
Reborn into Star Wars without a system

Star Wars fan reincarnated as a youngling in the jedi order just before the battle of naboo

Wingzer0 · Movies
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30 Chs

Chapter 23

The remaining colonists gathered in the meeting room. Gavin sighed at the fear and distrust he felt in the room and realized that this was going to be difficult. (What the hell did that fool C'Baoth do to get those levels of hatred?) He thought to himself. Sitting down, he began to speak.

"My name is Gavin Marik. I am here in response to a call for help that I received." He began.

"We don't need help from any jedi." Chas said with an arrogant and hate-filled tone before turning to the rest. "Remember the Jedi got us into this. We are better off without them or their cursed force bullshit!"

Gavin glanced at Chas. "I do believe I asked you to be quiet." He said in a low tone that even though quiet, everyone seemed to hear clearly. "I am not a current member of the order and merely responded to the call for help due to their being people in need. If you have nothing to contribute other than hatred and retoric, then get out."

Chas and Brace both looked like they wanted to interrupt again, so Gavin picked them up with the force before throwing them out of the room and locking the door behind them.

"Apologies for that, bu5 I have little tolerance for fool cowards and bullies." Gavin said apologetically to the rest of them. "I don't believe that those two and the people who follow them gave you guys the full story of your situation."

"And what is that?" Asked Dillian.

"Shields are failing radiation poisoning from the surrounding black hols will poison and kill many of you within a few years." Gavin paused for that to sink in. "Food while plentiful now will eventually run out. You crashed in the middle of the most heavily guarded military base the Chiss have, and they will want you out. After all, you are a threat to their security. I have negotiated safe passage for all of you out, but it is a one-time thing."

"What do you mean?" One of the others asked.

Gavin looked at all of them before replying. "It may be 20 or 30 years before they give permission to return here." He then rose, "Decision is yours, I can't help those who don't want help, but remember those two, the ones who made themselves leaders, they sought to divide, not unite. Leading through fear will only lead to disaster."

Gavin then left the room for them to make their decision. He was no Saint, no Savior. He was a man who did right by his morals and could care less what others thought. Helping them seemed the right thing to do, but he would not force his help on anyone. As an actor once said while playing a famous hero, "I won't kill you, but that doesn't mean I have to save you."

Gavin waited by the turbo lifts till Dillian approached out of the 48 colonists. 35 wanted to come with him, including Dillan and his family. The other 13 were staying, and they were following Chace and Brace. Gavin told the ones coming with him to gather any personal belongings and accompany him to the main bay to pick up Jinzler and Thrass before returning to the Chiss ship.

Chaf'orm'bintrano was advised of the situation and thought those left behind were fools. A sentiment that Gavin agreed with. Calling the colonists onto the Tempest Gavin had a proposal.

"How would you guys like to help chart the unknown and wild space?" He asked with a serious look in his eye.