
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Filmes
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793 Chs

Chapter 480: You fell before I made the effort (Edited)

"Decem milia glandibus!"

(? `Д′?) つ━☆*.

After entering the meadow, Fish pulled out his wand and fired a spell at the Hungarian Horntail in the distance.

Knowing that his opponent was a fire dragon, Fish had already considered that his animal affinity would probably make combat impossible, so he opted to go straight for it.

Small pieces of debris floated around Fish under the influence of the spell and then crashed overwhelmingly into the Hungarian Horntail.

Of course, such small stones, even with the spell's bonus, could do little damage to the hardened scales of the fire dragon, so after casting the spell, Fish immediately provoked him

"Come and fight Fish, if Fish wins, it will take your eggs and make a cake!"

?(? `Д′?)?

Fish's clear voice echoed across the field, even the cheers from the crowd couldn't cover it.

In the crowd, Hermione and Professor McGonagall almost simultaneously covered their foreheads with their hands and then let out a long sigh.

While the female Hungarian Horntail felt a bit of maternal intimacy when confronted with Fish, a little guy with a special affinity, because she was in the breeding period, it was also because she was in the nurturing stage, so when she heard that Fish wanted to eat her eggs, she immediately got angry.


With a loud roar, the female Hungarian Horntail flapped her wings and flew toward Fish, opening her mouth and spitting a long column of fire at him.

It is worthy of being the species of dragon with the farthest breath on record. This column of fire is at least forty feet long, and the audience in the stands nearby can feel a blast of hot wind rushing toward their faces....

Before the female Hungarian Horntail could pounce, however, Fish leapt out from under her, raising his wand overhead.



The fire dragon staggered in the air when Fish's spell hit its belly, but quickly regained its balance, as its scales were very effective at resisting spells.

But the female Hungarian Horntail was also worried that Fish would take the opportunity to steal her eggs, so she directly adjusted her stance in midair, then immediately retracted her wings and the whole dragon fell.

Fish did a somersault to avoid the fire dragon's pressure, and when he stood up, he had already changed into the clouded leopard form, and unlike before, when he was only three feet long, this time Fish was about a third bigger.



Fish arched his back, ruffling his fur, and growled at the female Hungarian Horntail, not far away.


The female Hungarian Horntail responded with a defiant roar and spat fire at Fish again.

Fish's four paws hit the ground, dodging the fire dragon's breath and running towards the opponent.

[Stride] [Freedom of movement] [Leopard Swiftness] [Gallop].

Under the blessing of the druid spells, before the female Hungarian Horntail could react, Fish jumped under her head.

Although Fish's size was much larger than before, it was only the size of the Hungarian Horntail's head.

"Roarr!" (Eat my cat's fist!)


Before the female Horntail realized that she had run under her, Fish had already jumped up, swung his claws out, and struck the female Hungarian Horntail on the chin with his claws.

[Ant's Strength] [Bull's Brute Strength] [Wild Power].

Since Fish only wanted to fight his opponent, he did not use [Beast Claw] or [Elf Fire], the two spells that could easily hurt the other party.

As for [Flame Strike], which is very useful against spells, Fish didn't even consider it, using a spell with burning damage on a fire dragon... he's not an idiot.

But still, Fish's claw was enough for the female Hungarian Horntail.


The fire dragon let out a cry of pain as its head was slammed upwards by Fish, and even the pillar of fire still gushing from its mouth was thrown into the air.

The crowd in the stands let out a gasp, although the previous fight between the three champions had been very exciting, this kind of bestial combat was much more exciting to watch, especially now that it involved the beloved Fish.

Everyone was cheering loudly for Fish, even the students from the other two schools.

Fish didn't have time to pay attention to the crowd in the stands, for he took a swipe at the female Hungarian Horntail and then, as soon as it hit the ground, he jumped again, this time even higher, before even the head of the fire dragon had fallen backwards, his figure had already appeared next to that big head.

Fish, who leapt into the air, curled up, aimed for the female Hungarian Horntail's cheek and kicked with his pair of hind legs.

The female Hungarian Horntail was already confused by Fish's claws, and when Fish kicked her, her massive body fell to the ground on its side, propelled by her head.

With the force of the stomp, Fish leapt to the other side, and when he landed, he transformed back into his human form, raised his wand, and fired a freeze spell at the still-living fire dragon.

The white frost began to spread across the scales of the female Hungarian Horntail, but it was slower than Fish had expected, and when the dragon lifted off the ground, the thin layer of ice was quickly shaken off.

"So Fish's claws work better, I see nya."


Fish glared at his wand and just as he was about to transform back into a clouded leopard to fight the tree wasps, the fire dragon, already on its feet, flapped its wings and flew skyward.

"Flying skyward is cheating nya!"


Although Fish could have used the Patronus Charm to send himself into the sky, Fish thought that once his Patronus was invoked, he would have no chance to play, so he had never considered using the Patronus Charm in the first place.

The previous landing spell hadn't been very effective either....

Then Fish thought about how Professor McGonagall was dealing with him back then.

With a wave of his wand, Fish turned the nearby rocks into eagles with nearly six-foot wings, directing them towards the fire dragon in the sky, while he himself took the form of a cat and jumped onto the back of one of the eagles to carry it towards the female Hungarian Horntail.

The flock of eagles could not resist the female Hungarian Horntail for long, and it took only a dragon's breath and a sweep of the tail to kill all the eagles Fish had transformed, but that was enough for Fish to leap onto the back of the fire dragon.

Unlike the limbless basilisk, the fire dragon had claws, so Fish could not hide in the back of its neck as he could do with Uroboros, but on the female Hungarian Horntail's back, it could twist its long neck to bite Fish, and even spit fire, since it was not afraid of getting burned.

So Fish had to adopt the form of a kitten, scampering around the female Hungarian Horntail's body and occasionally returning to her clouded leopard form and giving it a paw.

Although Fish's clouded leopard form was small in comparison to the female Hungarian Horntail, his blows were not as weak, and he was able to hit the fire dragon at all times.

And so the spectators below watched as the female Hungarian Horntail fluttered and rolled in the air, and a small gray dot bouncing around its body dodged the female Hungarian Horntail's blows and occasionally grew and hit it, before quickly turning back into a small gray dot and scampering around the fire dragon.

"I should have brought the Omnicular I bought at the Quidditch World Cup."

Ron said ruefully, arching his neck, to the approval of Harry and the others, who had also been at the Quidditch World Cup.

Hermione had already put aside her worries and watched proudly as Fish "bullied" the fiercest of the fire dragons, the Hungarian Horntail.

After hovering in the air for a while, the female Hungarian Horntail realized she couldn't get rid of the shifting cat, so she dropped to the ground again and started rolling around on the ground.

This made it difficult for Fish to stay on top of her, and he quickly jumped off the female Hungarian Horntail's body.

The female Hungarian Horntail spat out another plume of fire, forcing Fish away, then flapped her wings and tried to fly back into the sky.

But this time the cat wouldn't let her.


? (=`Д′=)?

Fish hit the ground with his paws and a root in the shape of a boa constrictor sprouted from the ground, wrapping itself around the female Hungarian Horntail and pulling her down.

The female Hungarian Horntail struggled, but the roots were so hard that she could not free herself even with her strength.

The roots invoked by [Root Entanglement] and [Nature's Call] could not be broken easily.

The female Hungarian Horntail tried to spit fire to get rid of the annoying roots, but a slightly thinner root curled around her mouth, causing her to hold her breath.

The roots bound the fire dragon to the ground, no matter how hard she struggled.

"Huh? Fish seems to have won nya..."


Fish in his cat-man form scratched his head, he hadn't had enough.

But the way things were going, the female Hungarian Horntail was destined to escape into the sky without her roots wrapping around her, so it wouldn't be much fun to fight...

I wish I could fly too.

Fish thought ruefully, then leaped three steps toward the head of the immobilized female Hungarian Horntail, and raised his wand high in the air

"Shiny cat's head!"


A huge silver-white cat's head appeared in the sky above the field, and its vivid eyes looked at the audience below with an oppressive gaze.

Although the cat's head was cute, the stadium fell silent at the oppressive feeling of the giant cat head, and even Ludo Bagman, in charge of commentary, kept his mouth shut.

"Nyajajajajajajaja, Fish has defeated the Fire Dragon!"


Fish stood atop the subdued fire dragon, arms crossed, laughing triumphantly.

Above him, the giant cat-head grinned in unison, joining Fish in unbridled laughter that echoed throughout the field.

At this moment Fish...

He looked like a dark lord.