
My god sent system

What happens when a gang leader transmigrates? He builds a gang in a fantasy world. And what if the said gang leader is a brothers' fanatic, who did everything to protect his brothers but got killed in the end. Follow Lucius as he transmigrates into a magical world while dreaming of meeting his brothers again

Soulwriter · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Basic ranking of mages

In the world of Eldtrorse, the ranks of magicians by strength can vary depending on the specific magical system and hierarchy in place.

And although Shadow is clearly an assassin, he is able to use some kind of weird magic to be able to cross long distances just like what he did with Gareth. Showing that no matter the profession, everybody in Eldtrorse uses magic.

However, here is a general progression of ranks based on increasing magical power and expertise:

1. -Novice-

This is the initial stage of magical training, where individuals are learning the basics of magic and developing their foundational skills.

2. -Apprentice-

Apprentices have progressed beyond the novice stage and are now receiving more advanced instruction and guidance from experienced magicians. They continue to develop their skills and expand their knowledge.

3. -Adept-

Adepts have honed their magical abilities and have a solid grasp of various magical disciplines. They can perform more complex spells and have a deeper understanding of the underlying magical principles.

4. -Mage-

Mages have achieved a significant level of mastery in their magical arts. They possess formidable magical abilities and have gained expertise in specific magical fields such as elemental magic, healing magic, or divination.

5. -Master-

Masters are highly skilled and knowledgeable magicians who have attained exceptional levels of proficiency in their chosen magical disciplines. They have a deep understanding of the intricacies of magic and can wield it with great precision and power.

6. -Archmage-

Archmages are among the most powerful and respected magicians in Eldtrorse. They have surpassed the mastery of their magical arts and are considered true authorities in their respective fields. Archmages often hold positions of leadership and play a crucial role in shaping magical affairs within their kingdoms or societies.

7. -Grand Archmage-

The title of Grand Archmage is reserved for those few individuals who have reached the pinnacle of magical power and expertise. They are legendary figures, renowned across Eldtrorse for their unparalleled mastery of magic and their significant contributions to the magical world.

It's important to note that these ranks are not universally defined and may vary in different regions or magical traditions within Eldtrorse. Additionally, there may be additional titles or distinctions specific to certain magical orders or organizations.