
Beast familly in the multivers.

A man is given a second chance in life; how will he live in worlds that he only sows in books and movies in his previous life?

jacke_m1 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


so to not mess up:

'.....' thinking or inner voice

"..." talking

[.....] system


'Sonia can you show me the map please'. a map appeared, a kind of cool geographic layout.

in the center of 'AF'(I will shorten ANCIENT FOREST TO 'AF' form now ) a giant lake with a forest of many types of trees around it, only in the East-Sout part you will find a meadow with some cliffs linked to a mountain range surrounding all the forest in the distant except the west-Nort part where the forest keep going until touch a sand coast.

just from the map, it looks beautiful, as for the size of 'AF' it is around the size of Japan give or take

I start heading down the cliff and looking around, I can sense many life forms, some far from each other and quite strong, and others small and shattered around, also the mana here is very clean, with no malice or pollution.

it's kinda weird that humans who are said to be the masters of the planet end up taking it down with them, and that is very clear to people who can feel the mana, if compared breathing here with outside, like comparing a jungle with an industrial city.

Now while walking I feel a life form close by but it's kind of close to despairing.

I head there and color me surprised, I found a young injured lion, but his color is pure black. it's a good thing I made it in time, I came close then used my 'nature breath' on him and blow a misty breath to cover him up.

after a while, the mist despairs to leave behind a black lion 7 or 8-foot-tall When it opens its blue eye looks at me for a second before lowering its head 'Thanks for saving my life, and it's my honor to serve under you'

I look confused and asked 'Sonia what he means?'

[when you used 'nature breath you turn him into a shape-shifter, kind reborn but loyal to you. also, he got who you are and what you did to him ]

'I can do that? 'I ask in surprise as the old me wasn't a team man, so I didn't know much about how I affected the others with my skills and abilities.

Sonia sighed [exactly, that is what the test is for. to know your limits, and how to use your power, not as your body used to, but as you right now, the complete Leonard Rageheart, not the strong nameless lion shape-shifter].

I see. In a way, it's rehabilitation to get used to my memories and body, not on instinct as it used to but in full control.

I look back at the lion "I never saved you to follow me. if you want to be in my pride, I want you to do it on your own belief that is the right thing to do. for now, let's go out of here you can follow me for now and it's your decision in the future " I head back beside the lake with the lion in my tail after we got there I ask 'Sonia, can you open the build function?'

[ opening build function], an interface with 'buildings', 'vehicle', and 'others' options, so I clicked on the first one.

what appears is the choice of exerting design that can be altered or I can create a new one from scratches, Picking a loge house, then I chose a space near the cliff but a little close to the lake and *bang* I got insta-house, now that a system for you.

'what was that' I look back to find the lion freaking out, I laugh at that "That's a house, where humans live?"

after I said that he kind of looked offended 'With all respect sir, I know what the house is, I don't know how it appeared out of nowhere.'

I was surprised by his answer but I nodded "Oh, that's my ability inside, but I'm surprised that you have knowledge about humans, they exist here?"

he looks at me with eyes full of respect and pride "As expected of Master, a great ability. and humans don't exist here, my knowledge comes from the information that I got after you healed me, including how to live as a human and stuff like that".

I see, I sat down, and he came behind and sat allowing me to Lean on him "So, what is your name? I asked Will petting his neck.

'I don't have one, I was only a lion before so I never had a named' he answers while purring "I see, so tell me how much information you got, and how you end up injured"

he looks away 'Well, I got ambushed by vultures while eating and end up running away, and you found me in my last breath. those basters do that all the time"

he look pissed so I pet him a little to calm down he stop before continuing "When I woke up after you heal me I got 3 types of info, about you, about this dimension, and about how to live as a human, something about common sense?'

so he got the knowledge about how to survive as a human, and how to use his human form? now I don't have to teach him from scratch, I kinda forgot to see his Status 'Sonia, scan him will ya', [afermative]


NAME: /.

RACE: shapeshifter.

Age: 13 Y

BLOODLINE: Shadow Lion


TALENTS: hunter


+ Darkness element manipulation (unawakened): full control over the dark element.

+ Water element manipulation (unawakened): full control over water

+ Last stand: boost the attack and defense power in life-and-death situations by 5 times.

eye of truth: allow the holder to see the emotion of others.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- quit the strong abilities 'Why he doesn't have Instinct form?'

[he was a lion turned into a shifter only humans have it, and when you turn human they will take that form as a shifter].

'so when I turn someone I can't turn him into a lion?'

[no, you use the ability from your bloodline, not as a shifter, you open their link to 'INSTINCT FORM', not turning them. and no shifter can turn a human into one of his own except the moon children]

'I see' I nodded as from what I know the shifter is natural species so they give birth.

after ending my talk, I stand and look at the lion "So what do you say, want to join my pack?" he looks at me with excitement 'as I said before it will be my honor'

I smile at him "And I said before my pack is my family, not servants " I came closer to him and look into his eyes.

after he got his bearing, lowering his head 'If Master said so' I pet his head with a grin on my face, I can feel his emotion, and I feel like seeing a child get the best gift he asked for.

kind of exciting so I shifted to my lion form and said 'I am the white Lion, my name is Leonard Rageheart, and from now on your name will be Kali Rageheart, my first brother, welcome to the family!'

and from the excitement, I let a roar, which he did the same. now, since it's close to getting dark, we need to hunt something for food.

I headed to the forest saying 'Kali, let's go hunt something'

he answers while following me 'Of course master' I look back and said 'Drop the 'master' just call me Leo or brother.' then we head for our first pack hunt.