
Marvel: Kaiju System

Ever wondered what would happen if a human got the chance to create their own Kaiju. Yeah we know what would happen, but what if it put them in to the marvel universe, then what if Tony Stark were to find an unknown egg producing radiation. Shall we see what will happen? __ Covers not mine if the orginal owner wants me to change it let me know

SkyRexx · Filmes
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8 Chs

Egg Study

(A/N: From now on the System will be ['like this'] to not confuse with other AIs like Jarvis)

POV Tony Stark

For the last 6 months me and Jarvis have been studying the mystery egg, it is quite intersting really the egg produces non harmful radiation but it still has the same power as gamma radiation, but that was not even counting the mystery energy that it produces, that mytersy energy doen't match any energy I have seen before.

The egg itself seems to act like a particle collider but it is producing energy for the egg instead of just smashing the particles, the egg is using the radiation and the energy by smashing the two energies togther in the center of the egg it brings the very outer energy of the egg and the very outside of radiation moving them a incredible speed just for them to collide in the center of egg creating something that me and Jarvis were unable to scan because it was immediately absorbed by the egg and turned into nutrients.

Today though there was a change with our research we finally were able to identify what the shape of the species inside would be, and it was a dragon?

"Hey Jarvis is that a Dragon?"

[Unsure Sir, but according to the data collected online it does look like a dragon]

"So Jarvis how is the artifical Habitat Coming along?"

[It is going well sir, it should be finished in 1-2 days from now]

"good" *sigh* 'I need to take a break from researching this egg and just focus on my suit'

"Jarvis move the egg to the artifical ecosystem, save reports on my terminal to analyse later, inform me when it hatchs"

[Right away sir]

then I walked away to get some lunch


'Huh, where am I?'

I tried to look aroung but realised I couldn't move at all

'was that a dream?'

['No Host that was not a dream']

I begin to focus on what that was, host? hmm do I perhaps have a system 'Status' I focus and try to call up a Status Screen from the games and novels in my old life,


['Creating Status according to hosts Preferences']

[' Name: N/A Species: Unnamed Level: 0 ']

[' STR: 0 AGI: 0 INT: 0.08 DEF: 0 MP: 10/10 HP: 10/10 ']

[' Skills: Repilitian, Nanobot Blood, Photosynthesis, Dense Muscles, Dense Bones, Metallic Scales, Energy producer, True Energy Storage ']

[' Skill Shop (Unavailable) ']

[' Quests: 1 ']

[' Energy Credits: 0 ']

[' Grow Cost: 1 EC ']

'Why is my INT so low?'

['Answer: We are not using the human Measurements, a humans average stats are 0.1']

'Okay then what is my quest?'

[' Hatching: 1/2 ']

[' Stage 1: Wait 7 months 6/7 ']

[' Reward: +0.05 in all stats' ]

'Ohh can I go back to sleep?'

[' Putting Host to sleep ']


(A/N: Have any Ideas for our future Kaiju: name, species name, skills to be used in the future or added to his skills list. Hope you Enjoy the Story)


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