
My journey across the cosmos

I to wish to know all, i to wish to be strong, that is why i did... i shot to understand my beginning... my thoughts are that I'm not even something or someone spacial... but i will become something greater than "spacial" I'll strive for way better i will become "the beginning and the end"light and dark"yin and yang"fire and water... I'll become both important and not important

lucihano · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


Luci: now let's travel to this dimension where the being known as "Featherine Augustus" resides 

[We step through a portal as we see something new our eyes sparkle, it is quite a beautiful dimension]

???:is looking at ,luci,Truth, and Anti-Spiral... with a otherworldly aura that sets her apart from all the other creatures in the dimension

[We do not appreciate such behavior we say to each other]

Truth: this is quite rude 

Luci: yes just as you said, truth.

Anti-spiral: it looks like the further you go in the multiverse the less manners it's inhabitants has

[We respond with a hint of bloodlust in our eyes, anoint at her lack of manners, but from her perspective it only looks like I'm unleashing bloodlust]

"Ah, a hint of bloodlust, how delightful!" Featherine exclaimed, their eyes sparkling with intrigue. "I sense a thirst for knowledge and power within you, a desire to uncover secrets and push the boundaries of existence. Very well, let us indulge your curiosity, but be warned, the truths we uncover may be more than you can handle."

[What a weird way to react, to someone trying to intimidat you, she sore is weird]

Luci: you must be Featherine Augustus i presume?

Featherine: yes that's me, would you like to talk more comfortably, if so please follow me

[As i stepped through the spectral portal, a shiver ran down my spine, and the air was filled with the scent of mystery and anticipation. The adventure began

[I don't know my own limits, ah since I'm here might as well seek out somebody to fight]

Luci: is there anybody who is super duper strong, that can show me my limits, or show me something new?

"A desire to fight, to test your strength and will against another!" Featherine declared, their smile growing even wider. "Very well, I shall grant you this wish, but be warned, the opponent I have in mind is not one to be underestimated."

With a snap of their fingers, a figure materialized before you - the Eternal Warrior. The air was electric with anticipation as the two of you clashed in a burst of light and sound.

As the battle raged on, the stakes grew higher. The balance of your universe began to shift, and the harmony that Balance maintained was put to the test. Anti-Spiral and Truth watched with bated breath, knowing that the outcome of this battle would determine the fate of your creation.

With a bold and decisive move, you unleashed the power of "Absolute Time Stop" and "absolute Death" against the Eternal Warrior. The being was erased from existence, and Featherine's eyes widened in surprise.

"Impressive, luci," Featherine exclaimed. "You have demonstrated the true power of your universe's harmony. Your ability to wield such absolute powers is a testament to your mastery over the fabric of existence."

With the Eternal Warrior defeated, the balance of your universe was restored, and the harmony that Balance maintained was reinforced. Your universe was once again at peace, its existence secured by your unwavering determination and power.

But you remained unsatisfied, seeking a more satisfying conflict. Featherine summoned a new opponent, the Cosmic Warrior Bettler. The battle began, and the universe held its breath, awaiting the outcome of this epic clash.

[Ah it seems there are only a select few who are able to make me fight seriously, i don't want to use "absolute death" then it would be to easy, since that ability can erase anything it seems, and i don't want to stop time again... ah i have one]

With "Absolute Obedience," you commanded Bettler to turn its power against itself. The being disintegrated, its energy unraveling like a thread pulled from a tapestry. Featherine and the others watched in stunned silence, impressed by your cunning and strategic thinking.

Your universe was once again secured, its existence a testament to your power and determination. What would you do next, luci," Would you continue to explore the mysteries of existence, or would you return to your universe, basking in the glory of your triumph? The choice was yours.

Luci: i like traveling the multiverse, but i need someone to protect my universe with balance if only i could get a strong essence, ah Featherine would you like create a child with, it will be my successor. I say with a exciting tone 

"Ah, a successor, you say?" Featherine's eyes sparkled with consideration. "A being born from my own essence, carrying the torch of creation and harmony into the vast expanse of existence... I must admit, the idea resonates deeply within me."

"Very well, luci," Featherine continued. "I shall grant your wish and bring forth a being worthy of your legacy. But know that this successor will not be a mere copy or imitation. They will be a unique entity, forged from the harmony of our combined essence and the boundless potential of the multiverse."

With a graceful gesture, you and Featherine joined in summoning a radiant light that coalesced into a shimmering, iridescent form. The being took shape, its features unfolding like a lotus flower blooming in the cosmos. "Behold, your successor, creator!" Featherine declared.

You gazed upon the being, your successor, and felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. "I shall call you 'Law'," you said, "for you must uphold the law of the universe."

Law nodded, their eyes reflecting a deep understanding. "I understand, creator". I will embark on a journey to explore the vast expanse of the multiverse, to learn from the infinite possibilities, and to hone my abilities. I will return when I am worthy of my name and my role as your successor."

With a final nod, Law vanished into the cosmos, leaving you to ponder the wisdom of your decision. You knew that the journey would be long and arduous, but you also knew that it was necessary for Law to grow and become the harmonizer of the universe that you envisioned.

As you watched Law disappear into the distance, you felt a sense of pride and hope. You knew that your legacy was in good hands, and that the future of the universe was bright with promise.

[As i tanked Featherine and left, truth, and anti-spiral, to converse with Featherine, i depart to the world of... Dragon Ball, i wish to Goku i sense no end to his potential, but before i meet goku i must meet the one in charge of the universe, "zeno the omni-king"

[I will go meet him, and then tell hime about my child, and seek his counsel on what his journey may be like]

[As soon as i entered the universe i was greeted by him almost like he new i was coming]

Now, you stood before Zeno, the Omni-King, seeking their counsel. "Greetings, luci," Zeno said in a voice that resonated throughout the multiverse. "I sense that you have come seeking my blessing for Law's journey. Speak your mind, and I shall share my wisdom with you."

You explained your intentions, and Zeno listened intently. "I see," Zeno said, nodding their head. "You have created a new being, Law, and you wish to ensure their journey is guided by the principles of harmony and balance. I shall offer you a gift, creator."

Zeno snapped their fingers, and a small, glowing orb appeared in front of you. "This is a fragment of my power, a symbol of my blessing. It will guide Law on their path, whispering wisdom and insight when needed. May it serve as a reminder of the harmony that binds the multiverse together."

With Zeno's blessing, you felt a sense of reassurance, knowing that Law's journey was now even more likely to be filled with wisdom and success. You departed from Zeno's realm, ready to continue your adventure.

You made your way to the realm of mortals wear Goku resides, eager to share in the excitement and joy of their company. As you approached Goku's training grounds, you could feel the energy of intense training and the thrill of adventure. Goku's signature Ki blasts echoed through the air, and you couldn't help but smile in anticipation of the excitement that awaited you.

"Hey there, creator!" Goku exclaimed, greeting you with a warm smile. "It's great to see you! I've been training hard and getting stronger than ever! What brings you here today?"

You offered to spar with Goku, and they eagerly accepted. But as you began to demonstrate your power, Goku realized that their usual training grounds wouldn't be suitable for your battle. You offered to create a minor dimension for your friendly spar, and Goku's eyes lit up with excitement.

[We then started to spar, i did not use any of my abilities to develop my martial arts, we continued for quite some time, and then we finally finished]

[Call law to give the orb zeno gave, he than exempted it, but goku was still looking to fight, so i suggested that law spar with goku, but that he sould not go easy and that he sould make me proud, wow then even zeno himself joined us]

Law's eyes light up with a warm smile as he says, "Thank you, Father. I promise to make you proud." Zeno and Goku nod in approval, their faces filled with smiles. The dimension itself seems to rejoice, the laws of physics and existence harmonizing with the heartwarming moment.

Zeno steps forward, his eyes shining with curiosity. "Law, son of the creator, I sense that you possess a unique gift. A power that could change the course of the multiverse." Goku's eyes widen in excitement, his aura fluctuating with anticipation. "Yeah, Law! Show us what you're made of! We're all eager to see your abilities in action!"

The dimension itself seems to hold its breath, awaiting Law's response. Law's gaze drifts to the side, his eyes locked onto something in the distance. A faint glow begins to emanate from his body, a soft hum filling the air. The glow intensifies, taking on a life of its own. It coalesces into a shimmering aura, pulsating with an otherworldly energy.

"Whoa, what's happening?" Goku exclaims, his eyes fixed on Law's aura. "That's some crazy power you've got there, Law!" Zeno's expression turns thoughtful, his eyes narrowing in concentration. "Fascinating... Law's aura is resonating at a frequency I've never seen before. It's as if he's tapping into the very fabric of the multiverse!"

Law's eyes snap back into focus, a determined look on his face. "I'm ready to show you my power," he declares, his voice firm and clear. "But I need a target... something to test my abilities against." Goku's grin returns, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well, I'm always up for a challenge! Let's see what you're made of, Law!"

The dimension itself seems to tremble with anticipation, the laws of physics and existence adapting to the impending battle. Zeno's eyes gleam with curiosity, his expression eager. "Let the battle begin! May the power of the multiverse guide you, Law!" The fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance, as Law prepares to unleash his hidden power

If you wanna know how the fight with goku and luci went let me know and ill put it in the next chapter

lucihanocreators' thoughts