

authordelulu · Music & Bands
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Chapter 1


     She groaned loudly as soon as sunrays hit her eyes. She tugged her comforter above her head to prevent her face from sun and turned to the opposite side. When she was about to slip into her sleep the loud sound of alarm vibrated her eardrums. She pushed her comforter aside and turned off the alarm.

    She was wide awake now. Her thoughts travelled to yesterday's scenarios. Yesterday was the most beautiful day she ever spent in her college days. Y/n along with her besties went to amusement park and enjoyed their day alot.

    She was a orphan. Her parents died in a car crash and she was the only one who got rescued. So since childhood her dream was to go to amusement park and have a good memories . But she stayed in the orphanage and studies with the scholarship provided by her dad's friend. Even the orphanage was owned by him. She moved into a apartment as soon as she started to go to college as the orphanage was far away from the college. So she have to stay in the apartment , the expenses were managed by her uncle which she tried to refuse a lot but due to some emotional blackmail she accepted.

    She was not that bright student who scores good marks and tops all the exams. She will study only when she wanted to study. She never had friends whom she can share her feelings and thoughts since childhood. But in her college she got two friends whom she loves a lot and same goes to them. Since 3 years they had been close so she started to open up to them. So yesterday they went to an amusement park and enjoyed a lot.

    She came out of her thoughts and realised she have to go to college now. Actually she wanted skip it but she will be bored whole day without her friends. So even though her body is paining slightly she have to move to college.

   She soon got ready and ate the food from her fridge which she stored yesterday . She was aware of the fact that she won't be able to get up early so she cooked some extra food and stored it. She arranged her books in her bag and took keys from hanger and rushed outside.

    She went to her college on her scooty and rushed inside as she was going to be late again. When she entered her class her friends face brightened with smile and they moved aside giving her space to go inside.

    Min Hana :girlll your late again, you missed the scene that happened just now.

Y/n:ahhh shittt, why it has to be me always.

She fake cried.

Choi Siya : stop your drama bitch, I captured it in my phone for you. So dont worry.

Y/n: thank you my baby.

   Teacher entered the class and started to teach the class. Siya's and y/n's head started to spin due to sleep. The class was too boring to focus. Due to gravitational forced her head jit with the desk and her teacher shouted her name loudly making her flinch badly and she stood up.

  Y/t: it is still first period. Just now you got up and again your sleeping. Did you see your marks?. With just one mark you passed the test for which you shout be thankful to me.

I am the only one whom I must thankful to. If I listen to your classes that one mark which saved me from failing would have been my total marks. She barked shamelessly in her brain but her mouth also cooperated now resulting her mind voice to come out loud. she spoke the truth though .everyone laughed at her statement.Y/n is not someone who speaks her thoughts loud but as she is in deep slumber her brain spoke out loud.

    Her gaze moved to ground out of embarrassment.

Y/t:shut up and sit down.

Her teacher shouted back. She sat down quickly and bent her head under the desk as everyone is still looking at her.

Siya:bitchh you woke up and chose violence. What a savage answer.

Hani:Yeah iam proud of you girll.

Y/n:shut up both of you don't make me embarrass more.

    All the classes were completed and they rushed to canteen. They sat around the table as soon as they got food.

Y/n:your talking about something in the morning.

Siya:yeah yeah look at this. She forwarded her phone towards y/n and her eyes widened at the screen. Mickey, she is a ill bitch who is obsessed over a guy more particularly the topper of the class, handsome and silent guy. She kept on following him since he got transferred . Finally she proposed him today. She had number of ex'es and still continuing her chain of boyfriends. But the fun fact is he smoothly rejected her throwing flowers she got for him in the dustbin. The class started to laugh at her damaging her ego. She is beautiful but lagging behind everything other than beauty. As soon as y/n saw it she laughed out loud along with her both friends who are peeking from their seats as their eyes are itching to see it again and again.

   They had their lunch and soon went to dancing club. To be honest they are the worst dancers ever but still they go their to look at some crazy dancers who think they are the best dancers in the world. They also enjoy the songs which will be played in the club. It's not like they can't dance but it's more like crack man's broke dance .

    Soon the club has ended and they planed to watch a movie in  y/n's apartment. When they arrived they parked scooty and they lazily landed on the couch stretching their hands and legs like a paralyzed person. She soon got fresh up after taking rest for 5minutes .

   After turning the lights off. They started to watch a movie in the laptop. After a long one and hour the guy fell in love with the heroine and became jealous at the site of her talking to some men. So he dragged her to his office room and kissed her. They shouted loudly, maybe the neighbors might complain tomorrow.

Y/n: finallyyy..

Hani:let me guess the next part, may be they will marry each other and have kids in the end.

Siya : shut up Hani, their won't be the same shit all the movies. Maybe he turns out to be a playboy and leave after using her, so she become some powerful, rich and beautiful woman which he will regret later.

Y/n : let's watch.

    The expression on their face was serious as he planned to sell her to some mafia guy and that will be continued in part 2. They thought he was the main lead as he is kinda handsome but he turns out be just some character.

    Soon the movie came to an end and their eyes were sleepy . As soon as the movie completed both Hani and Siya moved to their houses which was bit far from here . Y/n cooked her dinner for herself and had it, which tasted almost like a shit but she had it.

   She watched TV for some time and came to her bedroom and layed on the bed taking her mobile in her hands and started to scroll social media until her mobile started taking last breathes.

  She kept her mobile on charge and drifted to sleep. Both Siya and Hani moved to their houses which were in the same locality. They peacefully had their dinner and fall asleep.