
Beast familly in the multivers.

A man is given a second chance in life; how will he live in worlds that he only sows in books and movies in his previous life?

jacke_m1 · Filmes
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20 Chs


time passed and seasons flew, without noticing it's been 5 years since I found myself here.

the place here really become my home, and I honestly start to love the Ancient Forest more and more.

I had fully integrated with my memories and body giving me a striking and wise aura, but I was still the same as always, love to enjoy myself and learn new things.

Kali has become 20 now, and although he still likes to act calm in the presence of outsiders or Outside, he is always the mood-maker in the family and he has kind of become an otaku.

that is probably my fault for introducing that world to him.

there is this time I almost got a heart attack when we training and he pull Rasenshuriken, not the one he need time to create, NO hahaha, the one he creat has a tracking property, so you imagine something like that hunting you. OH, and it was made with a mix of dark and water elements, and the moment it explode it become a black hole for some reason.

on another subject, I start to build a little village beside the lake, changing the loghouse to a mention with dozens of bedrooms, 8 washrooms, 4 kitchens, and 2 underground basements, one for my laboratory, and the other for medical and alchemist lab.

around the mansion, I put a couple of houses from medium to big on the back I made a field of all types of planets from vegetables to medical herbs. and finally, I put a magic shield around to ward off any danger.

now the only problem is the source of energy, I don't want any kind of pollution in 'AF' or at least keep it to the bare minimum, so I was thinking of taking a page from Marvel making an Ark reactor, or at least something close.

but unfortunately no advancement so far, so I am using enhancement magic to make lights and to cook or heat mechanisms, and many else.

back to the village, the reason I build it was simply that I got more residents and they keep coming thanks to Loyed ability.

3 years ago, loyed met a couple of Wolve packs and got them under his 'lordship' as I like to call it.

he could gift his bloodline but sadly without any transfer of info like in his case, so they had to learn the things humans do from scratch, which is also the same for their ability.

after the first couple of times, he starts to actively search for a few close packs to get them to join under him, and with my agreement, they start a new big pack and name themselves Gray Pack with Loyed as a leader.

well in the name at least, considering the only thing he does when no fight is involved is either training or reading books.

by the way, after some research, we found three possibilities for him to use in his bloodline.

first, he can only use it on wolf-type beasts if we talk about animals or shape-shifters.

second, he can use it on humans but that will lead them to lose their original instinct (if they have it).

and finally, to revive the dead if they are not dead longer than an hour. Also, the strength of the person after the bite is varied.

the last one is too Op but believe me, either I or him wants to see it in action, for some reason, it gives us a forbidding feeling.

today is one my of lone explorations as Kali had some magic experience to do, and love to just laze while reading books as he calls them but you know what they are, so I take the chance for some 'me time'.

now, I almost covered the east-south part between the lake and the mountain, and every time I go out here I discover new things it's kind of amazing.

also as always I still feel stars on me but I didn't know who or what is since I can't sense any life signature close by.

since it has no malice I always let it be, but today something different I feel two signatures right in front of me.

I peck my pace and got in ther direction and what I found? well, two multi-color cats one with blue eyes the other with red.

maybe it's a part of 'AF' to make everything big, the cats in front of me are probably a little shy of 2 meters high?! they probably will look normal if I was in my lion form.

'I know of a couple of people who will black out from the sheer cuteness of these two'

Chuckling at my thoughts I look at the cats in front of me as they give me a cruise look and their looks give a familiar feeling, probably they are the ones that were tailing me this whole time "Can I know why you finally decided to finally show up"

they look at each other before coming close and starting to sniff me 'the same as forest smell, calming" the blue eyes one said, while the red eyes one tried to like me but I step back, I may like animals but I don't want to stand around the forest with giant cat drool all over me.

They look at me for a moment before nodding at each other 'Can we live in your land?' they ask to only get me confused 'Sonia, this -land- part, what do they mean?'

Sophia sighed [you may not know, but every part of the forest is ruled by some type of beast, while the stronger they are, the fare are they are between each other, so that create a free zone where the vulture hunt, as they dont dare to hunt in the kings land]

i nodded in understanding but I ask one thing disturbing me 'Do you know why they dont appear in this er?'

Sophia answered [because their instinct told them so]

'ha?' as I was about to answer more specifically I got my answer

[although they are fast and lethal in their attack that is not what made them a danger, is the sharp danger instinct, to the point they can feel the direction and how much danger is close to them.

so the moment you appear in this place they start to stop coming around and with you exploring around, every beast in the eria you pass will count it your land until you got challenged for it.]

I see, I notice that when they run the moment Kali awakes his abilities so I guess they can feel the difference in power. but well, knowing and reacting are different mater.

also, the land part is interesting. that explains why the gray pack takes turns visiting the already explored part. (Loyde's idea by the way as he is one of the very few who know about the outside ).

I look back at the cats and smiled "Of course feel free to live her, but on one rule, won't hurt or hunt anyone under my protection, ok?"

the cats nodded and start to shrink to normal size and jumped on my shoulders, I sighed and let them be as I resumed exploring the forest.