
reincarnated as a forest i controle it all

please do not expect GRAMMER or eanything of the sort this includes SPELLING

Daoist6zSfYk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

lord crafter

the tall man said c...congratulations you are now a lord rank crafter

thanks can you explain if there are eanything else

well i would like to give you these replacation gems

he handed me 2 blue crystles i asked what are

they for he said they can replacete items normaly

they cost 2 large gold but consider them a gift

but why i asked he told me he sees potential in me also to use the gems touch the item to the gem so i touched the katana to the stone it glowed then vanished into the crystle then 2 popped out and it broke i asked why it broke he said the gem was a master grade so it only holds

master and below ahh i see so can i sell them to the merchant guild he said they would go for aucion if i allow it i handed them to him and said go ahed but i stay anonomus for now he said ok and exepted so i left to an inn with the systme teleporting me

i went inside of s room the qoman said i pay when i check out

[system has awarded host with 3000 Lvs for becoming a lord crafter and a stell rank in the span of 1 day]

display stats

[displaying stats

race elder moon oak

hp infenet conditinal

mana 70025

Lv 3350


strength 0

vitalaty infinet

intelect 7025

speed 30

[stat points 60000

[skill points 15000



stats end]

huuu system when i am in tree form it says i am i tree but is does not now why

[in human form strenghth can be used but not in tree form unless you have the requied skill]

ok so open skill shop

[skill shop

skill points 15000

teleportation 1000

holy magic 2500

dark magic 2500

air magic 1000

anti magic 2000

enchanting 2000

script magic 3000

combination magic 4000

ancient magic 30000

shop close]

system explain script anti and ancient magic please

[ displaying now

1. script magic is basicly magic code you feed to something that actavates on a key action

2. anti magic is a form of magic that allows you to cancel all casts of magic for all or spasific type

3. ancient magic is what the gods use it has the power to kill rivive and the most basic spell holds the power to destroy a kingdom]

so hmm buy script combonation anti magic and enchanting

[done current skill points at 4000 ]

perfict now allocate 60000 stat points to intalect

[stat points now at 0] [ intelcet is now 67025 mana is now at 670250] perfect it was night now i skipped the meal the served down on the ground floor i fell asleep