
My god sent system

What happens when a gang leader transmigrates? He builds a gang in a fantasy world. And what if the said gang leader is a brothers' fanatic, who did everything to protect his brothers but got killed in the end. Follow Lucius as he transmigrates into a magical world while dreaming of meeting his brothers again

Soulwriter · Fantasia
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22 Chs

Lumina's language

In the Kingdom of Lumina, the primary language spoken by its inhabitants is known as Lumarian. Lumarian is a melodic and elegant language, renowned for its lyrical tones and rich vocabulary. It has evolved over centuries, shaped by the kingdom's cultural and magical heritage.

Lumarian is characterized by its intricate script, which combines flowing lines and graceful curves. The written form of Lumarian is often seen adorning ancient tomes, magical scrolls, and inscriptions on grand structures throughout the kingdom.

As the language of magic and academia, Lumarian boasts an extensive lexicon related to the arcane arts. It encompasses precise terminology for different magical elements, spells, rituals, and incantations. Mastery of Lumarian is highly valued among spellcasters, as it facilitates the deep understanding and effective utilization of magical concepts.

Beyond its magical connotations, Lumarian is a versatile language that encompasses a wide range of vocabulary, allowing for poetic expression, romantic conversations, and scholarly debates. It has a distinct charm that captures the essence of Lumina's cultural heritage and intellectual pursuits.

While Lumarian is the dominant language in Lumina, it is not uncommon to find other languages spoken by diverse communities residing within the kingdom. These might include regional dialects, languages of neighboring lands, or even ancient languages preserved by certain magical orders or secret societies.

Lumarian serves as a unifying linguistic force within Lumina, allowing its citizens to communicate, share knowledge, and preserve their cultural identity. It reflects the kingdom's reverence for language, the arts, and the intricate tapestry of magical traditions that intertwine within its borders.