
Reborn into Star Wars without a system

Star Wars fan reincarnated as a youngling in the jedi order just before the battle of naboo

Wingzer0 · Filmes
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31 Chs

Chapter 24 Andromeda Initiative

Dillan looked at Gavin in confusion. "Chart wildspace? Are you trying to rope us into another expidition?"Gavin nodded. "Yes and no. I am establishing an organization to explore the unknown parts of our galaxy. Unknown Regions and Wild Space are both in our galaxy, yet we know little about them."Dillian looked at his fellow survivors, who nodded. They sought to leave the Galaxy to do something similar. And Gavin had saved their lives. "As a bonus, it is unaffiliated with the Republic, Jedi, or Seperatists. It will be privately run, and I want to bring you on as its first members. Decisions will be made by a counsel. I will lead, but if necessary, the council can overrule my decisions if I get out of hand." Gavin explained.

"Can you tell us more?" Dillian asked beginning to warm to the idea.

"Of course but first you should meet the other members of this little venture." Gavin said before asking SAM to bring in Irizi'ar'alani and Mitth'ras'safis.

The colonists visibly tensed as the two Chiss entered. Gavin stood up and said loudly. "ENOUGH. The Initiative is a collaboration of multiple species. Neither of these Chiss participated in the attack against you and we will not judge a person by what their species has done!"

Gavin paused making sure that he had their attention. "Thrass here assisted Jedi Jenzler with getting you to saftey. you should be grateful to him. His expertise in diplomacy and negotiation should prove useful for any unknown species we might encounter. I intend him to be the head of the diplomatic/first contact team."

"Diplomatic/First contact team?" Dillan asked.

"Yes," Gavin answered. "We will be the beginning of the initiative. I have a few scientists and explorers in mind to join us. We will have a few Major departments."

Gavin paused making sure that he had their attention before continuing. "Administrative Department will handle pay, acquisition of equipment, and other administrative tasks including overseeing other departments. Dillan I want you as the director of this, The administrative director will also act as leader of the initiative."

"The scientific department will focus on exploring new technologies and analyzing any discoveries found by the exploration division. I have a scientist in mind but have not located her yet." Gavin continued.

"Security Division will have 2 roles. they will act as our military and police. They will be responsible for investigating any crimes committed and for insuring the saftwy of our bases and personnel. make no mistake science is first diplomacy will be tried but we need to be ready to defend ourselves."

"logistics will work with the other departments to maintain equipment, grow and provide food, and insure we are properly equipped for our expiditions." Gavin continued. "All of you may apply for any position you think yourself qualified and interested in.

"Apart from the normal divisions there are a few teams known as spectres. Special tactics and reconnaissance. These teams will answer straining to the leaders of the initiative. they will be the best of the best and will be responsible for investigating and if necessary removing potential threats to the Initiative."

"Zani here is a capable ship and military commander. I intend to have her with me as second in command of my ship." Gavin said. "A Myself and my crew will act as the first SPECTRE team."

"Headquarters of the Initiative will be this." Gavin said as he pressed a few buttons on the holo display. It brought up a blueprint of the Nexus. Gavin and SAM had altered it, fixing the power issue and getting point defense weaponry and shields placed on it. The weaponry consisted of missle pods, turbo laser batteries, CIWS defense turrets, Laser intercept systems, and 4 Gauss Cannons to deter larger warships. A heavy focus on bullets was shown due to most defensive systems in the Star Wars Universe being gears towards missiles and turbo lasers.

"There will be 4 expeditionary units. They will carry colonization supplies, scientific equipment and will have strong defenses to protect themselves." Gavin continued before pulling up a modified Ark. SAM and Gavin had reworked the engines, added poit defense weaponry and heavy cannons making a respectable warship.

"Away teams will use this for scouting." Gavin continued his audience enraptured by the high tech ships and tech that was different than anything else they had seen.

A blueprint of the Tempest scrolled across the screen, heavily modified with 2 blaster turrets for defense and the ghost system for stealth. "It is equipped with Atmospheric tectonic and biological scanners as well as a sensor array advanced enough to detect any civilization beyond stone age tech.

"These are the major ships we will be using. There is also various technology that SAM here will be briefing and training you on over the next couple of weeks."