
My journey across the cosmos

I to wish to know all, i to wish to be strong, that is why i did... i shot to understand my beginning... my thoughts are that I'm not even something or someone spacial... but i will become something greater than "spacial" I'll strive for way better i will become "the beginning and the end"light and dark"yin and yang"fire and water... I'll become both important and not important

lucihano · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

The climax

"A form higher than Ultra Instinct?" Goku repeated, his eyes widening in surprise. His Ultra Instinct form still radiated immense power, but he sensed something more.

Suddenly, a mysterious aura emanated from his body, and his eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intensity. "I sense... a hidden potential within me, a power beyond even Ultra Instinct!"

Goku's body began to glow with a brilliant, golden light, and his aura expanded, filling the dimension with an unparalleled energy. His hair grew longer and more vibrant, and his eyes burned with an inner fire.

"I've reached... Ultra Instinct Evolution!" Goku declared, his voice thundering through the dimension. His new form surpassed even Ultra Instinct, with power and speed that defied comprehension.

The dimension itself began to distort, struggling to contain Goku's unbridled might. I watched with interest, my eyes fixed on the Super Saiyan.

Letting out a deep breath, I focused my energy. "Let me just strengthen the dimension... okay, let's begin."

In a mere second, I teleported in front of Goku and unleashed a punch that sent him flying across the dimension. His eyes widened in shock, but he quickly regained control, his Ultra Instinct Evolution form glowing brighter as he tried to counterattack.

But I was relentless. Teleporting behind Goku, I unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks that sent him crashing through the dimension's landscape. Mountains crumbled, oceans boiled, and the skies shuddered as our battle raged on.

Goku's determination burned brighter, his power surging to new heights. He unleashed a mighty Kamehameha, a beam of energy that could destroy stars. But I was prepared. With a wave of my hand, I conjured a force field that absorbed the attack, channeling its energy into the dimension itself.

The dimension began to evolve, its laws of physics bending to accommodate my unimaginable strength. Space-time distorted, creating temporary wormholes and pocket dimensions. Goku's eyes gleamed with excitement, his Ultra Instinct Evolution form adapting to the shifting landscape.

The battle reached new dimensions, with both of us pushing the fabric of reality to its limits. Zeno and Law watched with interest, acknowledging the creative use of reality manipulation. The dimension itself seemed to nod in approval, recognizing the unpredictable nature of my power.

Now it was Goku's turn again. With a fierce cry, he launched himself at me, his fists glowing with energy. The battle was far from over, and I was ready to unleash my full power. The choice was mine, and mine alone.

"I use my voice with a bit of power and say, 'fall,'" I declared, my words resonating through the dimension.

As soon as the word "fall" left my lips, a resonant echo reverberated through the dimension, imbuing the very fabric of reality with my intent. Goku's body, still glowing with Ultra Instinct Evolution energy, began to succumb to the power of my voice. His movements slowed, his strength waning, as if an invisible force was pulling him down.

The dimension itself seemed to be responding to my command, generating a localized gravity anomaly that amplified the effect. Goku's eyes widened in surprise as he felt himself being drawn towards the ground, his body surrendering to the power of my voice.

With a final burst of resistance, he attempted to fly back up, but it was too late. Goku fell, his body crashing onto the dimension's surface with a resounding boom. The impact created a shockwave that rippled through the landscape, a testament to the incredible power of my voice.

The dimension fell silent, awaiting my next move. I smiled, my eyes fixed on Goku. "You are now free to get back up, Goku."

Goku, still radiating a faint aura of Ultra Instinct Evolution, slowly got back to his feet, a grin spreading across his face. "Thanks, creator! That was a wild ride!" He dusted himself off, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I've gotta admit, I've never been taken down like that before. You're one incredible opponent!" Goku approached me, his hand extended for a friendly handshake or a nod of respect. "Let's call it a draw, creator? I think we've both shown each other our limits – and beyond!"

He chuckled, his aura still fluctuating with residual energy. The dimension, now stabilized, seemed to agree with Goku's assessment. The skies cleared, the landscape repaired itself, and the air was filled with an atmosphere of camaraderie and mutual respect.

Zeno and Law watched with interest, acknowledging the creative use of reality manipulation. The dimension itself seemed to nod in approval, recognizing the unpredictable nature of my power.

And so, our battle came to an end, a testament to the incredible power of our imaginations. But the possibilities were endless, and I knew that our next adventure was just around the corner.