
My Non-existent System

Are you sick of normal system novels that are all fantasy and all that? Well, that's not what this novel is! 17 year old Hyun Ferrari is an ugly, fat, tall, pizza-loving nerd boy that reads manga and webnovels and watches anime. He's always wanted to be handsome so he could attract the ladies, but he never thought it was gonna happen since he's lazy and 50 pounds overweight. He has a lot of friends though, but he gets bullied a lot since none of his friends can fight, nor he can either, except his one girl friend Jugyeong Keum, who's in the Taekwondo team at school. But one day, out of nowhere, Hyun sees a screen pop up and it says {System Start}. He thought it was like those novels that have those screens pop up and tell you to do tasks for immediate rewards like "your punches are stronger", or "your ugly black eyes are now green like your father's." Though he thinks he's getting buffs and all that, in all actuality, he's hallucinating, he's having delusions, his brain is telling him to do what he's been telling himself to do for 4 years. Work out, gain self-esteem, ask out a girl, take care of your skin, and QUIT EATING PIZZA! But since he's been ignoring it, his slightly psychotic mind decided that it had to go to desperate measures to make it happen... WARNING! THIS BOOK IS LIKE 80% DIALOGUE IF YOU HATE THAT THEN SORRY XDDDDDDD!

Kimyona_8486 · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Chapter 19: {Grinding For Gains SUCK}

I haven't done a lot of my passive missions too well. I'm almost done with my extended training and workout passive mission, just not done with either of them. I already just gave up on my diet one, I can't not eat pasta or pizza for a week. So I decided to eat them twice a week instead of daily.

{You're such a little hoodrat. Food SELLOUT!}

"You try being Italian AND Korean." I reply.

{You're still a hoodrat}


It's 11:30 pm. I should go to sleep, I played games with Jugyeong for too long.

{At least TRY the dream mission}

"I forgot I had that."

{It's literally the easiest mission ever}

"I highly doubt that."

{Just think about Jugyeong or something.}

"Really? That's it? Eh I'm good."


"What use is it?"

{You can imagine Jugyeong next to you every night, you may not be nearly as dirty-minded as her but I know you love to stare at her. Might as well stare at her in your dreams.}

"It's only a 5 percent chance of writing it."

{To level it up 4 times it's only 10 skill points and it increases by 2% each upgrade. It's not like you need to be more of a Jugyeong magnet and you're not 30% blind anymore.}

"I could buff Dae Zhae Kuaun."

{Remember you need to grind that one for a level up}

"Well I guess I could try hehehe."

{I knew that would work}

"Well I do have nothing to spend all these skill points on."

I'm just laying there like an absolute idiot trying to fall asleep while forcing a dream.

I think about Jugyeong and I at the beach, I conk out at 12 am ish.

{There, you got the "Dream Controller" skill}

In the middle of my dream imagining Jugyeong in a bikini at the beach with me, it ends with a pop-up.

{I've always wanted to try this}

Then like 50 pop ups come around the same time.

{You suck}

{You need help}

{Jugyeong isn't gonna stay with you}

{You're an ugly fat pig}

{Dumb Pathetic Helpless Moron}

and a bunch of other random berating messages come in swarms. I'm trapped in pop-up hell.

I remember about the Dream Controller skill.

I try, and try, and try, and try. But I fail, and fail, and fail, and fail.

This goes for a bit longer, but that 5% chance came.

I was able to go back to my initial dream. This is what DPHM meant that this would be useful.

It's very much a useful skill.

{DPHM thought <Remember Hyun doesn't know this>: It's the only one in which the skill points actually work that you have so far. They don't really do much unless it's something useless like this.}

When I wake up the next day, it's like 4 am...

"Hey why haven't I got many side missions nor passive missions lately?"

{I've only been attached to you for a week what the hell do you expect? I'M IN YOUR BRAIN IDIOT! I NEED TIME TO THINK TOO!}


I turn on the T.V. and get ready for school.

I put the news on.

"Oh yay World War 3 is over."

{Why haven't yall been affected much? Isn't South Korea essentially the U.S.'s child?}

"We didn't fight thankfully, the ROK government just sent like a billion USD to the U.S., the economy tanked for a bit, thank god for cheap stocks."

{You have stocks?}

"Nah, my dad invested like 300000 Won into stocks 3 years ago and somehow has enough to cushion a rent payment for both the apartment and the restaurant now."


"Yeah it's crazy."

{How long has it been going on? They aren't talking about it.}

"Like 5 years."


"Yeah, we pretty much recovered, it was pretty bad, but not too bad."


I have a couple hours to burn.

"Should I work out a bit?"

{Might as well.}

I finish my first passive mission week after changing into a wife beater. It's not as big a gain as it seemed a week ago.

{You think this is too little? Well what do you think this is? IT'S A PASSIVE MISSION IDIOT OF COURSE THE REWARDS ARE GONNA BE MEH}

I shower then get back in my clothes.

It's 6 am, and I'm bored as hell.

Jugyeong texts me like 10 minutes later,

"You awake?"


"Want me to pick you up early?"


"I want to eat breakfast with you."

"Just come over, I'm gonna make omelettes in 5."

"Kiara will have to come too."

"That's fine it's whatever."

"Cool, you got MEAT?"

"I'm Italian all we eat is pork and pasta what the hell are you on? Just playin. But yeah we got salami, no bacon though."

"Pfffft. And yeah meat's meat. I JUST NEED PROTEIN!"

{Side Mission 4: Making Omelettes. Impress Jugyeong, Kiara, and your Dad with your cooking skills making a fluffy omelette for each. Reward: CSY +3, +3 Skill Points. Time Limit: 10 minutes}

I prep everything.

I text Jugyeong.

"You and Kiara want scrambled, whites, or yolks?"

"Kiara wants whites and I want yolks."

"How many?"

"I need like 4 yolks and Kiara wants 5 whites."

That works because my dad likes one less white than yolk in his.

I whip the egg whites, beat the yolks, all that good stuff. They come in (and my dad wakes up).

Kiara forgot that my dad is white so she is surprised for a second that a 6 foot tall Italian man with a thick accent that speaks broken Korean and has a belly big enough to bear three babies walks in from downstairs wearing a wife beater and cargo shorts.

"Chi è la ragazza? (Who's the girl?)" My dad asks me.

I reply, "Kiara, Jugyeong's friend." in Italian of course.

"Done with breakfast?"


I dump the omelettes onto the plates and they eat.

"You ain't hungry babe?" Jugyeong asks me.

"When I was late with my pill 2 weeks ago I fell off the wagon. I can't have my specific pill with food or it won't absorb. I'll eat later since I made the stupid mistake of having it IN THE MORNING when I usually have it at night after dinner." I say. It's the truth. Which is why I eat a little late.

"Is it good?" I ask. I really want my consistency stat to raise. That's like the most OP stat there. Not Atheticism, not common sense, not intelligence, because after some research this morning with the fine print on my status window, I found out something crazy.

The consistency stat makes it so grinding is easier. So on days or weeks I don't have any Main Missions to do, I could grind passive missions. I also learned that if I fulfill all the passive requirements multiple times a week, I get gains multiplied by how many times the passive requirements were completed. This could help with a LOT of stuff if it made grinding easier. Like if I did 4 and a half hours a week of working out, I'd get two weeks' worth of rewards.

{You're actually thinking smart for once what the hell}

"I've been smart!" I reply through thought.

{Not really, you just think up solutions and hope it works}

They finish eating...

"That hit the spot!" Jugyeong can't cook more than hotpot and a well done steak, you know easy stuff. She seemed happy.

"Thank you it was edible..." Kiara being a debby downer.

"Grazie." My dad said.

{I don't know Kiara, so I'll just give you the stats.}

Jugyeong takes us to school at FRIKIN 6:40 AM!

"I got early practice today." she said.

"Ah makes sense." I reply.

Kiara looks half-dead. She probably wakes up at 7 am from the way she looks dead.

I buy us all a coffee at school...

<Sneak Peak Author's Note: Sangah and Suho's date coming within the next two chapters! Comment down below who's eyes they should be through! Both? Her? His? LEMME KNOW!>