
My journey across the cosmos

I to wish to know all, i to wish to be strong, that is why i did... i shot to understand my beginning... my thoughts are that I'm not even something or someone spacial... but i will become something greater than "spacial" I'll strive for way better i will become "the beginning and the end"light and dark"yin and yang"fire and water... I'll become both important and not important

lucihano · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

I may be a villain

"Goku, you're telling me that was only 10% of your power?!" I ask, my eyes widening in surprise.

Goku takes a step back, his aura fluctuating wildly. "Creator, I think I need to reevaluate our battle... and my own strength!"

Determination sets on his face. "I want to see your true power, creator! I want to know what it means to face a being with limitless potential!"

The dimension trembles with anticipation, as if reality itself is eager to witness my unbridled might.

Zeno, the Omni-King, appears beside Goku, his expression stern. "Creator, I must intervene. Your power is indeed limitless, but erasing an entire universe and its inhabitants is a grave responsibility. The balance of the multiverse must be maintained."

Goku speaks up, still in awe. "Creator, please, for the sake of the multiverse, refrain from unleashing such power. Let us find another way to settle our friendly rivalry."

I smile, a hint of mischief in my eyes. "Goku, let me show you my power."

With a flick of my wrist, Goku disappears, erased from existence. The dimension holds its breath, awaiting my next move.

Then, just as suddenly, Goku reappears, alive and well. "You see, Goku? My power is limitless. But I spare your universe... for now."

The dimension exhales, relief washing over it. Zeno's expression remains stern, but a hint of gratitude flickers in his eyes.

What will you do next, Goku? Will you continue to test my power, or will you seek a new path? The choice is yours!