
reincarnated as a forest i controle it all

please do not expect GRAMMER or eanything of the sort this includes SPELLING

Daoist6zSfYk · Fantasy
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39 Chs

incompitant mages

"12 houres later"

i woke up to a loud voice it said

this is an emergiancy all adventures perpaer for an attack by a water dragon the barriar has been breached all adventures rank 5 and above prepare to fight broadcast over

haaaauuu system why

[ill explain this simpaly so youre tiny brain can understand a water dragon is attacking the capital] ahh hey thats crule [ but true] hm

can i kill it or not [ yes if you use anti magic to block water magic] got ya so i rush over to the dragon with 50 or so adventures someone stopped me and asked for my rank i show him my steel rank card she allows me through i dicide to now actavate (anti water magic zone)

they all looked at me like i was crazy but when a gray magic circle apeared under the dragon they looked shocked WELL GET TO ATTACKING THEN ILL BLOCK ITS WATER MAGIC they quickly started attacking with skills like flame slash and flame shot system what magic will be most efective aginst it [fire its the only magic you can use aginst it that you have] so i can harm it then

(dragon explotion missile) well my magic only exploded a wing off a adventure shouted THE HELL THAT SPELL ITS ALEAST LV 9 MAGIC

ohh so its powerful then aww well ahh gotch so

(multicast dragon explotion missile)

suddenly another 5 missiles shot out of thin air blowing off the dragons 4 legs and head

an adventure said dragon killed WHO KILLED IT i used teleportation to go onto the dragons head and shouted I KILLED THIS DRAGON

i got a few mixed responces but they all shut up when a strong looking man appeard and said the queen demands an audience with me