
Beast familly in the multivers.

Autor: jacke_m1
Contínuo · 103.1K Modos de exibição
  • 20 Chs
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What is Beast familly in the multivers.

Leia o romance Beast familly in the multivers. escrito pelo autor jacke_m1 publicado no WebNovel. A man is given a second chance in life; how will he live in worlds that he only sows in books and movies in his previous life?...


A man is given a second chance in life; how will he live in worlds that he only sows in books and movies in his previous life?

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"You need to go, i can't be with you anymore" i yelled at him "But why, I love you" He said trying to get closer to me but i step back. "We are from different world, my people don't like yours, why yours don't like mine. We need to part ways Khalid" I said as tears roll down my cheeks. "I love you Lee, don't leave me alone" he tried reaching out for my hand again but i step back. "Am sorry" I said using my super natural powers to speed off. I need to get away from him before i break down. I can still hear his cry from afar and i felt broken. LEE....... That was her name Young, calm, pretty and out spoken. She wasn't the type that was raised with motherly care and love. She lost that when she was 8 years old. She never had a family to care for her except her nanny and childhood friend. She never had the life she wanted or that freedom everyone has and always been a slave to the packs. Well you can say everything can't be permanent forever, well you can also say she meet her chosen one or she was saved by her knight in shining armor "yeah" and things turn around for her. Khalid.... A homeless boy who was adopted by a stranger. Well he was lost when he was looking for his father but a stranger saw him and picked him up. He tried looking for his dad but he was no where to be found. Not long he meet his heart beat (his chosen one). Do u want to know what happened to his father or you want to know what fate has in stock for him and his chosen one or how their love started. It all about fight, tears, war, romance, betrayal and love.

jessica_bukunmi · Adolescente
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Hearts Of Darkness

The forest was dark and silent, the only sound was the rustling of leaves in the wind. But there was something else, a faint whisper on the breeze, a whisper that called to her from the shadows. Soleil hesitated, her hand resting on the iron gate that led into the darkness. She took a deep breath and stepped through, the gate closing behind her with a heavy thud. Soleil found herself in a world unlike anything she had ever seen. The sky was black, and the trees were twisted and gnarled, their branches reaching out like claws. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decay. And in the distance, she Could see a figure standing motionless, watching her. She took a step forward, her heart pounding in her chest. My name is Tarn, and I am the crown prince of this realm, he said, his voice deep and resonant. Welcome to the world of shadows and darkness, where light is scarce and secrets abound. Soleil felt a chill run down her spine at his words. Why did you call me here? she asked, her voice trembling. Because you have something that I desire, Tarn replied, his gaze never leaving her. You have a spark of light within you, a spark that I crave, Tarn continued. It is a power that I have never encountered before, and I am drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Will you give it to me? Soleil hesitated, unsure of what to say. The thought of giving this man something she didn't even understand was frightening, but she couldn't deny the strange attraction she felt towards him. I...I don't know what you're talking about, Soleil stammered, her heart racing. She had never felt so afraid, and yet, there was something about Tarn that drew her in. You will, in time, Tarn replied, his voice soft but insistent. But for now, rest and recover from your journey. We will speak again soon. With that, he turned and disappeared into the shadows. Soleil stood there, trembling, unsure of what to do. But even as the thought crossed her mind, Soleil found herself rooted to the spot. It was as if a spell had been cast over her, and she could not move. She stood there, trembling, until finally, her legs gave way and she sank to the ground. Her last thought before sleep overtook her was of Tarn's burning red eyes, and the strange power that he seemed to hold over her.

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