
reincarnated as a forest i controle it all

please do not expect GRAMMER or eanything of the sort this includes SPELLING

Daoist6zSfYk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

nightshade blade

"5 minutes pass"

a grand stone building stood before me as i entered a busy room filled with people from different races {system what are the people called with the furry ears and tail}

[ they are known as demi humans they have some animal animal characteristics]

ahh intresting i want up to the front desk there stood a tall man with emerald eyes and raven hair

he said as i aproched hello sir what is youre bisines i said i would like to get a contract

what kind of contract he said there are two types od them the first a exclusive contract where you only can sell through this guild

and second a non exclusive meaning they would not pay as much

i quickly said a exclusive contract please so he lead me to a wooden room with a stack of papers

he told me to sit took out a pice of paper he said all i need to do is place a drop of blood on it

[exclusive guild contract

1. the guild keeps 70%of what the item sells for

2. all sales of items must go through the guild

3.if the guild belives a item is extreamly valubal it may be taken to auction

4. cancalation of this contract must be agreed on by both parties

contract singed by enoch]

next up is youre crafter rank he lead me to a room of steel there was equitment for every form of crafting

he left and said i have 1 hour

{systme is there some one waching me }

[no] then tell me when someone is also set a timer for 55 minutes [done] is this space big inough for my real body [yes] then transform

with a poof i was i tree now item cretion

[displaying item creation

itam type katana

name nightshade katana

metirals wood string moon ingot

colors purpel black

stat boosts

strenght plus 50

speed plus 200

defence plus 20

intelect nil


deadly posion

inflicts a deadly posion that is deadly to the race cut

hidden abilitys

monster boost

eany monsters created by enoch gain a stat boost

if the katana strikes them <level of hidden undetectable>

durability 1 milion

end of creation]

[55 mins is up]

thanks transform human and with a poof im human

"5 mins pass"

the man walks in i hand him the katana he seemed shocked his eyes glowed green when he said aprase after a few seconds he seemed startald a...a lord class