

authordelulu · Music & Bands
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Chapter 3

Today she woke up early in the morning even before her alarm. She rushed to the Washroom as she badly wanted to start her day. She got ready in the formals and aplied little make up.

      She started to ride towards Kim enterprises. She parked her vehicle and walked towards the entrance. She gave bombastic side eyes to the security as he stopped her yesterday.

    She sat on her chair and met with the new faces rather than the boring faces of her classmates.

"Hii, iam Jeon Jungkook. "

"Hello Jungkook, iam y/n" She replied him politely.

"Hi iam Jimin,  to meet you".

Y/n:hello Jimin.

Jm:Your looking pretty well ms. Y/n, hope we can be friends.

Jungkook kicked his leg as he started flirting.

Y/n:yeah, why not. But stop calling me ms. Just call me y/n. It will be more sweeter for you than ms. Y/n.

Jimin blushed at her statement and gave her a eye smile.

    Soon they started their work. Y/n took help form them as it's her first day and merely able to complete some percent of her work with the help of them. When it was a lunch time Jungkook jumped out of his seat.

Jk:Jimin get up, get up, get UPP.

Jm:y/n, if you don't mind can you join as.


They moved towards the canteen , ordered some food and sat around the table.

Jk:y/n why don't you introduce yourself in the mean time.

Y/n:okay.you already know my time. I am going to be be graduated in some months  . Iam an orphan  . That's all I gotta say. You will be knowing about me soon.

Jk:oh, Iam sorry.

Y/n:thats fine.

Jm:is it your first time doing a job?

Y/n:yes, i tried before but this was my first time.

After some time.

Y/n:I wanted to ask you something .

Jk:go on.

Y/n: Is CEO always that cold?

Jm:yes, I have been working here for 1 year and I haven't seen him smiling at least once. His voice was cold too just like him. He is a workaholic man . All he care is perfection, punctuality, passion .

Jk:y/n what do you mean by 'THAT' cold?

Y/n: ah it's nothing. He just didn't smiled even at once in the interview and just stated at me very coldly.

Jm:yeah yeah he was just like that.

Jk:usually he is not  the one who takes the interview. He got a separate team for that. Why did he take your interview himself directly?

Jm:woow y/n.maybe he likes you. Probably he loves you.

Y/n:oh common Jimin he can't even look romantically at a girl.there is no chances of him loving someone.what if he call 'JAGiYA '.

She imitates in his voice and they all burst into laughter.

     They continued their chit chat and soon started her work. Y/n started to do her work but her head felt heavy due to sleep. She layed her head on the desk and about to drift into the sleep but a phone call disturbed her sleep. She groaned loudly and lifted the call.


Thv:come to my cabin

Y/n:wtf, what do you mean by come to my cabin? Just bark who the hell are you.

Both Jungkook's and Jimin's head turned to her side surprised at her act.


He stressed each and every word of name.

She dropped her telephone and her hands covered her mouth which left a gasp. It looked dramatically but she was scared.

Jm:what happened?

She explained them the whole thing and they started to laugh at her. They couldn't believe this girl can be very silly.

Jk:you fucked up badly y/n. Go and face him now. If your late , he will come directly.

Jm:shut up Jungkook. Don't scare her even more. Y/n just go and show him you pully eyes, he will melt for sure.

Her eyes shined with the idea Jimin gave.

     She started to walk towards his cabin, as soon as she heard 'come in' she walked to him and stood infront of the table.

Thv:ms.y/n can i hear your explanation?

Y/n: iam sorry Mr. Kim I didn't mean whatever I spoke before. Iam new to all these please spare me.

She showed him her puppy eyes which didn't melt him at all.

Thv:and what about you sleeping in the working hours ?

Y/n;I am sorry Mr. Kim. I didn't observe the camera and I don't know that your watching.

Thv:So if there are bi cameras you will be sleeping, isn't it ms. Y/n?

Y/n:no no sir, that's not what I mean.

Thv:Go and bring your files which you completed.

She starts to walk towards the door and stopped by his voice.

Thv:Don't use lift.


Her eyes widened at his statement.

Thv:now leave!

    She came to her desk breathing heavily. There is only single file. Not like she have completed too many but they are missing due to some jealous bitches. She only completed one file. She took that 1 file and started to climb the stairs after drinking the water. He was in the 89th floor and she was in the 85th floor.when she came down she didn't felt that pain but while climbing up her legs were dying. So she stopped on her 88th floor and took rest untile her legs felt relief and again started to climb.

    She walked into his cabin holding that single file in her hands. She handed him the file .

Thv: Oh my god ms. Y/n.Your hands must be paining after completing all thesee files.

He rotated that single file on his finger uttering these words sarcastically.

She kept her head down out of embarrassment.

Thv:Go take these files and complete them before 5.

He handed her bunch of files at which her eyes almost popped out. She took those in her hands and started to out of cabin not wanting to embarrass herself even more.

Y/n pov:

I hate him, I hate him alredy. Why, just why?. Can't he see iam tired, this is my first day working here he didn't felt any pity on by giving those files. What a bastard. I just want to push him out from his own window and make him to climb the stairs from ground floor to the top floor. I thought  1099778 ways of killing him.Ouch my legs are hurting.

  Jm:what did he say?

I explained them everything. Their face saddened looking at my miserable state.

They can't even help me as their are cc cameras at each and every corner in this office except bathrooms. I would have asked them to complete some of my files ,even though it was my first day with them , I will ask them without a shame.. But the favour was always on my opposite side. I started to work on the files.

   It was  5 and I only completed 5 files, I still have 7 files to complete.I started to work more fastly and it was 8 when I completed them. I submitted those files in his office and left for my apartment.. Jimin and Jungkook was with me until 6 so that i doesn't feel lonely.

I forced them to leave so they left. Even though it was my first day with them, I didn't feel any discomfort with them. They became close to me in one day that even we exchanged our numbers.

   I arrived at my apartment and lazily got fresh up and ate the dinner which I bought. I don't have energy to cook for myself. I thout of taking leave but I just joined today it won't be good . I don't want to give a chance to that handsome bastard to question me. Thinking about all this I felt asleep.

Time skip ~

    My eyes got opened at the middle of the night as I am feeling  thirsty. I went to the kitchen and drank the water. I came back to the room and layed on the bed. I looked at the clock and it was past 1.Just some more hours to start the day. My head was paining a lot , I think due to overwork. I ignored it like I do all the time and slept out of tiredness.