
Beast familly in the multivers.

A man is given a second chance in life; how will he live in worlds that he only sows in books and movies in his previous life?

jacke_m1 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


as I was talking with Kali, one of Loyed's subordinates 'Alan' ghosts behind us "Sir, the guests are here."

I look back and nodded then start to head to the avenue along with him while Kali heads back to change, I found Viola floating not far from the lakeshore and behind her 4 people in different colors and designs robs. along with dozens of what look like soldiers from the get-up they are in.

Viola comes closer and said "It's a pleasure to meet again, but let me reintroduce myself. My name is Viola and I am the leader of the 4 underwater clans." she stops and looks behind her as 3 out of the 4 people in robs come forward after closer inspection I found that they all have different lower parts.

Viola starts to introduce "from the left Sea horse clan head, and the strongest physical fighter Ion," the man with a muscular upper body and seahorse lower half nodded while inspecting me

"next to him is the blades clan head and the best swordsman in the whole sea, the 10 edges masters, Gazeff."

I look at him and he looks at me back with a smirk "Look that title won't be mine anymore?" I smirk back and said "Oh! Who knows, want to try?" he laugh and shook his head putting his hand in front of me for a shake "If it is a combat, I don't mind as it will be my honor, but a real fight? no, I don't have a death wish" I laugh and shake his hand.

we laugh not minding the surprised looks of other people, as I, like him, love sword fights, and especially a strong opponent in the same field will make my day.

and he is probably the best I ever saw even with my long life.

Viola coughed to attack my attention "The lady next to him is Elisabeth, the best deva of our people and my mother" she said with pride to he mother's amusement.

Elisabeth chuckled and look At Leo before nodding "Nice to meet you, Lord Leonard, the name is Elisabeth the mother of current leader Viola, and the previous leader of the deep clan" She bow after that but I put a hand on her shoulder "please stop the formality, although we meet the first time, you will become a family so just call me Leo."

I said and look at Viola with a smile, she starts to blush, but got her bearing faster than anyone could notice"

Elisabeth look at me and then at her daughter's reaction, she sighed and look at me with a smile "I honestly was quite nervous when I hear my daughter fated one is actually from the dry land, and he's under someone strong as you"

she looked sad for a moment as if remembering something, before looking at her daughter with a smile "But I guess that wasn't necessary"

I was confused for a moment but brushed it off for later and looked at the last person Viola didn't introduce yet.

she looks at the person in question who kept standing behind without moving "And finally, the wise one, and the oldest person of my people and the most respected in our clans." she ends her world with a puzzled look at the said person, probably acting out of character.

I look at the person and I can tell she is female, but I can't see her face as it is hidden by a hood, she nodded and comes closer "It a pleaser to meet you" I nodded "The pleaser is mine" she gives the calm and wise lady that don't talk much so I let her be.

looking back at Viola "Do you guys need to stay in the water or is it ok to get dry?" Viola nodded "We can, but we will have to use some gear." I look back and found some soldiers bringing something that made my eyes shine.

a mechanical wheelchair! and from the look of it they are using mana as a source of energy, this alone made the whole thing more interesting.

I thought they are just a little advanced thanks to the spears and harpoons they use before but, I guess I underestimate 'AF' more than I thought.

Viola and the other leaders sat on them and come to the shore, but that's not all, some of the soldiers dived back down and resurface riding something like an open van with a lot of boxes in the back part.

Viola nodded and said, "thous are some of our products and some gifts, for ower first meeting..." She was about to continue but got cut off by her playful words of her mother "including her accepting gift"

Viola becomes a tomato while glaring at her mother "MAAAAM" This causes everyone here to start to laugh.

I look at them "Let's talk about that later let's have a seat before starting to talk." I led them to a large round table not far away, in the middle of a circle of trees.

all of us sat down. On my left Loyed, my right seat was empty for now as it was Kali's place, Viola sat right in front of me with her mother on the right and a wise man on the left.

as the people of my village put drinks and food in front of everyone, we start to talk about our and their lives hood, I start it honestly just to know what to ask and not later, but it was quite a good conversation and got many interest information about there races.

we keep the conversation going until we hear a commotion behind us I found Kali coming over here with the village people coagulating him, and some who didn't know until now even hug him. or rise him on their shoulders.

Although Kali was the first one to join me he was still considered one of the youngest in the village. and most of the old people, who either joined earlier or later will just love to spoil the youngsters of the village. Kali included of course.

the scene surprised our guests for a moment before they smile, as they know I am the leader and Kali is like the second in command of the village.

seeing him surrounded by smiles and care tells a lot about his behavior and relations in the village.