
Homo magi - New God

Around 5,000bc, Beings from another dimension set foot on earth, while the world was changing, different from their own world, with their magic they were seen as God's, even if the gods themselves let them do as they wished, nothing last forever, when the humans that once worshiped them, along with some forces of the atlanteans, and amazonians put a stop to their rule, splitting them apart and sealing them away. What would happen if a young demi-God was tricked into helping the new God, and what would happen if the dark secret of her mother was brought to light by this. Follow along as a new God aka Mc, makes a name for himself, will he hurt or help the world, and is his loyalty to strong to his sister or is it time to make his own way. I own nothing. _________________________________________________ Mc is not evil for the sake of it, as you will find out and yes the mc is reborn and has a mind but, being what he is, he is all be it still young, overly aggressive, and impulsive at times. - enjoy #3loveinterest #loyalmc #action #siblinglove #Strongtostronger #Newgodmc

BlackMoon2 · Filmes
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 - Time moves

*thud *thud *thud

The sounds of the floor echoed within the stone walls of a ruin, the light of the moon being cast in a mix of shadow and light. The walls seemed to creep with empty movements, as the thuds of something heavy made a stop, the moon far above casting the silhouette of a large being along the walls as the arch-like window had a strange hand pressed on it.

"fo, net-ick, al-ee huca-la." The world was silent, peaceful in a way of the moment, yet a deep voice soon broke that silence as the being at the window spoke within the once beautiful ruins.

The green silk cloths that hung around the room, were traced with gold, the white marble floors, now cracked as the swirls of black were now stained with blood, the two thrones of green and black metals, broken off and bent. Sitting atop a ring of marble stairs, a long green carpet leading to them, now cut and ripped. The gold statues, jars, and chests were now broken open or fallen over into ruin.

"That is enough, don't you think you've lost enough? Or will you continue even without her? Your time has run out, the world no longer sees you for what you try to be, but what you are." As if answering the being at the window, lighter steps were heard, tapping as a figure emerged from the darkness. Each step dripped with the grey blood at her feet, her sword in hand covered in the same as her voice became somber.

"There is no longer a need, so much we gave them, even stopping our war with your gods. Saving those who followed from their wrath, and yet here we are, Oh great warrior of the Amazon's, tell me, was it wrong.." The being at the window, finally turned, his voice speaking slowly and yet deeply as he turned his gaze to the face of the woman within the throne room.

"They do not seek a world full of war, one may be saved but they will eventually come to hate what brought them tragedy. You could not see what they had become because of your blindness to her." The woman spoke back, her words relaxed as she looked at the form of the man, her long blonde hair caked with blood, yet it did not take away from her beauty, even with the armor now stained grey from the fighting.

"War, was it? Yet who sought it out first, you say I was blind. Or was it merely my love for them, that I could not see that hate that grew in their hearts." The being again spoke, his steps carrying him to the woman in question, his height towering as he moved close enough, his eyes that glowed with a golden-orange light looking at what was in the woman's hands.

"*Ha, you speak of love, you love nothing but her, and now that she is gone, you choose to give up fighting, yet you could have stayed and been given freedom without her." The woman spoke, her hand twisting as she brought the totem into the moonlight, its carvings beautiful, made of polished stone, reflecting in her eyes as she spoke.

"As for who sought it, one can not be sure, if you ask the masses, you will only find unending opinions on what started this war." The woman continued, yet her words were misleading on this matter as she turned her eyes away from the being.

"Thousands of years from now, no one will remember who sought what, it will merely be nothing." the being said, his somewhat translucent skin shined with gold-like energy that moved through it, his strange armor moving along with his body, attached to a crown atop his head with a floating golden ornament that had a shine of green at its center.

"You say I never loved them.. maybe not in the way I should, yet there is one I loved, truly, Fo-tyu hum-a, Hippolyta." (It seems, we are both slaves, Hippolyta.) The being went to one knee, his hand glowing as he reached out to the woman's face, wiping blood from her cheek, as he moved it to her stomach, only to shake his head.

"And yet here you are, that being you claim you love, must not be worth giving up this madness. To forsake everything in your beliefs in your sister." Hippolyta spoke, her body stepping away from the being as she pointed her swords tip at his neck, trying to make distance that didn't matter to the being.

"I wonder what words will be spoken of this, a thousand years from now. Love fated to never be.." the being then stood, his hand moving as the totem was pulled from the woman's hand, his steps slow as he walked to the large throne in ruin.

"Your words, you speak them as if you will be around to see that world. Something the gods will not allow to happen." Hippolyta said, her gaze looking at her hand as the totem floated, her steps following as she looked at the being on the throne.

"The world will always change, First the sins, then us, then the circle, one day it will be your gods, then the Atlanteans, even you Amazon's will one day feel this, until it is only the humans that remain. They will always seek to control or destroy what they do not understand. Even themselves." The being said, spinning the totem to land in his hand as he cracked it, his body being turned into black smoke as it was pulled within the totem.

"If you knew how to kill us, you wouldn't use such a way to deal with us. One day, my eyes will rest upon this world again, and I will return what the humans and gods did to the one I love, as well as my sister." The being said, as the last whisp of smoke was brought into the statue, his words lingered for a moment as Hippolyta's eyes shook. "I was wrong to speak of mercy, even as powerful as I might be, I can not reduce this world to what it should be alone. Tell me was I truly wrong, Hippolyta.." His voice faded into nothing as the stone totem fixed itself.

"You will never leave this totem, that I promise.." Hippolyta watched as the stone totem, gently made its way to her hand, her eyes looking at the throne as she rubbed the totem with strange care in her movements.

"So it is done.." While in the midst of her thinking, a voice spoke out within the throne room, yet it echoed like the sounds of wind, her body turning in the room as she listened, walking down the stairs as she gripped the totem.

"It is done, the war can end, lord Zeus." Hippolyta came to the bottom of the stairs, bending one knee as lightning cracked, and a flash of blue hit the metal of the throne, bending it even more out of place.

"You have done well, I should have believed the stories of the beautiful warrior that helped in this war.." Zeus spoke in the air, his words strange to Hippolyta as she looked at the ground, not caring for the wanting gods compliment.

"Thank you for your words, lord. The question I have is what should be done with them." Hippolyta still kept her voice calm as she waited for an answer. Yet the wind was silent as she lifted her head.

"Seal them away, your people, the amazons will watch over incubus, and the humans will seal the enchantress away.." After a long pause, Zeus spoke once more on his decision about the future of these new gods.

"Do you think that is best? Lord, power like this may tempt them." For the first time, Hippolyta questioned the gods, the words of Incubus still fresh in her mind, while her fingers gripped the totem even tighter than before. She was worried but she could not hide her happiness that they would not be held together.

"Are you questioning my decision on this matter? We believe it is the best course of action, them being held together is too risky." Zeus spoke, his voice having more power in it than before, questioning her on why she was asking.

"No lord, I merely thought that one might be tempted by her sweet whispers." Hippolyta understood that questioning the gods was out of her character, she trusted the gods as they gave her people life and trusted them to answer their call to arms.

"I only wished to know, why not Atlanteans? Sealing her deep within the sea, would make sure none are tempted by it." Hippolyta gave her explanation, she wanted the being gone and forgotten to time.

"I understand your worries, but as flawed as humans are, they understand the weight of this, unless they wish for this to repeat, we think it will stand as a reminder. And the Atlanteans have a shaky relationship with the gods, they do not wish to involve themselves in this war any longer." Zeus spoke in a more understanding tone, talking to her as if she was an angry wife.

'I do not understand.. but I know one thing.' Hippolyta no longer spoke, only nodding her head as she has always done, her mind still moving as since the gods had intervened, the humans gratefulness would deepen in all who knew of their 'kindness.'

"You are a fine warrior, questions are meant to be asked, but do not misjudge the humans for their powerlessness. They grow as all others do, what they lack in power they make up in their wisdom. All be it, slowly." Zeus continued, making a small joke that seemed to make her laugh, a smile coming to his face as he heard her giggle.

'It sounds like something he would say..' Yet Hippolyta was laughing at something only known to her, in days when she did not need to fight, and lose something in each battle.

"Thank you, lord.." Hippolyta soon answered, bringing herself back from the past as she knew her thinking would only bring up painful memories.

"For your acts, you, your people, and everyone who fought should be rewarded. So there will be a feast for those who have helped to overcome this war. As my guest, I hope you will find comfort in my company." Zeus said in a tone far more ambiguous than before, leaving a laugh behind as his voice soon disappeared.

Hippolyta waited for a while, only raising when she knew Zeus was gone, her hands gripping the totem as she stood slowly, turning her head to the thrones once more. Her steps were clean as she moved to the end of the steps. Picking up a necklace of green and gold, placing it in her pack at her side as she placed her sword back.

"Hippolyta, it is done?" Her steps soon carried her down the long steps of the temple-like castle, looking out at the large forest of black trees, a once beautiful forest, now blackened, along with bluish vein-like earth, with strange black spike-like scars coming from the ground as well as the stone of other temples. Her gaze only stopped when a feminine voice called to her.

"Yes, my queen, it is done." Hippolyta answered, looking at her queen, even at her age, her hair did not grey, even as the black hair was covered in blood, her chest moving up and down as she was sweating, her hand pushing off a grayish creature impaled on her sword.

"Amazon's!! Hippolyta is Victorious! Ahh!!" The queen yelled, her hand in the air as she grabbed Hippolyta's hand, raising it into the air as she looked into Hippolyta's eyes.

"Ahhh!!" Like a bird, the world's view seemed to zoom out, all the way down to the stone city of the Inca people, where the grayish monsters, friends and foes alike, fell to the ground, humans, Amazon's, and Atlanteans raised their weapons and yelled out, echoing throughout the city. While the Inca people cried out, pressing there heads to the ground in worship.

Hippolyta smiled at her people, but changed as she looked out to the Inca people, her mind thinking of how they cheered, was it not them that treated the siblings as new Gods, worshiping them and now they did so to the supernatural strength of the Amazon's and the Atlanteans.

"Was all this truly necessary, was it not them that caused this." Hippolyta let her tongue slip, only to feel her Queen's hand on her shoulder, giving her a look of worry.

"They are free, they were not from this world, these people only wished to be free of these new gods, they are not like our gods they only care for themselves." The queen said, speaking in a freeing tone as she looked out at the inca people below.

"And that is why the cycle will continue.." Hippolyta said in a whisper, looking at the grayish being shake as they turned back slightly into their former selves.

"And now we are free of this war, now free to bury our dead, and lost sisters." The Queen leaned down, closing the eyes of the Amazon who changed back, her face looking out to all the Amazon's who mourned their dead sisters.

"Yes my queen, I am truly glad this war is over. I just worry for the future." Hippolyta said as she looked at the totem within her hand. "The gods have trusted us to make sure none awaken them again. I pray this will be the end of it.." Hippolyta continued in low words as she helped her fellow Amazon's.

[Glimpse of the future.]

"Mother! mother!" In a beautiful palace of smooth stone, it's face high above the cliffs, enhanced by the beautiful blue of the ocean. The sunlight of the falling fire leaking its mesmerizing Orange within the archway, and the room of beautiful white marble, came to life in its color. The sounds of a young girl could be heard cheerfully within the large hall as her shadow moved across the floor, her steps bringing her to a woman that laid on a beautiful piece of furniture.

"Calm yourself, Diana, there is no need to yell when I am so near." Hippolyta said slowly, her face forming into a smile as she pulled the young girl into her embrace. Moving her black hair back as she looked into the girls gorgeous blue eyes.

"I'm sorry mother, I was reading a story about the hero's of the past, mom! you were a hero?!" The young Diana said, her little arms bringing up a big book in her hands as she opened it. But it caused Hippolyta's eyes to widen slightly. "The war of the new gods, th-the I-in-inca.." Diana tried to read the old text but was stopped as Hippolyta closed the book.

"Where did you get this Diana?" Hippolyta said, taking the book from the girl, questioning her, only to have Diana's head turn away from her mother.

"Tell me where Diana!" Hippolyta who never really yelled at Diana, spoke loudly as she gripped the girls face gently. "Tell me.." Yet just as her anger flared, it quickly calmed seeing Diana on the verge of tears.

"The temple at the edge of the coast.." Diana said, her knees moving as if nervous to tell her mother, and yet her answer surprised Hippolyta.

'How can this be, that is beon the valley, how did she get there alone.' Hippolyta's mind was a mess, thinking of how Diana went miles away from the castle and city without anyone knowing.

"Mother.." Diana said, her words low as she looked down, causing Hippolyta to come out of her worries, "Am I in trouble.." Diana continued, yet as she looked up, a slight shine of gold could be seen within her eyes.

"No, but the sun has begun to grow tired, for now I think you should rest." Hippolyta did not show it, but her mind was even more of a mess at what she saw.

"I promise to tell you more stories in the morning." Hippolyta seeing her daughter cast a frown upon her lips, held out her pinky as she spoke sweetly.

"Promise!" Diana looked at the finger, and locked her own with her mother's quickly as if it would leave. Smiling with all her teeth as Hippolyta nodded. Diana jumping from her lap as she raced to the door, poking her head back as she said I love you to her mother before being led to her room by a few amazons standing guard at the door.

[An hour later]

Across an open field, the lights of torches could be seen moving, shifting with the running of the horses as Amazon's raced across it. At the front, Hippolyta, along with her sister, Antiope had straight faces as warrior Amazons followed in toe to there never-ending ride.

The steps of the horses soon slowed, coming into the shadows of a massive structure, its body like a dome with a church's spike coming from its top, its walls covered in moss, along with a strange greenish metal, but the walls seemed to ooze a feeling of discomfort even to trained Amazon's.

"We go by foot, the horses will not move past this point," Hippolyta spoke out to the rest, dismounting her horse, leaving the other Amazon's confused, yet the horses did not move even as they tried to turn them.

"You heard her, this place is not for those faint of heart. If you wish to leave, then go." Antiope said, dismounting her horse as her sister did, her eyes looking over the amazons whose faces showed no fear.

Raising their torches, Hippolyta, Antiope, and the amazons moved across the dark grass of the night. Their figures shifting in the shadows of the light as they made their way forward, the moon seemed to hide its glow in the sky as they made it to a round door, its height far bigger than any being that walked the earth, with the carving of a being with a crown at the center of the door.

"Amazon's, listen to me. This is a well-kept secret, that many who share are no longer alive, all but me and a few of my sisters still have knowledge of it." Hippolyta who had finally reached the door, stopped as she pulled a dagger from her back, speaking to the amazons that were listening to her every word.

"Whatever you see, whatever you hear, do not trust your eyes and ears. Move with your heart, or you will never leave this place." Hippolyta continued, cutting the center of her hand, her blood dripping to the grass below as she looked back at the amazons. "Do you understand?" she continued, watching each of their faces become serious.

"Yes Queen Hippolyta!" They each yelled as they hit their chest, watching as Hippolyta nodded to them with eyes Cresent like the moon.

"Very well.." Hippolyta said as she nodded to Antiope, taking her bleeding hand and rubbed it across the door. It caked and dripped down, filling the eyes of the carving as if it had tears. The sounds of stone, metal, and wood turned beon the door. Only for the door to sink back and rotate into the wall.

'Diana..' Hippolyta wasted no time, walking into the darkness, her torch shining a light along the sand covered stone below her feet, seeing small foot prints leading into the darkness of this temple.

Antiope placed her hand on Hippolyta's shoulder, her eyes showing worry, nodding that she was there as Hippolyta put her hands on top of her sisters, her eyes giving a reassuring look as they continued.

Their feet soon carried the group to a room, its body just like outside was Dome-like and a circle, yet its once-white stone, was now covered in greenish metal and moss. The amazons looked around strangely at the skulls and bones that lined the walls, looking at the queen yet she gave no answer.

The group soon lit torches around the walls, their eyes all moving to what was placed at the center of this strane room, where they saw a stone totem, its stone cracked, it's arms missing and covered in moss from ages passed. Yet its presence alone was strange, something locked away in this massive temple for what reason was beon those who did not know.

"We will be free of this island, free to see the world and experience all life's pleasures." Hippolyta was caught off guard, when she was going to walk towards the totem, 4 of the 5 amazons spoke out, their bodies reaching out their hands as they moved towards the totem.

"Antiope!" Hippolyta yelled out, her hands at the ready as she looked at her sister. "They were not ready." Hippolyta shook her head, her eyes filled with worry at the amazons whose minds were taken so easily.

"I know!" Antiope yelled, but moved as she pulled her rope from her waist, stepping off the wall as she wrapped one by the legs and grabbed the other, as Hippolyta eyed the Amazon who remained normal and was moving to do the same, Hippolyta watched on as the amazons fought, but were restrained and pulled out of the temple.

"What is it you want, that you would drag my daughter here." Breathing a little, Hippolyta spoke out with her eyes fixed on the totem, questioning it with slight anger as her voice echoed within the temple.

"Answer me! Do you wish to use her, for what purpose!" Hippolyta continued, yet her mind raced as she thought on why. "Was it me! You involved my daughter in something she knows nothing about, Answer me, incubus!" Yet when she felt something click, nothing was heard, her hand reaching to the totem as she started to squeeze.

"Answer.." Hippolyta wanted to say, her anger growing only for a hand to be placed on her shoulder. Feeling the touch of a large hand caress her neck, her head was made to look up as her eyes rested on the face of the large being behind her caressing her body with great care.

"fo-net yut-a hum-a ont-ika." The being said as he looked into her eyes, his hand caressing her skin with care as her hand loosened around the totem, only for it to fall from her grasp.

"Hippolyta!" Yet a yell called out to her, her mind focusing as the black smoke around the room disappeared, leaving her standing there unmoving at a loss. Antiope was now standing in front of her with a worried look, her hand reaching down to catch the totem before it hit the ground.

"You must calm yourself sister, this is what he wants.. you can not fall for it again." Antiope continued, Sighing as Hippolyta's eyes were no longer clouded as she rubbed her face.

"Thank you, Antiope, set the totem on its resting place, it seems like always, I will get no answers from him." Hippolyta smiled at her sister who saved her from making another mistake, pressing her forehead into Antiope's as she breathed out strongly. "From now on, Amazons will be placed beon the shadow of the temple, no one, especially Driesia, and Diana is ever be allowed to step foot in this place again." she continued as she looked at the totem, the room silent as it sat as it always did, unmoving.

"Sister, Driesia has not seen the world, I am sure she will never come here, but I will make sure she never enters this place." Antiope spoke in a saddened voice, thinking about a girl who sat in a tower alone.

"Antiope it must be this way.." Hippolyta hearing this spoke slowly, she knew better then her sister the pain of putting her child through this. Yet it seemed the world would change as her voice was cut off.

"Queen Hippolyta!" The amazon warrior who had put the other unconscious amazons to rest outside, ran in as she watched a small figure walk into the darkness of the temple.

The figure coming out of the dark, her long black hair falling around her face, her small green dress reflecting the light of the green metals around her, as she looked at the woman in front of her, her face confused as she looked a Hippolyta shake slightly.

"Mother? Why am I here?" The girl said, her eyes looking around the room in wonder, while her voice held confusion in them at what was happening.

"Diana?" Hippolyta seeing the sadness in her daughters eyes, was worried as she called out, but stopped as the center of the girls eyes glowed golden, "Driesia?!" Hippolyta seeing this, along with the golden energy running under her skin made Hippolyta call out.

"Mom! what is happ.." The girl Driesia was confused, holding her hands up as she tried to wipe it away, only for her eyes to roll back as she swayed, causing Antiope to leap and catch her.

"Hippolyta we must get her away from here! it is not safe for her to remain within the temple." Antiope yelled, looking at Hippolyta who rubbed Driesia's cheek, her voice filled with worry as she picked the girl up.

"Enchantress.." Only for the two to freeze, hearing a word come from the girls mouth, Hippolyta pushing them forward as she spoke. "All of you go, nothing is to be said of this, now!" Hippolyta said, yelling at the ones inside as they nodded and ran out of the temple.

"I made a promise, you will never leave that prison while I am still living, but I can't understand you." Hippolyta said, looking back at the totem, her voice serious but sorrow-filled each sentence. "You would even use our child to be free.." Hippolyta continued, her back to the totem as it remained silent, her back melting into the darkness of the entrance of the temple.

"I will never let you hurt her, not as you hurt me.."