
Homo magi - New God

Around 5,000bc, Beings from another dimension set foot on earth, while the world was changing, different from their own world, with their magic they were seen as God's, even if the gods themselves let them do as they wished, nothing last forever, when the humans that once worshiped them, along with some forces of the atlanteans, and amazonians put a stop to their rule, splitting them apart and sealing them away. What would happen if a young demi-God was tricked into helping the new God, and what would happen if the dark secret of her mother was brought to light by this. Follow along as a new God aka Mc, makes a name for himself, will he hurt or help the world, and is his loyalty to strong to his sister or is it time to make his own way. I own nothing. _________________________________________________ Mc is not evil for the sake of it, as you will find out and yes the mc is reborn and has a mind but, being what he is, he is all be it still young, overly aggressive, and impulsive at times. - enjoy #3loveinterest #loyalmc #action #siblinglove #Strongtostronger #Newgodmc

BlackMoon2 · Movies
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Character sheet & information

New Gods explained - The New Gods are a spacefaring race of immortal and extremely powerful humanoid beings that are native to the extra-dimensional planet of Apokolips. Along with beings of great power from other dimensions, humanoids in nature, spacefaring and powerful beings worshiped as gods in the ending age of the old gods.

Characteristics - The New Gods are much more powerful beings than  humans  and many other species/races in the universe. However, they are matched or surpassed by Kryptonians powered by solar energy and the Old Gods. They possess superhuman physical abilities, although it varies from individual to individual; Despite their large size, the New Gods have incredible superhuman speed and agility that allows them to easily overcome and overwhelm other smaller and agile beings. They can also react quickly to high-speed projectiles. The New Gods are invulnerable to many forms of damage; In addition, they are immortal beings and can live forever

Homo Magi - Homo Magi are a subspecies of humanity that have the ability to manipulate magic to varied degrees. Unlike normal New Gods, beings like Incubus and his sister enchantress are not from Apokolips, and are only seen as New Gods as they differ from the likes of other homo magi. like that of Shazam, black Adam, katana, and the council of wizards.

History - In 4358 B.C., the Enchantress and her brother Incubus arrived on Earth from their own dimension. Due to their great magical power, they were worshipped by ancient Pre-Columbian civilizations as gods. However, their subjects eventually turned on them, with the help of the old gods, Amazon's, and Atlanteans, they were able to seal their spirits. This happened a millennia prior to the war of the gods. An a few hundred years before Darkseid's first invasion.

The years of the first sealing, the siblings would find themselves freed again, asked to join the alliance against a fellow new God, Darkseid but it was a mistake, and they were tricked into being sealed once more.

Character [image here]

Mc name - Kinich Ahau - Incubus.

Species - Homo magi/New Gods.

Arrival date - 4,357bc

Birthdate - Unknown

Language - Moonspeak

Relationships - Inca people (formally as a god)

Sister - The enchantress

Ex-lover - Hippolyta

Personality - Incubus is quite reticent and a being of few words. He possesses a God-complex, having been worshiped as a deity over the years in various worlds. Because of this, he is understandably very eager to conquer the modern world with his mystical powers.

Incubus deeply loves his sister Enchantress; they are about as close as two siblings can be and shared their ambition to revolutionize society. Although she tended to be the ringleader in their revolution, they still did just about everything together, with her helping him adjust to the 'new world' and him going out of his way to save Enchantress many times, even allowing himself to be sealed for her, with her evidently expecting him to do so meaning she already trusts him with her life. Although he is very similar to his sister, he notably showed less restraint when it comes to violence, and he appeared to be less intelligent and complex than she was and so he usually follows her lead (even if it is not truly the case)

Incubus wishes only to change the world, hoping to return the favor to the world that hated his sister, as well as break the chains of his lover.

Affiliation - chaotic neutral - sometimes intentionally evil.

Powers - Homo magi physiology - Incubus is an inter-dimensional mystical being, with him and his sister Enchantress having been worshiped in the past as gods

- New God physiology: As a New God, Incubus is a phenomenally powerful divine being.

- Superhuman Strength - Incubus, due to his gigantic stature, has incredible superhuman strength, though not quite on the same level as that of Superman. Like most new gods he possesses strength far outclassing humans and many other races.

- Nigh-invulnerability - Incubus is incredibly durable, as he is seemingly invulnerable to blunt force trauma (easily withstanding missiles, bullets, swords, gods and other beings)

- Shock Absorption and redirection - Incubus can absorb kinetic forces, such as heavy blows from fist, kicks, weapons, and explosions, able to redirect them back to his opponents. (Albeit to varied degrees.)

- Superhuman speed - Incubus can move at considerable superhuman speeds, going toe-to-toe with gods and other powerful beings much faster than humans.

- Regenerative healing factor: Incubus, in the rare instances when he is hurt, is shown to heal at superhuman speeds. Able to regrow body parts in moments.

- Longevity/ Immortal - Incubus, much like an Old God, is capable of living for millennia, being that his age is unknown and has lived on earth for 6,000 years. As a new god, he has a potentially unlimited lifespan.

- Mystical tendrils: Incubus can generate gigantic mystical tendrils from his body, using them as additional superpowered limbs.

- Monstrous enslavement: Incubus, much like Enchantress is able to transform humans into grey monstrous beings through his power, by piercing their bodies with his huge mystical tendrils.

- Mystical empowering: Incubus was able to use his mystical tendrils to save his sister Enchantress many times. And this makes Enchantress almost impossible to be killed in that manner after Incubus' tendril touches her, seemingly also making Enchantress more powerful.

- Telekinesis - Incubus was able to levitate objects with his hands, using it to build massive cities for his worshipers.

Character [image here]

Female lead name - Enchantress.

Species - Homo Magi/New God.

Arrival date - 4,357bc

Birthdate - Unknown

Language - Moonspeak

Relationships - Inca people (formally as a god)

Brother - Incubus

Hippolyta - hated enemy

Personality - Enchantress because of her "godly" status in the world, Enchantress developed a God-complex, having been worshiped as a deity over the years in various worlds. Her personality prior to being betrayed and imprisoned is unknown, but she was worshipped along with her brother by the global population and they work well together as leaders so it can be assumed she was a benevolent and competent ruler. Like Incubus, Enchantress was vastly confident in her ability to renew and redeem humankind and this coupled with her powers made her fearless and gave her extreme pride.

Enchantress deeply loves her brother Incubus. to the point where no other woman can be seen with him, believing only her having the right to stand with him.

Affiliation - Lawful chaotic - Evil when the time calls for it.

Powers -

Homo magi physiology - Enchantress is an inter-dimensional mystical being, with her and her brother, Incubus having been worshiped in the past as gods.

- New God physiology: As a New God, Enchantress is a phenomenally powerful divine being.

- Superhuman strength: Enchantress, while not as physically strong as her brother Incubus, she still has a degree of superhuman strength, and was able to hold her own against armies and some gods by herself on different occasions.

Superhuman durability: Enchantress has superhuman durability, being unfazed by a mighty blow from Amazon's, Atlanteans, and some gods.

- Longevity/ Immortal - Enchantress, much like an Old God, is capable of living for millennia, being that her age is unknown and has lived on earth for 6,000 years. As a new god, she has a potentially unlimited lifespan.

- Transformation - Due to one being possessed by Enchantress, she can willingly switch between her normal form and her god form of Enchantress, which also gives Enchantress control over the persons body.

- Telepathy: Enchantress can produce clear tendrils from her spine that can burrow deep into peoples' minds, revealing their closely-kept secrets.

- Mental Manipulation: Enchantress can implant hypnotic visions of alternate events into the subconscious of any human near her.

- Illusion manipulation - Enchantress can implant Vivid dream like illusion into humans, and other races, as she can be seen manipulating the amazons into thinking they won the war, as well as bringing their dead back to life.

- Precognition: Enchantress can peer into the past and view events that already occurred as if they are occurring in her presence. She uses this ability to look into several Amazon's, humans, and Atlanteans past.

- Teleportation: Enchantress can teleport herself over virtually any distance in seconds, able to get to her brother where ever he may be on the planet.

- Telekinesis: Enchantress was able to telekinetically disarm the forces the human, Amazon, and Atlantean alliance of their weapons with a single hand gesture, as she was annoyed by their persistence in fighting her with useless weapons.

- Intangibility - Enchantress can somewhat phase herself through solid objects, allowing her to get away many times from ambushes set by the alliance.

- Weather manipulation - Enchantress can control the weather, and can produce lightning, thunder, rain, snow, storms and so on.

- Electrokinesis: Enchantress can generate electric currents, and also can absorb electricity. She destroyed multiple buildings and battleships of the alliance with one lightning-energy blast.

Character [Image here]

Female lead name - Hippolyta - New God war hero.

Species - Amazon.

Birthdate - prior to 3,000bc

Position - Queen of the Amazons

Relationships - Diana (Mother)

Driesia (secret child)

Enchantress (hated enemy)

Incubus (secret ex-lover)

Amazons (leader)

Personality -

Hippolyta is an extremely capable and skilled leader, as well as an equally courageous warrior, evident in how she saved her fellow Amazons from human slavery as the War of the Gods broke out. However, Hippolyta's experiences have also made her very embittered against humanity (adamantly believing that the race was no longer worth saving) and very overprotective of her daughters Dianana and Driesia.

During the war of the new gods, she tried many times to reason with Enchantress, and her lover Incubus. Yet her ties to him seemed to go unheard, painful even as she loved the man before she knew what love truly was, trying to make herself hate him even though it is just a lie, she knew her heart was weak to Incubus whispers so she sealed him away and refused to go to the temple.

After the age of the new gods, she fell into a trap of vulnerability, allowing Zeus to lay with her, only to her surprise that when she gave birth there were to babies.

Affiliation - Lawful good - For her people atleast.

Powers -

Superhuman strength - Hippolyta is superhumanly strong, which allowed her to quickly and easily defeat many German soldiers at once and kill hordes of Parademons during the First Invasion of Earth. A remarkable feat of strength was to catching a young Diana out of the air with a single arm as her daughter jumped down from one cliff-side walkway ledge to another, with no visible strain. She was able to go toe-to-toe with Amazon's, humans, and Atlanteans empowered by the siblings during the war of new gods.

- Superhuman durability - Hippolyta's body is more resistant to physical damage than the body of a human being. Due to this durability, Hippolyta has a high level of resistance to blunt-force trauma.

- Superhuman agility - Hippolyta naturally has greater agility, dexterity, balance and body coordination than a normal human being.

- Superhuman stamina - Hippolyta's musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than that of humans. With this, she does not need to slow down or catch her breath during the battle against the siblings army.

- Longevity - Hippolyta, due to being an Amazon, blessed by the gods, had lived for millennia without visibly aging (with her predating the War of the Gods and the creation of Themyscira by Zeus).

Hippolyta is a woman who fights for what she believes is right, even going against her heart to lock Incubus away. Yet she falls for him each time he awakens, even when later knowledge was known to how to kill the siblings, she refused and set to imprison them once more.

Her daughter Driesia is kept secret from the world, and from the gods when they were still around, fearing just like Diana, she would be used as a weapon because of her great power inherited by her father. Even though later being told she was the twin sister of Diana and daughter of Zeus, she could not hide the vast difference in her daughter's abilities.

(Will add more as the story goes on)