

authordelulu · Música e bandas
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 2

She was sitting under the tree waiting for her friends who are about to come. She was looking at the trees around her. It was peaceful. No.. So much peaceful to be here alone. She looked at the sky and closed her eyes. Soon her friends arrived and they sat on the grass in a circle. They opened their mobile and stared to look for the notifications of the job.

    They are in the last year of their graduation, so they are looking for a job in companies. They prepared their resumes and all the things which needed for the interview.

They tried in some of the companies and got rejected as she doesn't have any experience. They had some internships from small companies but they aren't enough for the job they are looking. So they planned to attend a interview tomorrow as it is a jobs season.

   Hani:do you think we will be hired in atleast one company?

Siya:yes.for sure we gonna get it. No negative thoughts this time as we are super prepared.

Y/n:yess yess we will achieve it. All the best girlss. Let's try to meet tomorrow in the evening.

Soon they departed to their houses.

    The next day she woke up with a jerk as it was late and she forgot to turn on her alarm .

Y/n : agrahhh shittt againn..

She rushed towards washroom and got ready in 15 minutes. She got dressed in formal outfit and rushed outside applying lip gloss.

      She started her scooty and head towards KIM ENTERPRISES which is among the top 5 companies in Asia, more like top 1 . She just wanted to give it a try as she know she can't meet to the needs of  the company. She parked her vehicle in the parking yard and started to run towards the entrance ignoring the man she bumped. But got interrupted by the security.

    Security: Mam, please let me see your id

Y/n:No, iam not the worker. I came here to attend the interview. Please let me in, iam running out of time.

Security:you are already late mam. Sir strictly ordered us not to allow any one after the time.

Y/n: but pleas..

? :Allow her

A man walked past her and security guard immediately bowed his head and allowed her. The previous man had a conversation with receptionist and left.

      She ran towards the receptionist.

Receptionist: mam, please visit the CEO room in the top floor.

She started to rush towards the lift without a second thought.

And when the lift was about to close she put her leg in between and got into the lift. It was already heading to the top floor.

When the body guard was about to tell something the man beside him signed not to make any noise.

Y/n: God., please just let me pass this time. I never ask you anything ever again . Please please last. If you gave me a job I will attend the church every week for prayers not for chocolates and food. I will stop taking extra chocolates. I will never steal anything.

She folded her hands in front of her head and prayed to the God. She spoke out loud completely ignoring the well built man and a greek God standing backside.

   When th lift reached the top floor she started to walk finding the room of the CEO. After serching for some minutes she finally found the room of the CEO. She pressed the button and the doors got opened after some seconds she immediately walked inside. The chair which was facing the glass doors turned to her side and her breathe hitched lookin at him.

    He was mind blowing to the extent that even the beauty will get jealous of him. He got the sharp and perfect features, definitely God has spent a lot of time creating him than the God himself.

    He coughed a little and she came back to the reality and started at the dreamy man in front of her. She moved her gaze from his eyes to the board in front of him. "KIM TAEHYUNG -CEO"her lips moved beautifully reading the name.

   Taehyung:please take your seat.

Y/n:thank you Mr. Kim.

Thv:May I have a look at your resume.

She was about to give the file in her hands to him but out of clumsiness her hands slipped and the papers scattered on the ground everywhere. She bend down to take the papers after murmuring sorry so many times. She handed him the file after arranging them properly. He took the file from her hand and read them.

   Thv: so ms. Y/n tell me why we should hire you even though you don't have any experience in the work.

Y/n:I agree with you Mr. Kim. But the most experienced one must also start form the stage I am  now. If someday no one has hired them telling you don't have any experience, we might not be having many intellectuals now. So I request you to give me a chance to prove myself.

Thv : very great ans ms. Y/n. I will also agree with your point. But we don't hire someone who's senses have damaged very badly.

Y/n:excuse me sir?

Thv: yes ms. Y/n. What if you keep on bumping to someone and walk out like nothing happened . I can't hire some one like you.

She realised he was the one whom she bumped in the morning.

Y/n:sorry sir, I was in a hurry.

Thv:I think before you join in any company, you should visit a good hospital.

May I book an appointment for you ms. Y/n?

Y/n :I didn't get you Mr. Kim.

Thv: to check your eyes ms. Y/n.It was clearly written that the lift is only for CEO and not for staff in a bold and visible letters. I think you got some problem with your eye sight.

Y/n:iam sorry Mr. Kim I haven't seen it.

Thv:that's what iam saying ms. Y/n. We can't hire someone who are going to ignore the things like you do. Your even late for your interview too.

Y/n:Give me one chance sir, I won't repeat any of these mistakes again.

Thv:what if you repeat?

Her gaze shifted to ground as she doesn't have answer for his question.

Thv:shall I give you a punishment?

She lift her face with a jerk and met with his smirking face.

Y/n:what pun ..punishment sir?

Thv:you need to spend some extra hours, that's it. What are you thinking ms. Y/n?

Y/n:no nothing sir.

Her face turned like a tomato out of embarrassment.

Thv:ok ms. Y/n your hired. Please collect the file from the receptionist and be on time tomorrow.

Y/n :thank you so much sir.

She chirped happily and jumped out of happiness. She took  his hands in her hands and shook them. She rushed out jumping on the way.

    She collected the file from the receptionist which had about her work details and the things related to the company which every employee must know.

Time skip~

   She went to her apartment and called to her besties in the evening. They too joined in the call.

Y/n:Guyyysss I was hired in Kim enterprises.

Hani:girl! Is it trrue?

Y/n : yes bitch. Won't you believe in me?

Hani:we believe you don't cry. I too got hired in the Jinhit entertainment as a makeup artist.

Y/n:woww congrats Hani.

Hani:you too honey. What about you siya?

Siya :I too got hired in the marketing department of Jung group of Industries.

Hani:girlssss we did it. Let's celebrate our success .

Siya :no no not now, I think we will be fired soon. Let's not be so advanced.

Hani:ok  ok. By the way my boss was just hot as hell.

Siya, y/n :sameee.

Hani:woahh commonnnn  .

They hanged up the call after some time . She had her dinner and got into the bed thinking about the handsome CEO she met today . He was good but a lot cold  . She eventually drifted to sleep.