
My journey across the cosmos

Autor: lucihano
Anime & Comics
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What is My journey across the cosmos

Leia o romance My journey across the cosmos escrito pelo autor lucihano publicado no WebNovel. I to wish to know all, i to wish to be strong, that is why i did... i shot to understand my beginning... my thoughts are that I'm not even something or someone spacial... but i will become something g...


I to wish to know all, i to wish to be strong, that is why i did... i shot to understand my beginning... my thoughts are that I'm not even something or someone spacial... but i will become something greater than "spacial" I'll strive for way better i will become "the beginning and the end"light and dark"yin and yang"fire and water... I'll become both important and not important

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  • Antecedentes do mundo


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