
Marvel: Kaiju System

Ever wondered what would happen if a human got the chance to create their own Kaiju. Yeah we know what would happen, but what if it put them in to the marvel universe, then what if Tony Stark were to find an unknown egg producing radiation. Shall we see what will happen? __ Covers not mine if the orginal owner wants me to change it let me know

SkyRexx · Movies
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Finding an Egg

POV Tony Stark

[Large Amount of energy detect 3800km north of New York in Greenland] Jarvis informed me "Jarvis Prepare my suit we will go check it out"

[Certianly Sir]

*An hour later*

There was a red and gold suit flying through the sky above an icy plane

[Sir your have entered the range of the energy signal]

"Hey Jarvis have you figured out what the energy signal is yet?" I asked as I scanned the snowy landscape below

[Sir it seems to be coming from the large tree in the center of the field up ahead]

Tony looked at the tree Jarvis pointed out and saw a head-sized black egg shaped thing in floating in a crevice thats in the center of the large twisting willow tree.

"Jarvis scan that object in the tree" Tony Commanded

[Right away sir]

as Jarvis scanned the object Tony flew up to the tree, Jarvis gave a report

[Report ready sir]

"Okay Jarvis give it to me"

[it seems to be an egg of some sort with an unknown creature growing inside of the egg the creature seems to be releasing a large amount of unidentifable energy and, a small amount of gamma radiation that won't be harmful to the human body]

as Tony eyed the egg deciding to whether to take the egg with him or not "hey Jarvis would it be safe to take it with us back to stark tower to study?"

[We do have to facilities to do so sir, so if you wish to take it back we could]

Tony reached out to the egg and grabbed it out of the tree suddenly the tree began to wither at a visible pace, as I watched the tree wither I was confused "umm Jarvis what happened?"

[The egg seemed to be supplying energy to the tree]

'hmm it seems I need more infomation on the egg' I began to think about how this egg affected the tree as I flew back to the Stark tower I rushed to the my lab and put the egg into a scanner,

"Hey Jarvis scan the egg to learn about the species that is developing in it"

[Right away sir]

As Jarvis was scanning the egg Tony continued to work out how to improve his suit further

*sigh* 'The only thing limiting me is the strength of the materials I have on hand' I was trying to figure out how to get better materials,

'I may as well work out how to hatch this egg and study it since I don't have the materials that I would require to improve it' as I walked over to the egg I began to look at, as I studied it closely I saw small vine growths and little bits of metal on the egg, 'hmm fascinating this egg seems strange' "Hey Jarvis could we prepare a habitat for this egg"

[Right away sir]

Haha I tried my best, I don’t know how to portray Tony and Jarvis very well though

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