldn't say nothing interesting had happened in the last couple of years for the clan, mainly because there had been an uptake in the number of Jedi dropouts joining them as the clan's reputation spread with the increase in activity from Hawk Enterprises, Republic and Medi-Gel Inc. contracts.

The last one was part of the Clan's Stirling reputation because it was THE darling company of the Galaxy.

Producing a gel with only somewhat lower capabilities than Bacta, but at much lower costs and higher amounts while being a non-profit donating to tens of thousands of causes throughout the Galaxy.

A beacon of hope far more influential than anyone else, even the Jedi and the only company which no one even dares to attack simply out of fear of becoming the entire Galaxy's enemy. Even criminal organizations refused to target them simply because they didn't need to with their reasonable prices and the company meeting demands while not being biased to less 'civilized worlds'.

And just in case, they had Clan Vornskr on retainer to cover all of their bases.

It was one of the reasons for the rise in status over the last decade, and a move made by the Sanctuarate as they slowly tied their Republic assets together for the coming storm. Thus why Hawk Enterprises became Medi-Gel Inc.'s only authorized shippers, completely cutting out the Trade Federation and making them nigh untouchable.

The credits were nice, the jobs good for older or green clan members and to build connections with worlds in need or powerful politicians approved by the Sanctuarate for protection, but the near poaching of Jedi members and dropouts was still the best part for both Maar and his vassal Clans and Houses. They saw it as proof that even their own members saw them as better, loving to rub it in and integrating them in with gusto to further accentuate matters.

One of the most significant was a former Jedi Knight by the name of Sharad Hett.

A famous Jedi Hero amongst their ranks for his numerous deeds and success when dealing with high difficulty missions, becoming disillusioned with how fellow Jedi treated him and deciding to leave the order to reconnect with family he had been allowed to keep in contact with throughout is training, even if as a 'treat'. Unfortunately, he found his homeworld destroyed and family dead due to rival systems of his home allying to destroy it. The man found himself drawn to Clan Vornskr from his shock, clinging to the Clan's views on family and becoming rather taken in guiding young ones, even being seen getting rather comfortable with a Togrutan widow lately.

The Jedi didn't know, mainly because of Mando views on their helms protecting his identity and the existence of Vornskr Mando Jedi further muddling matters, but it would be a good card later.

"Clan Head!" Another former Jedi Order member coincidentally rushed into Maar's temporary office.

Gehren Rand, a human female and former Youngling who was on Felucia so Maar could help in her combat training while on duty.

The planet was extremely important to Medi-Gel Inc and the Sanctuarate due to the sheer presence of the Living Force here, hence it was under permanent protection from both Republic and now Vornskr forces. Maar simply decided to personally oversee things since the start of the Stark Hyperspace War, just in case, taking a decent force with him and more promising Force Sensitives like Gehren.

The human teen had an unshakable spirit and fit in well with the Clan due to her valuing family.

"Yes trainee Rand?" Maar Kun evenly responded, causing the girl to stand in attention to properly report.

"Sir, we've received a distress call from the Supercommandos." She answered, causing the man to raise an eyebrow.

They might be allies, but never did they promise any kind of direct support if they were in trouble.

"They're being attacked by a Jedi led task force." Gehran grimly finished in a cold and near angered voice.

They both knew that wasn't right.

Jaster Mereel was a man of honor, proven time and time again, meaning if the Jedi were after them they had been sent as hounds of the Senate again. Given a familiar scent of 'Mandos being a threat' and attacking without hesitation.

It could only mean that their current employer, the Governor of Galidraan, had stabbed them in the back after he hired Jaster's 'True Mandalorians' to put down an insurrection.

And with their people being the closest, sharing the same sector at the moment, they sent that signal to Felucia.

"Jaster is a good man and honorable warrior, we will not allow him and his men to be put down by the Jedi when they had been accomplishing such good for our people." Maar Kun immediately stood and placed his helm on his head, already being armed and armored. "Let us remind them why they feared us so much they tried to excise us."

"Yes sir!" Rand growled as she followed.

Maybe she hadn't left the Order on bad terms, but she had learnt much during her time as a member of the Clan, seen and understood just how far the Jedi had fallen and what they were supposed to be, knew the Supercommandos personally even, so the teen wasn't feeling very generous towards her former Order at the moment.

Maar Kun instead wondered if this would be a good opportunity for her growth though, but for now they had some Jedi to neutralize and backstabbers to make an example of.

No one betrayed real Mandalorians.

Not again.

- Sometime Later - Galidraan System - Galidraan

"Kill those kriffin Senate Dogs!" Roared a desperate Mando as he fired a heavy repeating rifle at a Jedi alongside his comrades, the target dashing through the many pine trees of the planet, using them to creep closer and closer.

"Send out detonators! Destroy her cover!" Another ordered as Thermal charges were lobbed in the Jedi's general area while suppressive fire was shot, not wanting their own explosives pushed back at them.

They had already lost far too many to hold back on more destructive means, but at least they had also taken down over half of the Jedi with them so far.

But they all knew this was a losing battle.

Taken by surprise, sabotaged by kriffin Death Watch and they all knew because the Sith-spawns actually sent them their emblem through the channel reserved for their employer, tired from finishing their job too, it's no wonder they were loosing.

The biggest blow though, was losing Jaster. Their Manda'lor and most of their members' greatest hope for better days as warriors, dead because of Death Watch treachery.

It was only thanks to his protege, Jango Fett, that they hadn't fallen apart as the young man actually killed a number of Jedi in his rage, including two with his bare hands. The man was becoming a beast as the leader of the Jedi tried his best to take him down as Fett flew around, taking down anyone unlucky enough to face him.

And now their only hope was to see if Clan Vornskr was able and willing to help in this total mess.

Thankfully, even Jedi get tired, and they had to maximize their numbers, meaning both sides needed to rest and recover sometimes, allowing them to stretch out the fighting in the hopes of taking one more down with them.

Obviously, they weren't used to seeing their comrades die like the Supercommandos were, evidence by the current Jedi leaping over the explosions with a roar, only to be met by raised blaster and plasma flames heading her way.

They would have gotten her another Jedi hadn't yanked her back through their 'magic nerf-shit'.

"Control yourself." A cold and commanding man's voice ordered the Jedi as their leader revealed himself present.

Still almost immaculate outfit fit for nobility, neatly trimmed greying beard and hair, piercing eyes filled with a cold wrath and an air of control about him.

This was the made who declared himself to be Jedi Master Dooku.

But before he properly turned his attention to the frozen Mandalorians, several ships passed overhead, with multiple objects jumping out.

Fortunately for the Supercommandos, those weren't any ships, they had been Vornskr MAATs, and the objects were rapidly approaching Mandalorians by the dozens as they fired downwards, forcing fighting all over the battlefield to stop as the Jedi fell back and the Supercommandos cheered.

And it was silenced as a figure landed before the Jedi Master in his near-black Vornskr armor, stylized through the lines of horns on the helm, silver accents around the gauntlets, shoulder pads, visor and the sides of his body and legs, all indications that this was the Clan Head.

"Leave Jedi," Maar Kun ordered with absolute authority and all Jedi were not only surrounded on land, but also in the air, igniting his duel-bladed Lightsaber in synchronicity with his clan members, "or make an even larger mistake so I can return you to your Order as corpses."

"Why would Clan Vornskr support this group of terrorists?" The Jedi Master evenly questioned, seemingly unfazed by the threat.

"Said the tool of Death Watch, Tyrants and backstabbers." Scoffed the armored man as he stood in a seemingly relaxed manner.

"Explain." Dooku demanded with narrowed eyes.

He had always felt this mission was not one the Jedi should have taken, even more so with the death of the numerous Jedi he had been forced to take with him, and now he desired to see himself proven right again.

"Master?! You can't listen to these barbarians!" Shouted a teen a few years older than Gehran, around 18 years old, with similarly short blonde hair and blue eyes, obviously the older man's apprentice.

"Quiet Padawan." Dooku coldly chastised before turning his attention back to the warrior before him.

"Typical Jedi only needing the Senate to tell you to attack, never looking deeper if your masters order it." Maar Kun scoffed, only somewhat exaggerating his disgust for what the Jedi had become. "Jaster Mereel was a man of outstanding honor, a true Mandalorian, trying to rebuild our people's image further and that was why he had our support.

He was hired to by this planet's governor to put down a violent insurrection, something easily proven if you had simply asked him about it due to our people always making copies of our contracts to not get double-crossed like this."

"And why would this Governor betray them if they were as honorable as you claim?" Dooku questioned deeper.

"Because he is in league with Death Watch and wanted to get out of paying the high fees necessary to hire so many highly skilled Mandalorian Mercenaries by claiming they were dangerous to the Senate." Maar Kun explained as if the man was somewhat brain addled, twisting the proverbial knife with his next words. "Because it isn't like the Jedi and Senate don't have a history a killing first and not asking questions later with our people right?

Oh wait… they do."

Most might not be able to tell due to the man's impressive self-control and impassive facade, but Maar Kun and Dooku's padawan could feel the outrage and anger broiling beneath the surface.

"…Master?" The padawan hesitantly called out.

"Proof." Dooku nearly ground out the words. "Provide proof and I shall leave this planet alongside the remainder of those under my leadership."

Maar Kun simply signaled one of his men to bring out a data pad, tossing it over to the Jedi Master once he had it.

"That would be what we found out just during our trip from Felucia, Master Jedi." The Clan Head subtly jabbed at the man's order again. "Now take your dead and get out.

We have betrayers to deal with."

"Very well." Dooku coldly nodded after a quick look through the data pad, signaling to all the now disbelieving Jedi to do as he promised.

But they were mostly frozen after a Master of Dooku's renown just confirming that they had been used by a corrupt planetary official and well known terrorist group, having their comrades and friends dying because of it.

They felt shock.




Many Supercommandos felt somewhat similarly.

They could understand that the Jedi had also been used, but their wounds were fresh and so was the lost of their leader. So seeing the Jedi leave was hard.

"True Mandalorians, we have our revenge to be had!" Maar Kun passionately announced. "Death Watch and the Governors of Galidraan will weep blood as we pay them back for this affront!

And Jaster Mereel will pass knowing his betrayers and true enemies have fallen to us!

So today… we remind the Galaxy why they should fear the Wrath of Mandalore!!!"

The cries for blood sounded out with Maar Kun's declaration as the hesitant Jedi turned their backs on it. No longer desiring to sacrifice themselves in such a pointless battle, knowing they would die for certain should they try and stop them now that Clan Vornskr had arrived.

And blood would be taken as Galidraan's leadership bled that day, with none of Death Watch escaping them.

It was only a pity that their leader had been too much of a coward to be present personally due to Clan Vornskr's presence on Felucia, knowing they were allied with the True Mandalorians.

- Two Years Later - [42.5BBY] - Mandalorian Space - Mandalore

The aftermath of the Battle of Galidraan was much more than one might think of such a minor conflict in the eyes of the wider Galaxy.

Not trusting the Senate or Jedi at all, nor Galidraan's or the Galaxy's news networks, Maar Kun took advantage of both his own and Sanctuarate forces to first properly spread the events of that day and those surrounding it before passing it on to an 'independent' reporter who was the first to cover the story in full details.

Maar used Sith goals of both weakening the current Senate leadership and image of the Jedi, while also desiring to stoke militaristic tendencies to slip this through unopposed.

That's what their behavioral analysis suggested anyway based on the events of the Galaxy, with end goals varying from Jedi-hunts by the Republic itself, taking control from within, building an army through the Republic itself to make the Jedi incapable of taking it down, and even a new Sith Empire through their actions.

Regardless, the Jedi were lambasted as overly aggressive in their actions while the Senate was shown as completely incompetent for having been so easily used by a single Planetary official, kickstarting elections for a new Supreme Chancellor due to just how public this clusterfuck had become. The death of so many Jedi was not something so easily swept away.

What didn't help them was that, as a sign of goodwill, Clan Vornskr then helped Galidraan elect new leadership once the past leaders' corruption had been brought to light, helping train their own self-defense force as well for a very discounted price, putting them in touch with some good producers of light arms, armor and defenses. Far more than the Republic ever did for an Outer Rim World like Galidraan, at the same time proving just how off the mark they had been in attacking their allies.

Or well, former allies.

Not because they broke off completely, but because Jango Fett, who had become the de facto leader of the True Mandalorians and the newest claimant to the title of Mand'alor, had challenged Maar to see who deserved it more.

He predictably lost against the Dathomirian hybrid, Maar Kun being far beyond pretty much any in the Republic except for possibly the current Jedi Grandmaster and the Sith Lords skulking around, even without really using the Force.

Because of this, Jango swore the remaining True Mandalorians to Clan Vornskr, bringing them into the fold, thus not really being allies anymore.

Although in home space, many New Mandalorians used the event to decry Clan Vornskr as savage butchers for their retaliation, even when pretty much only the guilty and corrupt who had betrayed Mandalorians and gotten Jedi killed had been punished. Their words had been actually causing a resurgence in their people under their banner, revitalizing the planet, developing their industries further with the support of Hawk Enterprises and the contacts formed through various means.

The peace preaching hypocrites were so prosperous mainly because of their efforts as well, now demanding access to revitalized areas so they could 'utilize it properly'. Their attitude actually inflaming tensions enormously between the more traditional Clans and Houses who widely approved of Clan Vornskr's activities and results, with Death Watch stocking the flames again, attempting to rebuild the numbers culled on Galidraan through New Mandalorian dissenters.

And by early [42 BBY], the situation completely derailed with the assassination of the Duke of Clan Kryze, leader of the New Mandalorians and one of the only actually moderate members left.

That's why Death Watch had him killed.

They wanted the more extreme New Mandalorians to fly off the handle. To show they weren't better than them and that they would resort to violence to enforce their 'peaceful ways' just as easily as everyone else.

And it worked, to the dismay of many, as extremists on both sides escalated the situation.

It worked so well that the Jedi risked sending someone in Mandalorian affairs again, although they did send someone Maar knew to be at least more flexible and knowledgeable than their usual lot: Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, coincidentally the former student of Jedi Master Dooku.

He and his Padawan had been sent to aid the young heiress of House Kryze as guardians and advisors during this latest bout of Civil War.

How exactly would Maar know this?

Because his own Grandmaster had sent him a message regarding the current location of the Padawan and the Heiress who had fled to Clan Vornskr territory, whether knowingly or not, asking him to be welcoming… after giving the 'kids some *alone time*' he had apparently nudged.

Why his Grandmaster was playing matchmaker through the Force with a possible Duchess and a Padawan was beyond him, but he would listen regardless.

The former Duke Kryze had been a frequent point of reasonable contact with the New Mandalorian government for over two decades, Clan Vornskr could easily protect his daughter for this alone. Maar Kun though, he could feel it in the Force that it was nearly time to strike.

It was almost time to unite Mandalore anew.

-Forest of Beginnings-

For Obi-Wan Kenobi, the last week had been rather turbulent.

The new Mandalorian Civil war was far more intense than he and his master could have predicted.

Dozens of Clans and numerous Houses making plays to 'sit on the Throne' as it were, wanting to overthrow House Kryze as the representative of Mandalorian Space in the wider Galaxy as a first step for their ideals in what Mandalorians should become. It was honestly a mess with how Death Watch members kept making things worst and worst.

The only silver lining had been that the largest faction of Mandalorians had stayed out of the conflict, actually stabilizing the situation somewhat as they convinced more clans and Houses to at least remain neutral if not follow their lead. Things had even started to look like they were improving before he and Satine had been separated from his Master and Bo-Katan, Satine's younger sister and only remaining family.

That had come about an assassination attempt on Satine as the heiress and attempted kidnapping of Bo-Katan by Death Watch in the hopes of likely turning her into their puppet ruler. After that, Obi-wan did his best to keep Satine safe as they desperately travelled through either long destroyed or freshly so terrain, following the words of Satine's late father as they went out to look for aid.

'Never underestimate the Loyalty and Skills of the Vornskr, for they can find what they seek even in darkness.'

An…enigmatic piece of advice, but Satine had been convinced that this was exactly what they should heed in order to end the bloodshed and violence: Clan Vornskr's support.

Obi-wan had tried to argue that there would be a cost for this support, likely one she could not or would not desire to pay, but she convinced him to trust her. And as they traveled, fending off attacks from rare beasts and less rare Death Watch or hostile Mandalorians, he did.

More than trust, he grew…attached.

All to lose control one night after relief flooded them for being so close to their possible salvation when they had settled in a beautiful forest for the night, as if something had nudged him, possibly even the Force.

They had been so relieved of having reached a fully healed part of the planet, obviously under Vornskr control, that they kissed…and more, waking up in the morning as…lovers.

Satine looked more beautiful than ever to Obi-Wan, shaking his core, but she reassured him in saying that she was thankful for this one night, not pushing him to stay. It was something he both was grateful for and somewhat irritated by as is emotions were erratic.

Only when they had been found by a far more armed and dangerous patrol did those feelings still, protectiveness overwhelming them all as he stood before Satine to protect her.

"Calm yourself Padawan, Mand'alor invites you into his home as honored guests." A warrior told the you duo, causing Satine to relax, her emotions projecting hope, but Obi-Wan was still weary. "Duke Kryze was someone we had respected, possibly one of the only ones we respected for his views amongst the New Mandalorians, you have nothing to fear from us.

We are also looking for Bo-Katan Kryze in order to ensure Death Watch, or less reasonable parties, do not obtain her, although it would seem your Master is doing a decent job of protecting her so far."

"Please, take me to meet your leader." Satine politely requested.

A staunch pacifist like her father she may be, but she knew that she needed to act and gain support to end this senseless violence as soon as possible for her people and sister.

"We'll get you there." The man gestured with his covered head towards their transport, which seems to be their Clan standard MAAT if intelligence reports were to be trusted. "Although you'll probably need to at least use the refresher and put on some new clothes before meeting Mand'alor.

Two freshly minted adults always need one."

That last line caused the teens to blush up a storm as the other warriors laughed heartily at them, letting the Padawan's weariness lower somewhat as even the Force did not deem them dangers strangely enough.

- Two Hours Later - Clan Vornskr Main Compound - (Satine Focus)

Sitting with the man currently calling himself Mand'alor as they ate a very welcomed meal was something Satina had honestly never thought she would ever do.

To her, the title had been the relic of a bloody and barbarous past that Mandalorians were better off without. Something they didn't need anymore, certainly not after centuries of 'peace', but recent events could possibly convince her to…adjust those views.

Maar Kun was a warrior and leader, beyond the shadow of a doubt.

Visibly strong body, even through the somewhat similar robes given to Obi-wan, except the Padawan's were traditional beige while his were near back. An aura of power and authority which her own father would pale against. The respect and near awe shown to him were great as well.

And she could somewhat understand why they had only met him after their 'Tour' via luxury transport.

It had obviously been a political manœuvre to showcase the Clan's power and prestige, to make them feel even more inferior in this situation, something she was very familiar with thanks to her lessons in diplomacy and politics, but this was more.

What they showed was almost… the opposite.

Magnificent gardens and parks, with children and families joyfully wondering about. State of the art hospitals seemingly surpassing those she had seen even in Coruscant. Tasteful architecture and beautiful and powerful pieces of art on display featuring Mandalorian cultural or historical influences with the presence of more natural displays as well.

Leisure centers, a thriving market, various clans and houses all together in peace, a very large spaceport and all of it on Mandalore's true surface.

Not a domed city surrounded by deserts.

A real city filled with freedom, peace, safety and hope.

It struck her because, even with the words of her father, she had always seen those outside of the New Mandalorians as less evil Death Watch. It was all she had ever really known and could have compared to the Mandalorians of old.

But this man's people were different. So different.

"I can feel your conflicted emotions from here Heiress Kryze." The man's smooth and polite tone, hinting at amusement like he had known why she was feeling as she was.

"You truly are one of the Mando Jedi?" Obi-Wan blurted out, earning him a kick to to the shins to shut him up. "Ow."

She might have…given herself to the charming Padawan, but she was not above hurting him for being an idiot.

"Indeed, young Padawan." Maar Kun chuckled in now open amusement. "Although we did repurpose the name of Crusader for those Force Sensitive warriors in the Clan."

"My apologies then." The young man quickly said under Satine's glare, sitting up straighter as well.

"No harm done. In fact, I have been told that one of our newest official Crusader would like to speak with you later. An old acquaintance of yours, Padawan Kenobi." Was the response, surprising the two teens as like all Padawan, Obi-Wan did not exactly know many people outside of the Jedi Order. "But this is for later.

For now, we must address what it is you desire from myself and my clan, Heiress Satine."

"To stop the madness tearing Mandalore apart again." Her answer near immediate as she looked the man in his deep gray eyes, suddenly unable to break away while he seemingly looked within.

Her breath hitched and Obi-Wan stiffened, hand reaching down.

"No need to worry young man, I simply needed to see how she meant what she said." Maar Kun calmly spoke as he looked at the Padawan, letting Satine catch the breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "I will not let my people fight this battle for you if everything is simply going to end up the same again.

Our people divided as we try to revive our worlds, culture and build a future, yours deriding us as warmongers and slaughtering barbarians no better than Death Watch as you cling to only a single aspect of our people and whatever the Republic deems fit to throw your way as you all huddle in domes, isolated from the Galaxy, and Death Watch destroying everything we could all be in their all-consuming desperation for illusionary glory which would see us all dying at their hands or those they would point us to until Mandalore finally dies."

"Then what do you and your people want in exchange for helping end this conflict and placing Satine in her rightful place?" Obi-Wan shrewdly asked, his protectiveness over her making the heiress feel rather amorous.

"Unity." The single word rang out, causing Satine's eyes to widen. "For us to all embrace what makes us Mandalorian and move forward with enough strength to not fear the Republic or Jedi breaking us apart again."

"We would never do something like that without cause!" The Padawan heatedly replied, almost affronted.

"That is how the New Mandalorians came into power." Maar Kun simply countered. "Just, study up on the Mandalorian Excisions, Padawan Kenobi, or maybe ask your Grandmaster about them since he was there.

Both your order and the Republic fear strong Mandalorians, for both valid and biased reasons, but I want Mandalorians to move pass this.

We need to or we will simply remain as were are; scrambling to hold our people together in a fading culture as we lose everything. Even if this means being somewhat linked to the Republic to keep the peace with them as we grow to become a great people once more.

Beyond simply being warriors. All aspects of our society could be great should we apply our beliefs into our individual passions. Although I do still believe our martial traditions to hold great values."

His words were powerful and his charisma clear, actually making Satine somewhat jealous of the man due to her feeling moved by them.

They might be counter to her fundamental beliefs, but they were powerful.

"And how would you believe this to be possible?" Satine tried to evenly question as the man obviously already knew what he wanted and how.

He wouldn't speak of it so much if he didn't.

She just needed to find out if it was acceptable.

"You are a clever one." Kun smirked appreciatively. "It's rather simple.

I, or rather holders of the Title of Mand'alor, should become something akin to Commander-in-Chief of Military and Security operations, likely in charge of some matters relating to Infrastructure and Production as well, while the leader of the New Mandalorians would be in charge of matters of Diplomacy, Social Programs, Economy, Trade, Medicine.

Obviously this is a rough division, but you get the idea.

We limit each other's power, and that of the title of Mand'alor to focus on more than war or peace, thinking about our people to grow beyond both states. This way we can satisfy those looking for the old ways and strength while also being more than just that as we evolve."

"You want to… work together?" Satine asked, feeling baffled.

She couldn't really believe it.

He could easily just conquer them all at this point, especially if he could back up his claim to the title of Mand'alor, but he chose to be diplomatic. To find compromise.

"Yes. Conquering everyone would be counterintuitive because it wouldn't prove that we could be United again, or move beyond the Mand'alor holding power. We need to stop with the extremes and find a proper balance." Maar Kun firmly nodded without hesitation. "Is this a price you are willing to pay for your peace, Heiress Kryze?"

Now that was the question wasn't it?

Was Satine Kryze ready to essentially abandon centuries of struggle to 'civilize' Mandalorians in exchange for true peace amongst them?

It was the first time in nearly 700 years that those still believing in a warrior's strength truly reached out, not just demanding things or threatening the New Mandalorians, resulting in the need for Republic or Jedi intervention, further inflaming issues, but actually offering cooperation. And because of that, she could finally understand why they had shown them the beauty they had nurtured, as well as what was beyond their fabled strength.

Satine had been played and she knew it now, but she couldn't find a reason to really be against it. Her own father had seen enough good in Clan Vornskr to be the mediator between them and the New Mandalorians, with both sides being respectful as others simply pushed more and more extreme views which might keep them in the graces of 'Higher Worlds' and the Republic, but it never truly gave them the peace they had espoused.

Thus, she made her decision.

"If you can free my people of this fear and conflict, breaking our artificial walls as you have, then I will do all in my power for Mandalorians to be free and safe as we should be." She declared with a fire in her icy blue eyes burning bright, somewhat shocking her Padawan protector, but she felt this was the right thing to do.

Her people's lives and prosperity were at stake and Death Watch was a threat they had all ignored for far too long, claiming her father's life in their ceaseless lust for blood. She would strike back and finally rebuild Mandalore like her ancestors had only dreamed.

"I am genuinely pleased to hear that." Maar Kun with hidden relief. "Please do enjoy a proper rest while with us. You will be safer than the Supreme Chancellor herself while we prepare our forces and allies to finally reunite our people and excise the festering wound Death Watch has become."

- Private Guest Chamber -

"Are you sure about this Satine? This will not be an easy change for your people." Obi-Wan gently inquired as they sat near the fireplace in the chamber.

It was a rather tasteful room filled with obvious quality, with darker coloring, but also a natural feel thanks to the numerous plants serving as decorations and depictions of landscapes which were rather impactful.

"I know Ben, but just look there." She responded, gesturing to their balcony overlooking a nearby basin fed by picturesque waterfall, surrounded by carefully cultivated trees and plants, lit up to serve as a wonderful swimming area enjoyed by many even at this hour. "My people are essentially caged in a bubble, preaching peace and prosperity as nothing changes and we continue to rely on others for everything from water to ships, stuck in an endless cycle of Civil War which has flared up for over twenty now, all while they actually improve our shared homeworld, grow, enjoy peaceful and prosperous lives, all at the cost of possessing a highly respected force which could be hired out for work."

"If it makes you feel better, I don't believe you did the wrong thing, a hard one yes, but not wrong. Many worlds have Self-Defenses forces after all, even if not nearly as well trained as Mandalorians." The Padawan tried to support.

But then the duo heard a knock out their door, likely from the guards set there. Satine was a high-value guest after all, one under threat of assassination, thus the security measure was common sense.

"Yes?" Satine asked loud enough for them to hear.

"You have a visitor, ma'am. Do you wish to see her?" The guard announced, causing the teens to look at each other in askance.

"Clan Head Kun did say one of his Crusaders desired to meet with me, something regarding an old acquaintance." Obi-Wan shrugged, indicating that it was up to her.

"Very well, please let her in." Satine decided out of curiosity.

It was rather odd for a Mandalorian clan member to know such a young Jedi after all, one could excuse her curiosity at the situation.

With the door opening, they were met with an obviously feminine figure, visible through her armor thanks to her sleeker physique, wider hips and chest plate which protruded more than the males'. Her armor of Vornskr coloring but with pale blue detailing resembling eyes around her helm's visor, as well as artful swirls on her gauntlets. She was still fully armed, with a jet pack, multiple ranged options, high-tech wrist mounted accessories, but the most eye-catching was the single lightsaber at her hip.

"Well well well, look at you growing out of your wimpy phase Obi. You look good as a proper Padawan." The young woman's voice cheerfully exclaimed as she looked the young man over before looking at Satine. "And you got it on with a future Duchess, not bad."

The thumbs up simply caused the two teens to sputter and blush even harder as the young Crusader began laughing heartily.

"We-we're not- I'm mean we didn't-!" Obi-wan tried to protests as Satine looked both somewhat saddened at his denial and understanding.

"Calm down, this isn't the Order and we don't care about that kind of stuff. In fact, we encourage it since Force Sensitivity has a very high chance of passing down through blood and can even improve over generations." The Crusader waved their worries away, actually shocking the duo with that revelation.

"Really?!" The Padawan questioned in disbelief because if that were true, then weren't current rules actually hampering the Jedi?

"Yeah, partially understandable with how much Jedi fear people turning to the Dark Side, but still stupid." The armored woman shrugged.

"Be that as it may, I would like to know how you are acquainted to my protector." Satine questioned after recomposing herself.

"Oh right." The Crusader responded as if only remembering she hadn't introduced herself and was wearing a helm she was now taking off to reveal a teen around their age with short cropped blond hair, energetic blue eyes, cute face in a tomboyish way as she grinned at her old friend's gaping expression. "I'm Gehren Rand, and I used to be in the same youngling clan as Obi."

"You used to be in the Jedi Order?" A wide eyed Satine asked.

"Yeah, but I left because I could feel my family was in danger and they wouldn't even try to help or let me go, so I snuck out. Good thing to since they and the entire town they were in was being targeted by pirates. The only reason they're still alive and I'm not a slave somewhere is because the clan saved me and helped save them. I've been a member with my family ever since." Gehren succinctly explained the basics of her life with a shrug.

She might not show it, but she was bitter towards the Order for ignoring her visions and nearly letting the people who birthed her die. It was partially why she embraced being a 'Mando Jedi' so much since they really listened to even young ones when they felt or saw something through the Force, believing them to actually be more naturally connected than older member at times. There was also the heavy emphasis on family which helped her reconnect with her real parents, making her much happier then she had ever really been at the Temple.

"I-I'm glad you found your place, and that you managed to find a safe place for you and your family Gehren." Obi-Wan genuinely told his old friend.

It wasn't that often anymore, but he had always wondered if she was safe or managed to help in the danger she sensed. She hadn't exactly left with the most reputable of people back then after all.

"Thanks Obi. Glad to see you're doing well too. And under a real Jedi Master too." Gehren happily accepted his words.

"Real Jedi Master?" He repeated for clarity.

"Yeah. Qui-Gon Jinn is probably one of the few real Jedi left. Like Master Fay! She comes by to visit from time to time and we help her out voluntarily when she goes on some of her journeys. She's really cool, and your Master is kind of like her." The Mandalorian teen gushed about the elusive Jedi Master renowned for only following the will of the Force, ignoring the Council and Senate completely as she resolved countless disputes diplomatically throughout the Galaxy.

"Well, I can only say that my master is… unorthodox at times." Obi-wan awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

He tended not to always agree with his teacher and found his lack of desire to join the Council baffling, so hearing someone so approving of him because of it was somewhat jarring.

"Regardless," Satine interjected, feeling somewhat defensive against the fellow blonde for…reasons, "will you be joining us for a talk Miss Rand, or is this simply a visit to say hello?"

"Hm?" Gehren looked at her critically before grinning playfully. "Oh, looks like your girlfriend doesn't want me interrupting your alone time Obi."

Her dramatic tone causing the two to blush anew.

"That's fine, I'll leave you two lover birds alone since I still have plenty to do. We are preparing for a decent fight after all." She then quickly added before putting on her helm and waving goodbye as she left their room.

A few moments of silence hung between the two until Satine's eyes shone with determination.

Turning around, she grasped her protector's collar and dragged him to her sleeping area.

"S-Satine?!" A confused and spiraling Obi-Wan called out.

She said nothing as she gained a predatory look, pushing her prey onto her bed.

Satine would make sure to not be mocked and was going to make sure no other hussies could get close to her Ben while she had the chance.



-Stark Hyperspace War: This conflict flared up when Iaco Stark, a smuggler at the time, was selling goods in the Outer Rim, taking advantage of the price gouging the Trade Federation imposed to make a profit and gain a great reputation out there. He turned to piracy by targeting their transport, mainly of Bacta since that essentially duopolized, selling it to poorer worlds at much lower prices while still making a profit, slowly building up his forces to form his 'Combine' to strike larger and larger targets until it became a significant enough threat for the Senate to step it.

This happened when the Trade Federation complained to it, not knowing that some ambitious members of it were helping Stark in his efforts while the Sith were also playing both sides. This was to both make current leadership look ineffective and hurt the Jedi Order when one of their Council members died and a number or high ranking Federation officials were killed during Negotiations, later catapulting Nute Gunray into power within the Federation and Finis Valorum (Pre-Palpatine Chancellor) to great acclaim later used to become Supreme Chancellor.

That happened because a very militaristic (typical) member of the Tarkin family and the Senator of that Sector at the time tried to just break the Combine during Negotiations using a fleet he had cobbled together in order to prove that the Republic needed to reform its own military again, hoping that his success would catapult him into Commander-in-Chief of the newly created Navy. He died. Mostly because the Sith told Stark and he sabotaged that fleet, breaking down negotiations in the process.

Battles were waged in a relatively controlled if unorthodox manner since the Combine was a group of pirates, privateers, smugglers, bounty hunters and mercs against Trade Federation, local security and Jedi Forces. In the end, Stark changed sides because his higher ranking subordinates started plotting his death to take power and Jedi managed to convince him to through telepathic conversations, helping end the conflict he started, in canon/legend anyway, since in my version Asara Vao got to him since she saw potential in the man.

-Vahla: near-humans who were pretty much all Force Senstive and had cartilaginous skeletons, which gave them exceptional flexibility. Most followed a very strict Dark Side cult and were nomadic after they lost their homeworld. Skin ranges between dark grey to brown, hair from black to white with occasional Red-heads, and were rather tall around 2m on average.

-Kirames Kaj: Did you know that the Supreme Chancellor before Finis Valorum, whom Palpatine replaced, was a Female Togruta of this name? Because I hadn't.

-Ben: From what I've gathered Satine Kryze was the one who came up with the nickname of 'Ben' for Obi-Wan, making him taking that name while hiding from the Empire on Tatooine bittersweet at best after witnessing her death at the hands of Maul like he had. (And yes, i made them officially bang)

-Jedi Master Fay: 600+ year old Jedi Master who only lets the Force guide her, not even carrying a lightsaber around when travelling and resolving countless issues through diplomacy and her wisdom. A real Space Elf as she still looks young and is possibly a Sephi.



Basically, I'm trying to power through some important bits which happened before the invasion of Naboo, trying to let everyone get a better grasp as to how things led up to the clone wars and some Sith plays along the way.

The Separatists didn't just come into being after all and Dooku didn't suddenly decide to leave the Order and become a Sith for no reason. The Battle of Galidraan and Stark Hyperspace War were both important events which built up to it. The war because it weakened the Jedi and Senate while allowing someone under Sith sway to become the leading voice in the Trade Federation, while the Battle further displayed Jedi failings to Dooku.

I also thought this would have been the perfect opportunity to give Satine some development away from extreme pacifism. The only time actually, when she is young enough, had just suffered through the lost of her father, during a war and with limited options as she sought out a progressive faction which did still believe in personal strength. It was literally the only time I could picture her becoming more than what she was and was something like the only possible moment to turn the fate of Mandalore into something truly prosperous.

That Kieran decided to nudge Obi and Satine into getting it on is actually a very beneficial thing for the future, which will be brought up later as to why he would bother to do so. Plus it's kinda fun to have Satine be the aggressive one during their… negotiations.

Hope you enjoy.

Had to split the chap somewhat because it was getting laggy.