
Chapter 481: Dragon eggs are not tasty (Edited)


After a few moments of silence, Bagman, coming to, exclaimed excitedly.

"That's amazing, Hogwarts' champion, Fish McGonagall, has defeated a fire dragon head-on! That's something a lot of adult wizards couldn't do!"

Bagman's comment brought the others back to their senses, they all cheered enthusiastically and shouted Fish's name loudly.

"That was awesome!" Bagman was still spitting and shouting, apparently trying to score points for Fish: "The Hungarian Horntail! It's the most dangerous of all fire dragons! And to top it off, it's a female fire dragon in her egg-laying stage!".

"That's right... there's also a dragon egg that I didn't get nya."


Fish, who was laughing loudly, understood the reminder, dispelled the cat's head spell in the air and jumped from the top of the female Hungarian Horntail's head.

The female Hungarian Horntail, which was tightly bound, heard Fish's mutterings and began to struggle again.

Sensing panic, Fish stroked the female Hungarian Horntail's mouth and said reassuringly, "Don't worry, Fish had no intention of eating your dragon eggs."


The female Hungarian Horntail calmed down a bit and emitted a low gurgle from her throat, as if she wanted to say something.

Seeing this, Fish lifted the root wrap spell, causing the crowd in the stands to gasp again.

The female Hungarian Horntail rose from the ground and, as the crowd watched her nervously, stared at Fish, with the dragon tamers already poised to spring into action and stop the female Hungarian Horntail from going berserk.


However, after staring at Fish for a moment, female Hungarian Horntail did not attack again, but let out a very soft cry for a fire dragon.

"Fish has eaten dragon eggs before... they are spicy and not good."


Fish's words again unnerved the female Hungarian Horntail, who had relaxed a bit, and shifted her feet, placing herself between Fish and the dragon egg.

"Hey, I told you Fish wouldn't take your dragon egg!"


Fish folded his arms, grimaced at the wary female Hungarian Horntail and explained, "In your nest is a golden egg that someone left secretly, and that's the one Fish is going to take."

"... roar!"

"Fish will go get it and show it to you! Why can't you tell your own eggs apart nya?"

?(? `ω′?)?

Fish circled the female Hungarian Horntail in front of him and moved towards the dragon eggs, while the female Hungarian Horntail moved next to him, following closely behind Fish.

Fish walked over to the pile of dragon eggs, picked out the golden egg of a distinctly different color and showed it to the female Hungarian Horntail.

"Look! This isn't your egg, is it?"

?(? `ω′?)?

The female Hungarian Horntail looked down, examined the golden egg in Fish's hand, sniffed it and made sure it was different before turning away.

With the egg in his arms, Fish walked past the female Hungarian Horntail, who had repositioned herself on top of her dragon eggs.

"I've said it many times, but.... It's amazing!" Bagman shouted again, "Our little champion took the golden egg in front of the female Hungarian Horntail! And the female Hungarian Horntail did nothing to stop him! Could it be because she has been subdued by Fish?!".

To the cheers of the crowd, Charlie and the other dragon tamers rushed into the meadow, trying to return the female Hungarian Horntail to her cage.


The female Hungarian Horntail, calmed by Fish, roared again, her wings spread as she looked warily at Charlie and the others.

"What are you trying to do? don't bully Cromie!"

?(? `Д′?)?

Fish, who had left with the golden egg in his arms, came running back,

He stopped in front of the female Hungarian Horntail and glared hatefully at Charlie and the others.

"How do you know Cromie's name?" a dragon tamer who didn't know Fish looked confused.

"Is this the right time for that?!"

Charlie cursed dumbfounded, then took two steps forward and explained to Fish, "We have to get the fire dragons back to their habitat, we can't leave them at Hogwarts."

"Like Norbert nya?" Fish thought of the Norwegian Ridgeback who was sent away.

"Er... yes, but we found out that Norberto was actually a female fire dragon, so now she's called Norberta." Charlie replied.

"Then wait nya."


Fish turned around and greeted the female Hungarian Horntail.

The female Hungarian Horntail shot a vicious look at Charlie and the others, then bowed and put her head in front of Fish's face.

"Cromie, they said they were sending you back to where you used to live, do you want to go back nya?". Fish said seriously, "If you don't want to go back, hide in the Forbidden Forest, there are many of Fish's best friends there, you can live there and no one will ever catch you nya!".


Since Fish hadn't lowered his voice, one of the dragon tamers tried to say something, but was stopped by Charlie.

"Just watch quietly." said Charlie, gently shaking his head.


Although Fish's offer was tempting, the female Hungarian Horntail preferred to return to her original habitat, as the familiar environment was more suitable for her to raise her offspring.

"Oh well, in that case, don't resist nya, Charlie and the others are good people and won't hurt you."


Fish said standing on tiptoe and stroking the female Hungarian Horntail's beak.

The tree bee looked at Charlie and the others and let out a small puff of smoke through her nose, no longer as hostile as before.

She recognized many of them, having crossed paths with them occasionally in their habitat, and it was mostly because they had inexplicably removed her from her nest and transported her and her eggs to this strange place that she was so irritable.

If she can transport herself back, then the female Hungarian Horntail would naturally be delighted.

So, with Fish's help, the dragon tamers watched in amazement as the irascible female Hungarian Horntail followed them out of the field.

When they later put the chains on her, the female Hungarian Horntail showed some displeasure, but did not put up much of a fight.

After watching the female Hungarian Horntail leave, Fish ran to Professor McGonagall with the golden egg in his arms.

"Look, Minerva, Fish has won nya!"


Fish held the golden egg in front of Professor McGonagall as if it were treasure.

"Well done!" Professor McGonagall rubbed Fish's head in praise.

"You really defeated the fire dragon!"

Hermione threw herself on Fish, hugged him and wiped away tears.

"Fish already said, I'm awesome!" Fish looked confused at Hermione, who was crying and laughing at the same time, "Hermione, are you okay nya? did someone bully you?"


"No, no," Hermione wiped the tears from her face embarrassed, "I'm so happy."



Fish cocked his head to the side, confused.

"Look, the judges are going to give you a score." Hermione, embarrassed, hastily changed the subject.

"Fish is going to get a very high score!"

"If Karkaroff gives Fish a low score this time, I'm going to throw a few dung balls at him! I swear I will!"

The Gryffindors around him chattered and turned their attention to the judges' table.

Not really caring how many points he got, Fish, feeling a little bored, looked down and began fiddling with the golden egg in his hand.

Huh? Why is there a slit here?


Soon, Fish noticed something strange about the egg and, without hesitation, he dug his nails into the slit and opened it with the slightest effort of his hands.

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